Auction Stamps and Covers of the World
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Session one
10:00 AM | Lots 1 - 799
Session two
3:00 PM | Lots 800 - 1459
July 14-18, 2022
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM / 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Saturdays and Sundays closed
Lots can be collected starting from July 21
Lot 769
* SELANGOR. Sg. 54/59, 61. 1895-99. SEVEN stamps. Fine. Stanley Gibbons 327£.
Lot 770
✉ SEYCHELLES. 1901. SEYCHELLES to LONDON. Oustanding franking, arrival on reverse.
Lot 771
✉ SEYCHELLES. Sg. 46/56, 57. 1903. SEYCHELLES to PALERMO (Italy). 12 cts. blue postal stationary envelope uprated by 14 stamps. Oustanding and rare franking.
Lot 774
✉ SINGAPUR. 1872 (Nov. 1). SINGAPUR to FRANCE. Cover franked by France 25 cts. blue (4) tied by ANCHOR lozenge of dots. Carried on the French Paquebot "Meikong" with LIGNE M/PAQ. FR. Nº 1 circular datestamp in black (Salles 1922). Salles records just 2 covers from this unique trip from this line.
Lot 778
* AFRICA DEL SUR. 1863-64. 1 d. deep carmine, 4 d. blue and 6 d. bright violet. Fine appearance. 4 d. and 6 d. light toned gum. 975£.
Lot 779
✉ ORANGE. 1892. HARRISMITH to TEXAS (U.S.A.). Registered cover, nice franking. Arrival on reverse.
Lot 780
✉ AFRICA DEL SUR. 1895. BRITISH INLAND MAIL. Cover carried on the "Donald Currie" Line of Steamers from Vatomandry, Madagascar durign the French Fleet's blockade of Tamatave. Combination cover from Antananarivo to Doncaster, franked by British Inland Mail March 1895, 4 d. rose, perf. 12, tied by BRITISH/MAIL/ANTANANARIVO thimble cds in violet (Sept. 9), with Natal 1891 2 1/2 d. bright blue applied for onward transmission and tied by DURBAN cds (Oct. 25) in black. Reverse with Doncaster (Nov 10) arrival cds in black The cover with corner tear at upper left and partial back flap lost but very rare: the service was only in use from January to 30 September 1895.
Lot 783
✉ AFRICA DEL SUR. 1902. PRETORIA to VIENA (Austria). 1/2 d. (8) and 1 d. (5) registered cover. Oustanding franking.
Lot 790
✉ TRINIDAD. 1873 (Aug 26). Cover endorsed ´Via Panama´ addressed to ´Admiral Cochrane, Commander in Chief, Pacific Station´ ( located in Valparaiso) franked by (1d.) carmine and 4d. grey cancelled by Trinidad cds in black. Cover then docketed (at Panama ?) and noted as for ´Ship Repulse´. Reverse with St. Thomas transit cds (Sept 2) and manuscript ´4´ (pence) of split rate. A very rare and appealing cover. Ex collection Sir John Marriott.
Lot 791
✉ TRINIDAD. Sc. Gi 76. 1881 (April 6). Cover to PARIS franked by 1876 4 d. bluish grey tied by TRINIDAD cds, with octagonal cachet d'escale TRINITE/PAQ. FR. C Nº1 in black (Salles 1532a). Transhipped at Fort de France to the LAFAYETTE with reverse showing octagonal LIGNE A/PAQ. FR. Nº1 (Salles 1403/1) in black: both strikes are very fine. Manuscript on reverse "Vente Gilbert 1935". Rare and fine cover.
Lot 792
✉ UGANDA. Sg. 55, 57. 1898. KAMPALA to ENGLAND. 5 an. ocher used in combination with 1 anna (thick "1") (second printing) and 3 annas black (first printing). Monbassa transit and arrival LEED backstamps.
Lot 793
* ZANZIBAR. Sg. 210/24. 1904. COMPLETE set. Fine. Stanley Gibbons 275£.
Lot 794
✉ ZANZIBAR. Sg. D8, D21. 1930. Underpaid cover from ENTEBBE franked by Kenya & Uganda 1922 1c. brown pair struck with hexagonal ´T´ marking in black, taxed on arrival in Zanzibar with 1930/33 Postage Due rouletted 6c. black on yellow and huge margined 1926/30 15c. black on orange tied by ZANZIBAR cds´s (Nov 17).
Lot 795
✉ ZANZIBAR. Sg. D21. 1933. Underpaid cover from INDIA franked on reverse with 2a. purple tied by BOMBAY FOREIGN cds (Jan 13), front with large ´T.10 Cents´ handstamp in black and taxed on arrival with 1930/33 Postage Due 6c. black on yellow tied by REG. / ZANZIBAR cds (Feb 7) in black. Scarce.
Lot 798
✉ GRECIA. 1872. Outer letter sheet to MARSEILLE (France) franked at 70 lepta rate with 1872 10l. orange, 20l. deep blue and 40l. rosy mauve on blued tied by SYRA despatch cds's. Marseille entry marking in red (Nov 11). An attractive and fine three colour franking. Scott 40,41,42.
Lot 800
✉ GUATEMALA. 1855 (May 15). Entire letter written from SAN JOSE (Guatemala, Port of the Pacific Coast) sent unpaid to HOYER in the Duchy of Schleswig, with reverse showing manuscript ´Forwarded Belize, Honduras, 16 June 1855 by your obdient servants N. Wesselhoeft´ and mailed from there via British Post Office with BELIZE double arc cds in black. LONDON transit cds (July 23) in red and Danish P.O in Hamburg transit (July 27) in black. Plethora of rates in manuscript ´10´ (pence) in ink (6 d. to GB + 4 d. to Denmark) = 8 1/2 sgr. + German share of 3 1/2 sgr. = 12 sgr. marked in blue ink. Rounded up to 16 shillinge = 52 skilling + 9 skilling Danish share =61 skilling due to pay (red crayon). A marvellous and extremely rare entire. Probably the earliest cover known from Guatemala to Schleswig-Holstein.
Lot 801
✉ GUATEMALA. Sc. 4b. 1874 (Nov. 26). Cover from GUATEMALA CITY to LONDON, franked by 1871 20 c. blue ERROR OF COLOUR tied by "1" numeral obliterator in black with oval datestamp of despatch alongside (Nov 26). Struck at British P.O. with PANAMA / TRANSIT datestamp and London Foreign Branch arrival (Jan 13, 1874). Charged due on arrival with handstruck '1/6d.' due marking. Part of the address restored but a unique and extraordinary cover. Signed Herbert Bloch. Ex collections N. Hubbard, F-W Lange. Cert. PF. (2001).
Lot 802
✉ GUATEMALA. 1880. QUEZALTENANGO a PARÍS. FRONTAL de FAJA DE PRENSA con franqueo de 1/4 de real. Mat. numeral "6" y fechador de Quezaltenango y tasada con 20 cts. RARÍSIMO franqueo de impresos al exterior.
Lot 809
✉ ITALIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: LOMBARDO-VENECIA. Sa. 11. 1855. MILANO a BOLOGNA. 45 cts. azul, tipo II reexpedida a Milano con sello de Estados Pontificios de 8 baj negro s. blanco (Sa. 9). Raro franqueo combinado. Cert. G. COLLA.
Lot 811
✉ ITALIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: MODENA. Sa. 2, 2b, 10 (4). 1852. REGGIO a PARÍS. 10 cent. negro s. rosa, un sello SIN PUNTO y 40 cts. negro s. azul (4) mat. BARRAS PARALELAS y marca DOPO LA PARTENZA. Fechador de entrada en Francia SARD/PT. DE BEAUTOISIN. Pequeño defecto en el margen superior de un sello de 10 cents. (no consta en el certificado). Excelente aspecto, raro franqueo. Cert. E. DIENA.
Lot 812
✉ ITALIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: DOS SICILIAS - NAPOLES. Sa. 4 + F 12. 1860. NÁPOLES a ALEXANDRIA (Egipto). 1 gr. rosa carmín (II plancha) y 20 gr. carmín FALSO DE ÉPOCA (Sa. F 12) marca circular SERVIZIO VAPORE FRANCESE DEL MEDITERRANEO/POSTA DI NAPOLI, al dorso fechador de llegada de la Agencia Francesa ALEXANDRIE/EGYPTE. Pliegue vertical que afecta al sello de 20 gr. Rarísima destinación. Cert. G. COLLA.
Lot 813
✉ ITALIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: DOS SICILIAS - NAPOLES. Sa. 7 (4). 1858. FRONTAL. ROTENZA a NAPOLI. 2 gr. rosa pl. III tira de cuatro. Marca ASSICURATA. Manchas del tiempo Cert. RAYBAUDI.
Lot 814
**/* ITALIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: ESTADOS PONTIFICIOS. Sa. 4Ad (25). 1852. 3 baj. amarillo gris. Bloque de 25 sellos. MAGNÍFICO.
Lot 816
* ITALIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: ESTADOS PONTIFICIOS. Sa. 7. 1852. 6 baj. gris verdoso. Grandes márgenes. MAGNÍFICO EJEMPLAR. Cert. G. COLLA. Sassone 2.500€.