Auction Stamps and Covers of the World I Sesión


Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Session one
2:30 PM | Lots 1 - 1227

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Session two
3:00 PM | Lots 1501 - 1767


February 1-5, 2024
9:30 AM – 1:30 PM / 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Saturdays and Sundays closed

Lots can be collected starting from February 9

Lot 372

INDIA FRANCESA. 1860 (April 21). Cover from PONDICHERY to BORDEAUX struck with circular BUREAU DE PONDICHERY in red, framed PD alongside and red Suez Ambulant cds at right (May 26). Bordeaux arrival cds (May 27) in black on reverse.

Lot 373

INDIA FRANCESA. 1860. Cover from PONDICHERY to BORDEAUX endorsed ´p. steamer´, franked by France 1852 40c. orange (3) paying the double rate. At that time the Pondichery office had not yet received the cancellations to obliterate the stamps and the French stamps were cancelled on the ship with DOTTED LOZENGE anchor in the center in blue. Circular BUREAU DE PONDICHERY/* despatch in black (May 7). EXTREMELY RARE. Cert. P. SCHELLER.

Lot 374

INDIA FRANCESA. Sc. 20. 1873 (July 12). Double rate cover to LOURDES franked by 30 c. strip of four, margins just touched to very fine, tied by Anchor lozenge with Provenance cachet ETAB. FR. INDE / PAQ. FR. O No 1 in black (Salles 1962a) carried on Paquebot Meinam to Galle, transferred to Mei-Kong of Ligne N with MARSEILLE entry cds on reverse (Aug 9). Despite imperfections, an attractive cover.

Lot 375

INDOCHINA FRANCESA. 1886. SAIGÓN a FRANCIA. Sobre con Franquicia al dorso circulado con tres sellos de 15 cts. azul, matasellados a la llegada MARSEILLE/SPECIAL MOBILE y fechador octogonal al lado CORR. D. ARMEES/*SAIGON*.

Lot 377

INDOCHINA. Yv. 90. 1920. Envelope (vertical fold) written from Bach-Mai Village addressed to ALGERIA, North Africa bearon Tchong-King 12 c. on 30 c. brown tied by ´Bach-Mai´ m/s with adjacent POSTE RURALE/ZONE de Hanoi/Hoang-Mai and Hanoi/Tonkin transit on reverse. Nice item of Rural Post mail.

Lot 378


Lot 379

LEVANTE: CORREO FRANCES. Ce. 15. 1854 (June 10). Cover from CONSTANTINOPLE to MARSEILLE franked by large margined 1853 25c. blue in a horizontal strip of four tied by ´3707´ petit chiffres with French P.O. in Constantinople cds at right. Delightful multiple and franking and believed to be unique.

Lot 380

LEVANTE: CORREO FRANCES. 1855 (June 9). CRIMEAN WAR. Ladies´s embossed envelope with complete original contents sent to FRANCE from VARNOUTKA and franked by 1853 20c. blue tied by dotted ´AOQG´ lozenge of dots, with ´Armée D´Orient/Quart. Gal´ cds at right. Fine contents and a scarce and appealing entire.

Lot 382

LEVANTE: CORREO FRANCES. Yv. 22, 23 (2). 1865 (26 Agosto). ZILÉ (Zileh, al sur de Samsoun, Turquía) a CONSTANTINOPLA circulado con sellos franceses de 20 cts. azul y 40 cts. naranja (2), mat. ANCLA y fechador de paquebot BOSPHORE/* corregido a manol ´MERSEY´. Extraordinariamente raro y no reseñado en Salles.

Lot 383

LEVANTE: CORREO FRANCES. 1867. Outer letter sheet to SWITZERLNAD franked by France perf Napoleon 20 c. and 40 c. tied by ALEXANDRIA gros chiffres 5080 and boxed PD (unusual) with Alexandrie/Egypte cds alongside. Transits and arrival cds´s on reverse of attractive cover.

Lot 385

LEVANTE: CORREO FRANCES. 1869. Cover to MARSEILLE franked by 1868 perf Empire 80 c. carmine rose tied by Anchor lozenge with, alongside, octagonal MERSINA-PAQ FR.X Nº5 in black, Salles 909, red PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE and arrival on reverse. Scarce and pretty cover. Sc 36.

Lot 386

LEVANTE: CORREO FRANCES. 1870 (13 Apr.). Envelope from CONSTANTINOPLE to NAPLES, bearing 1867 80 c. carmine tied by partial 5083 gros chiffres, underpaid and charged on arrival with Italy 1870 1 lire Postage Due tied by NAPLES cds (19.4), showing framed red AFFRANCHISEMENT/INSUFFISANT in red and, on reverse, MESSINA transits. Small faults but unusual. Ceres 32.

Lot 390

LEVANTE: CORREO FRANCES. 1874. CONSTANTINOPLE a CARCASSONE. 5 cts. verde, 25 cts. azul (3). Mat. GP 5098 y fechador SMYRNE/TURQUIA y BM (Salles 939). Muy raro franqueo.

Lot 391

LEVANTE: CORREO FRANCES. 1876. Cover from CONSTANTINOPLE, franked with pair 10c Ceres and sent to FRANCE aboard the Ligne du Levant paquebot Donnai. Stamps canceled on arrival by MARSEILLE cds, and front shows red framed PAQUEBOTS/DE LA/MEDITERRANEE. Reverse bears MARSEILLES transit and LYON arrival. A very fine and unusual cover, as the 20c rate is unrecorded.

Lot 394

LEVANTE: CORREO FRANCES. 1877-83. 5 covers with french stamps used in SALONICA.

Lot 396

MADAGASCAR. Ce. 37. 1903 (March 2). Registered cover struck with straight line SOALALA in blue of despatch at left (extremely rare), mailed to PARIS franked by 1896 marginal 40c. orange on yellowish tied by MAJUNGA cds in blue, with registration ´R´ in blue. Reverse with Commissioner´s cachet, Majunga cds and Paris (28/3) arrival cds. A fine and rare cover.

Lot 397

MADAGASCAR. Ce. 34. 1904 (Feb 29). Registered cover to PARIS franked by 1896-99 20c. brick red on greenish pair tied by bold strike of MORONDAVA-MADAGASCAR cds in blue with framed ´R´ alongside. Majunga transit (March 2) and Paris arrival cds on reverse of a charming cover.

Lot 400

MADAGASCAR. Lot of 19 covers.

Lot 401

MARTINICA. 1725. MARTINIQUE a BORDEAUX. Encaminada hasta LA ROCHELLE manuscrito al dorso ´Par le navire Les Trois Socurs de Bordea, Capue. Mege. Q.D.C.´, marca DE.LA ROCHELLE en negro. RARA.

Lot 402

MARTINICA. 1781-1915. Lot of 19 covers.

Lot 403

MARTINICA. 1864 (March 29). Cover to Marseille bearing superb strike of ST PIERRE-MARTINIQUE cds of despatch in black, very scarce TAMPICO French cds on reverse [Salles 1313] and Marseille [April 19] arrival cds alongside. Scarce cover, displays well.

Lot 404

MARTINICA. 1869 (9 Abril). Sobre matasellado en la escala de PORT DE FRANCE. Circulada a FRANCIA con sello de 20 cts. azul (tarifa militar), mat. ancla y fechador COR. D. ARMEES/LIG. A PAQ. Nº 3 circulada a través del Paquebot ´Florida´. MAGNÍFICA.

Lot 405

MARTINICA. 1873 (July 11). Entire letter to France at double rate bearing 1871-72 40c. orange on yellowish (2) and 1872-77 5c. green on blue green (two pairs) for 1 franc rate; all tied by MQE lozenge with St. Pierre cds below. Blue St. Nazaire entry mark on front (July 29) and adhesives further cancelled on arrival to prevent re-use. A fine entire. Scott 14,19.

Lot 406

MARTINICA. 1875. BRITISH POST OFFICE. Envelope to New Orleans, United States bearing French General Colonies 25 cents blue (imperf pair) (Yvert 23) tied by MQE in dotted lozange with adjacent FORT DE FRANCE datestamp and boxed PD, charged ´4´ in manuscript and routed via the British Post Office with MARTINIQUE circular on reverse with NEW YORK/DUE 5 CTS applied on arrival in the U.S. Very fine item.

Lot 408

MARTINICA. 1879. Envelope to FRANCE bearing French General Colonies Ceres 30 cents brown (Yvert 9) mixed with Type Sage 40 cents orange (Yvert 27) tied by MARTINIQUE ST. PIERRE double ring with octagonal French paquebot COL FR. PAG. FR. A. Nº 2 datestamp in red, sent by French steamer with Nantes arrival on reverse. Superb colourful mixed franking.

Lot 409

MARTINICA. 1881 (July 27). Cover to LE HAVRE bearing General Issues 1878-80 Type Sage 10c. black on lilac and 15c. blue tied by double ring ST.PIERRE/MARTINIQUE cds in black and by CALAIS-PARIS TPO cds (Aug 17). Ceres 40,41.

Lot 410

MARTINICA. 1894 (March 21). Registered-AR cover to PARIS franked by 1892 10c. black on lilac and 25c. black on rose pair tied by FORT DE FRANCE / CHARGEMENTS datestamps in blue. Framed ´R´ in red and ´AR´ in blue alongside. Rare. Signed Pothion. Ceres 35+38.

Lot 411

MARTINICA. 1895 (May 30). Military Concession rate cover to PARIS franked by 1892 15c. blue tied by scarce MORNE-ROUGE / MARTINIQUE cds, repeated strike alongside at right and octagonal COR. D´ARMÉES / SAINT PIERRE undated cachet at right. Reverse with Commander´s cachet and signature alongside Saint Pierre and Paris cds´s. A fine and scarce cover. Ceres 36.

Lot 413

MARTINICA. 1770 (3 Octubre). FORT ROYAL a NANTES. Marca de entrada B/COLONNIES. Muy rara y más con esta excepcional estampación.

Lot 414

MARTINICA. 1864. Stampless envelope to France cancelled by ST PIERRE MARTINIQUE double ring sent on the steamer CARAIBE with octagonal French paquebot MARTINIQUE FLORIDE datestamp on reverse (Salles 1323), taxed ´6´ on arrival with MARSEILLE backstamp. Fine item.

Lot 415

MARTINICA. 1864. ST. PIERRE a FRANCIA. Fechador ST. PIERRE/MARTINIQUE y al dorso fechador del Paquebot FLORIDE/* (Salles 1311). MAGNIFICO Y RARO.

Lot 416

MARTINICA. 1871. ST. PIERRE a FRANCIA. Circulada con sellos de Colonias de 10 cts. bistre y 20 cts. azul (2), fechador octogonal maritimo COL. FR. /PAQ. FR. A Nº 3 en rojo (Salles 1422).

Lot 417

MARTINICA. 1874 (Sept 28). Double rate cover from ST. PIERRE to BORDEAUX bearing most unusual usage of French 1871-73 perforated issue 5c. green, 10c. bistre, 40c. vermilion and 80c. carmine all with perforations trimmed off to appear like French Colonial general issue; neatly tied by MQE lozenge of dots in black. St. Pierre cds at left and reverse with Bordeaux arrival (Oct 14) cds. A scarce and attractive usage.

Lot 419

MARTINICA. Ce. 17. 1876 (June). Cover to FRANCE franked by unusual usage of General Issues Ceres 1872-77 5c. green on greenish-single, two pairs and a strip of five, all tied by MQE dotted lozenge in black. Reverse with LIGNE A Paquebot datestamp (June 11). A remarcable cover.

Lot 420

MARTINICA. 1880 (March 5). Military cover to Vosges, France with blue octagonal cachet on reverse: ´Correspondance des Armees-Martinique´ franked by France 1878 15c blue tied by neat and repeated strikes of octagonal ´COR.D´ARM*LIG.D.PAQ.FR.No.3´ in black, Salles 1427. Arrival cds [March 24] on reverse of fine and scarce cover. Scott 92.

Lot 421

MARTINICA. 1889. S. PIERRE a FRANCIA. Circulada con sellos de Colonias de 5 cts. (2) y 15 cts. fechador octogonal marítimo CORR. D´ARMEES/PAQ. FR. (E) (Salles 1569). Rarísimo este fechador fué usado solamente durante el año 1889.

Lot 422

MARTINICA. 1895. Registered military mail envelope to France bearing 10 c black (Yvert 35) and 30 c brown (Yvert 39) tied by FORT DE FRANCE CHARGEMENTS double ring with handstruck boxed registered and military cachet, signed by the Commander with octagonal CORRES D´ARMEES FORT DE FRANCE and BREST arrival on reverse. Superb item of military mail.

Lot 423

MARTINICA. 1896. Registered envelope to EGYPT bearing 05 on 30 cents brown (Yvert 12, fault), 15 on 25 cents black (Yvert 30b) with error ´1882´ for ´1892´ mixed with Groupe Type 40 cents orange (Yvert 40) tied by ST. PIERRE MARTINIQUE double ring with boxed registered and boxed handstruck A.R. with Ismalia arrival on reverse. Very rare stamp on cover.

Lot 427

MONACO. 1740-1778. 3 covers with ´MONACO´ manuscript mark.

Lot 428

MONACO. 1777-1940. Lot of 9 covers with diverse frankings.

Lot 429

MONACO. (1870 CA.). Sobre sin fechar circulado en MÓNACO. Marca de Franquicia SERVICE/DE S.A.S./MGR. LE PRINCE DE MONACO en azul.

Lot 430

MONACO. 1876 (May 21). Folded entire letter to ´Le Capitaine du Port de Nice´ endorsed at top ´Service Sanitaire´ sent by the Lieutenant of the Port of Monaco, struck with fair ´Monaco-Principaute´ cds in black, reverse with blue Official cachet ´Principauté de Monaco - Marine´ and same day Nice arrival cds. A rare and interesting Official usage.

Lot 431

MONACO. 1911 (Jan 10). Unpaid postcard mailed from Hamburg with framed ´T´ marking and cds in black; taxed on arrival in Monte Carlo with 1905-09 Postage Due 10c. brown and 15c. violet brown on straw tied by Monte Carlo cds. The 10c. brown is a very rare stamp correctly used. Scott J4,J5.

Lot 434

NUEVA CALEDONIA. 1889 (20 June). Triple-rate cover registered to Pontorson bearing 25 c. black on rose (single and strip three, one stamp with rounded corner) all tied by Nouméa c.d.s. in black, red octagonal ´LIGNE T/PAQ.FR.NO 6´ on front; carried by paquebot ´Salazie´. A fine cover with full original contents.

Lot 435

NUEVA CALEDONIA. Ce. 49+44. 1893 (May 3). Cover to NOUMEA with mixed franking of General issues Dubois 5c. green strip of three with single New Caleonia 1892 10c. black on lilac all tied by NOUVELLE CALEDONIE-MOINDOU cds´s. Repeated strike at base and Noumea arrival cds (May 5) on reverse of a fine and rare cover.

Lot 436

NUEVA CALEDONIA. 1904 (Dec 20). 15c. blue & red on buff postal stationery letter-card, used example mailed from NOUMEA to REIMS (France). Underpaid and taxed with triangular ´T´ marking. French Paquebot Ligne T / Paq. Fr. No. 3 in black (Dec 22) and, on arrival taxed with Postage Due 5c. pale blue and 15c. black (Jan 31, 1905). Dues off edge of card but attractive and scarce.

Lot 437

NUEVA CALEDONIA. Lot of 11 covers.

Lot 439

NOSSI-BE. 1888. NOSSI-BE a KARACHI. Sello de Colonias de 25 cts. negro, mat. NOSSI-BE en azul y fechador LIGNE S/PAQ. FR Nº 3 (Salles 2305). MUY RARO.

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