Auction Stamps and Covers of the World


Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Session one
10:00 AM | Lots 1 - 799
Session two
3:00 PM | Lots 800 - 1459


July 14-18, 2022
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM / 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Saturdays and Sundays closed

Lots can be collected starting from July 21

Lot 2

ALBANIA. Mi. P 9. 1914. DURRES a VALONA. 2 Q., tasada a llegada con sello 2 gr. s. 50 Q.

Lot 3

ALBANIA. Mi. P 8 (2). 1914. TRIEST (Austria) a DURAZZO. 1 heller, tasada a la llegada con sellos de 1 gr. s. 25 Q. (2).

Lot 4

ALBANIA. 1916. Postal stationary card 5 g. green written from Dana and cancelled K.U.K. 47 COMMANDO with K.U.K. FELDPOSTAMT 336 double ring addressed to Austria. Scarce.

Lot 5

ALBANIA. 1925 (30-V). TIRANA a VALONA. PRIMER VUELO, marca en el frente y llegada al dorso. (Mu. nº 3).

Lot 6

ARGENTINA. (1804 CA.). Carta completa con parte del texto circulada probablemente desde BILBAO a BUENOS AIRES. Marca de salida en rojo ilegible y ESPAÑA lineal de tipo inédito estampada a la llegada. RARÍSIMA.

Lot 9

ARGENTINA. 1857. BUENOS AIRES a MATARÓ (España). Carta completa con texto, en el interior manuscrito "Vapor de Génova". Fechador BUENOS-AYRES / * en azul de la Agencia Consular del Reino de Cerdeña para ser embarcada en los buques Sardos que hacían la ruta vía Lisboa y llegada a Génova. La carta va con el franqueo sardo pagado en origen, marca P.P. en el anverso y fue desembarcada en Lisboa donde siguió por vía terrestre hasta Mataró. Tasa portuguesa de 120 reis y Española de 4 reales. Cortes verticales de desinfección. Pieza EXCEPCIONAL del Correo Sardo, solo se conocen tres piezas con la marca P.P. de Portes Pagados y esta es la única que conocemos dirigida a un país que no sea Italia.

Lot 10

ARGENTINA. Sc. 1. 1859 (Jan 2). Entire letter from CHANAR to CORDOBA franked by October 1858 5c. blue (Kneitschel 1) tied by manuscript PEN CROSS in black ink. An EXCEPTIONALLY RARE entire, one of just two known examples with the 5c. adhesive used outside the province. Cert. MOORHOUSE.

Lot 11

ARGENTINA. (1860 CA.). CONCORDIA a PARANA. Marcas ovaladas CONCORDIA y FRANCA indicando el pago en metálico en origen, probablemente por falta de sellos.

Lot 12

ARGENTINA. 1863. BUENOS AIRES a FRANCIA. Circulada con sello de 1 peso azul "Cabecitas". Mat. óvalo de puntos y fechador octogonal marítimo francés BUENOS AYRES / * (Salles 1058). Embarcada en el "Saintonge" hasta Río de Janeiro y en "Guienne" hasta Bordeaux. RARA.

Lot 15

ARGENTINA. Sc. 12, 13 (2). 1868. SAN LUIS a MENDOZA. Envuelta de carta certificada (falta parte del ángulo superior derecho). Franqueada con sello de 10 cts. verde y pareja del 15 cts. azul, mat. circular ADMON. DE CORREOS/SAN LUIS y marca CERTIFICADO en las esquinas en color azul, ´recibí´ manuscrito del destinatario en el anverso. MAGNÍFICA y MUY RARA.

Lot 16

ARGENTINA. 1870. BUENOS AIRES a BRISTOL (Gran Bretaña). Sobre circulado con sellos británicos de 3 d. rosa (margen izquierdo cortado a tijera) y 9 d. bistre, mat. de la B.P.O. B-32 al dorso fechador de Buenos Aires y llegada al dorso. Pequeña rotura en el sobre y falta una pequeña parte de la solapa del dorso. Muy raro el sello de 9 d. bistre en carta (SG. Z6, Z20). Ex. GLASCO.

Lot 17

ARGENTINA. 1870. BUENOS AIRES a GÉNOVA. Circulada con sellos británicos de 4d. naranja y 1sh. verde. Mat. de la B.P.O. B32. Al dorso fechador de la Agencia Británica BUENOS-AYRES y llegada.

Lot 18

ARGENTINA. 1874. BUENOS AIRES to NAPLES. 5 cts. orange, tied by "B" in lozenge, circulated on a merchant ship. Redirected in London with 4 d. orange and 1 sh. green stamps tied by oval "10" cancellation from the "Foreign Branch". OUTSTANDING franking. BUENOS AIRES a NÁPOLES. 5 cts. naranja, mat. "B" en un rombo, circulada en buque mercante y redirigida en Londres con sellos de 4 d. naranja y 1 sh. verde, mat. ovalado con cifra "10" del "Foreign Branch". MAGNÍFICA.

Lot 21

ARGENTINA. Sc. 25. 1880. BUENOS AIRES a LONDRES. 60 ctvos. negro. Muy raro sello en carta.

Lot 23

ARGENTINA. 1891. BUENOS AIRES a NEW ORLEANS. Entero Postal de 2 ctvos. castaño con franqueo adicional de 2 ctvos. lila (2). Tasada a la llegada con sello de 2 ctvos. rojo USA. PRECIOSA.

Lot 24

ARGENTINA. 1899-1900. Dos sobres circulados a ALEMANIA. Preciosos franqueos.

Lot 25

ARGENTINA. 1902. BUENOS AIRES a ZURICH (Suiza). Entero Postal de 5 cts. rojo con franqueo adicional de 1/2 ctvo. (2), 1 ctvo., 2 ctvos. y 3 ctvos. (2) tasado a la llegada con sellos suizos de 10 cts. y 50 cts. Rara combinación de franqueo.

Lot 26

AUSTRIA. Mi. 3Ya, 4Ya. 1857 (Sept. 16). Entire letter to CHÊNE (near Geneva Switzerland) franked by 1850-54 Machine paper 3kr. red and 6kr. brown (2) all with four margins, tied by GRAZ cds´s in black. Reverse with Basel transit and Chêne arrival cds (22/9). A fine and very rare entire. Signed Ferchenbauer.

Lot 27

AUSTRIA. Ed. . 1859. Cover to PRAGUE franked by 1858-59 Type II 2 kr. yellow and Type I 3 kr. black tied by bold LOBOSITZ cds in black. An unusual franking and scarce cover. Sc 6, 7a.

Lot 28

AUSTRIA. Ed. . (1864 CA.). Printed Notice to BLUDENZ franked by 1864 perf 9 1/2 2 kr. yellow tied by superb strike of BREGENZ cds in black. Scarce rate. Sc 22.

Lot 29

AUSTRIA. Sc. 23, 26. 1866 (Oct. 20). Cover from TRIEST to TURIN franked by 1863-64 3kr. green pair and single 15kr. brown, perf. 9½, tied by oval TRIEST datestamps in black. Reverse with Milan and Turin cds's (23/10). A scarce franking.

Lot 30

AUSTRIA. Mi. 31 (2), 33. 1867. TRIEST to GALLIPOLI (Italy). 10 kr. blue and pair of 3 kr. green. FINE.

Lot 31

AUSTRIA. 1871. Cover from TRIESTE to SYROS, Greece franked by 1867 5 kr. red and 10 kr. blue tied by oval TRIESTE datestamp of despatch in black (June 3), insufficiently prepaid 5 Kreuzer, taxed on arrival in Syros with 1868, 5 l. green on blue and 40 l. lilac on blue tied by SYROS cds (May 26, Julian) in black. Erroneously taxed at 45 lepta as prepaid 15 kr. = 45 lepta, thus the amount due was only 25 lepta.

Lot 33

AUSTRIA. 1876 [June 2]. Cover to Hayda with scarce franking of 1876 strip of three 2kr yellow all tied by TETSCHEN cds´s. Extremely scarce and fine cover, 1kr overpaid. Scott 34.

Lot 35

AUSTRIA. 1879 (June 30). 2kr. brown stationery card used from TRIESTE to RAVENNA; underpaid and struck with T mark in black. Manuscript "15 cmi." and duly charged with Italian Postage Due 1870 5c. and 10c. on arrival (July 1).

Lot 36

AUSTRIA. 1880. 2 kr. brown on buff stationery card used to BERN franked additionally with 1874-80 3 kr. green tied on arrival with BERN cds in black. Extremely unusual card and very pretty item. Sc 35.

Lot 37

**/* AUSTRIA. Mi. 46 (4). 1883. 5 kr. red, perf. 10 1/2. Block of four, three stamps never hinged. (Netto +1.330€).

Lot 38

AUSTRIA. 1883-85. Cover and postal stationary to SWITZERLAND taxed on arrival with 10 + 5 cts. and 50 cts. stamps.

Lot 41

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1841. Entire letter to SYRA (Greece) struck with fine impression of oval framed AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / COSTANTINOPOLI in black. Disinfected against cholera with slits on face panel. Greek oval Maritime cachet on front and charged 1`0 lepta due in manuscript. Syra arrival datestamp (Feb 26) on reverse of a fine and SCARCE entire.

Lot 42

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1858. Cover from Constantinople via Trieste to France sent stampless from Austrian PO, struck with triangular ´F/25´ Accountancy handstamp in black. Lyon arrival (March 10) on reverse of scarce cover.

Lot 43

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. Mi. 3, 5. (1870 ca.). Austrian Levant 5s. red and 15s. brown in a hotizontal strip of five, one or two perfs. detached and 5s. with contemporary tear, all tied by fine strikes of BERUTTI datestamps of the Austrian P.O. (17/2) in black to attractive 80 soldi double weight cover to NEW YORK (USA). Framed FRANCO in red on front and mss. 50 alongside in crayon, circular NEW YORK PAID ALL datestamp in red (March 19). A RARE and mos appealing cover.

Lot 44

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1873 (Jan 16). Cover carried at 23 soldi rate from BEIRUT to FLORENCE, three colour 1867 issue franking of 3 s. green, 5 s. rose and 15 s. brown all tied by BERUTTI cds´s. Reverse with BAIRUT CONSOL D´ITALIA handstamp (similar to a Consegna marking) and LLOYD AGENZIE-SMIME cds in black opened for better display. Scott 2,3,5.

Lot 45

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1873. Cover from RETTIMO, CRETE to PIRAEUS franked by Austrian Levant 1867 5 s. red in a horizontal pair, slight aging on perfs. at left, tied by RETTIMO datestamp in blue (March 17) on despatch (Tchilinghirian fig. 549), taxed on arrival for internal delivery with manuscript ´20´ in blue crayon and franked by 1871 20 l. blue tied by dotted ´2´ numeral handstamp with reverse showing PIRAEUS cds (March 8, Julian). A fine and rare cover and a most attractive usage. Illustrated in ´Les Tarifs Helléniques´ on page 48. Ex Collection Dr. Jerger. Signed Colla. Cert. FERCHENBAUER (2004).

Lot 46

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1874. CANDIA to SYRA. 10 soldi blue, taxed on arrival with Greek 20 l. blue stamp (one short margin).

Lot 51

BELGICA. 1858. BRUXELLES to LIEGE. Entire letter franked with 20 cts. blue stamp. Margin cut diagonally. Unusual.

Lot 52

BELGICA. 1866. LIEGE to NAPOLI (Italy). Folded letter franked with strip of four, tied by 217 grill cancel. Arrival cds. on reverse.

Lot 55

BELGICA. 1866-68. Seven covers to ITALY with 40 cts. (3), 20+20 cts. and 10+30 cts. (3) frankings.

Lot 57

BELGICA. Yv. 18, 20. 1867. ANVERS a MADRID (España). 20 cts. azul y 40 cts. rosa. Al dorso llegada. RARA destinación.

Lot 61

BELGICA. 1870. LIEGE to BRUXELLES. Entire letter franked with two 10 cts. green and 20 cts. blue stamps. RECOMMANDE mark. Arrival cds. on reverse.

Lot 63

BELGICA. 1872-80. THREE registered covers with 30 cts., 10+10+10 cts. and 5+10+10+10 cts. frankings.

Lot 64

BELGICA. 1873. ANVERS to NORWAY. Entire letter franked with 10 cts. green and 40 cts. rose stamps. Light vertical filling fold.

Lot 65

BELGICA. 1874. VERVIERS to FRANCE. Envelope franked with 20 cts. and two 30 cts. ocre stamps. RECOMMANDE mark. Arrival cds. on reverse.

Lot 67

BELGICA. 1875. ARLO to FRANCE. Envelope franked with 10 cts. green and 1 Fr. lilac stamps. RECOMMANDE mark. Arrival cds. on reverse. RARE franking.

Lot 68

BELGICA. (1875?). BRUXELLES to LOUISIANE (U.S.A.). Envelope (part of back missing) franked with 30 cts. ocre and 40 cts. rose stamps. RECOMMANDE mark. RARE franking.

Lot 69

BELGICA. 1877. LIEGE to FRANCE. Envelope franked with 20 cts. blue and two 25 cts. olive stamps. RECOMMANDE mark. Arrival cds. on reverse.

Lot 71

BELGICA. 1891-97. THREE covers to CYPRUS with diverse frankings.

Lot 73

BELGICA. 1897-1905. FOURTEEN registered covers to HOLLAND. Diverse frankings.

Lot 74

CONGO BELGA. Sc. 6. 1892 (Oct 3). 10c. black postal stationery card used to BICKEL in San Marino, up-rated with 1889 5c. green tied by BOMA cds in blue. Naples transit cds on front and reverse with Boma cds and Lisbon transit. A very rare destination.

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