Auction Stamps and Covers of the World I Sesión


Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Session one
2:30 PM | Lots 1 - 1227

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Session two
3:00 PM | Lots 1501 - 1767


February 1-5, 2024
9:30 AM – 1:30 PM / 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Saturdays and Sundays closed

Lots can be collected starting from February 9

Lot 481

ERITREA. 1870 (June 2). Delightful printed illustrated envelope (pictures of little Devils etc.) used from ´Wilhelm Wille of Hamburg´ to Bern, Switzerland with 1868 1sgr. rose and 1 sgr. rose postal stationery cut-out, tied by neat Hamburg cds´s. Rare and early advertising envelope. Scott 4.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 260 €

Lot 482

ERITREA. 1871 (Oct 4). Entire letter from Berlin to France franked by perforated 1869 ¼gr. Pale lilac, creased 1/3 gr. green and vertical pair of 2gr. blue all tied by blue Berlin cds´s. Lyon-Marseille TPO cds on reverse. Scott 13,14,17.

Lot 483

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: OLDENBURGO. 1852. 1/30 thaler black on blue, fine example on attractive outer letter sheet to BODTHORN tied by framed and dated NEUENBURG/1-3 handstamp in black, repeated fine strike at right. Scott 1.

Lot 484

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: OLDENBURGO. 1853 (Dec 28). Entire letter to CLOPPENBURG franked by 1852 1/30 thaler black on blue, fine with large margins all round, tied by straight line FRIESOYTHE straight line handstamp in blue and repeated strike alongside. Some contemporary docketing but a rare cover. Signed Calves. Scott 1.

Lot 485

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: PRUSIA. (1853 CA). Cover front and part back sent registered with extraordinary usage of Postal Stationery cut out showing 1852 octagonal 4sgr. red-brown tied by boxed & dated SCHONLANKE in black. Red framed ´Recomandirt´ above. A scarce item.

Lot 486

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: PRUSIA. (1860 CA.). Wonderful embossed Ladies´ envelope franked by horizontal pair of 1858-60 1sgr. rose red tied BERLIN-BRESLAU datestamp in black. A beautiful and very attractive usage. Scott 11.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 180 €

Lot 487

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: PRUSIA. 1865 (Jan 21st). Cover from Remscheid to Alicante, SPAIN bearing two rouletted 1861 3sgr bistre brown tied by neat despatch cds´s. Red ´PD´ below and Alicante arrival (Jan 25th) on reverse of fine cover to a scarce destination. Scott 20.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 180 €

Lot 488

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: SAJONIA. 1863 (Aug 29). Cover to VIENNA franked by unusual usage of 1863 1ngr. rose red and postal stationery cut-out 2ngr. blue tied by neat DRESDEN cds´s. Reverse with Vienna arrival cds. Scarce and very attractive cover. Scott 17.

Lot 489

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. 1865. HADERSLEBEN to FRANCE. Entire with P.D. mark rectified with a label attached above and subsequently TT36 mark, rare used from Schleswig-Holstein letter.

Lot 490

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. 1881. WURTEMBERG a RIO DE JANEIRO (Brasil). 5p. lila (2) y 10p. carmín. Fechador de llegada al dorso. Rara destinación.

Lot 491

ALEMANIA. GERMAN STATES. Lot of 29 covers.

Start price: 600 €
SOLD BY: 750 €

Lot 492

ALEMANIA. 1758 (13 Agosto). GUERRA DE LOS SIETE AÑOS. WESEL a FRANCIA. Marca lineal ARM. DU. B. RHIN y tasa de ´17´. Ineresante texto sobre el paso del puente Lena.

Lot 493

ALEMANIA. 1793-1808. NAPOLEONIC WARS. Lot of 23 covers with army marks. EX. Col. TEISSEIRE.

Start price: 600 €
SOLD BY: 750 €

Lot 494

ALEMANIA. 1808 (20 Abril). FALKENTHAL (Germany) to FRANCE. Entire letter with red Nº22/GRANDE ARMÉE. VERY FINE.

Start price: 125 €
SOLD BY: 125 €

Lot 495

ALEMANIA. 1873. Cover franked with scarce 9Kr lilac brown large shield Eagle (Mi 27b), prepaying the single weight letter rate to France. Stamp tied by framed FRANKFURT A.M. datestamp, and front shows red PD handstamp, plus blue ALLEMAGNE/ERQ. PARIS entry. Reverse bears PARIS A HAVRE ambulant plus LE HAVRE arrival datestamps. A very fine and scarce cover, with 1991 SOMMER certificate.

Start price: 125 €
SOLD BY: 130 €

Lot 496

ALEMANIA. 1873 (Sept 15). Cover to Lucerne, Switzerland franked by 1872 Large Shield 7 kr. blue tied by neat Heidelberg cds. Mailed to the Poste Restante in Lucerne the cover was marked with ´Non Réclamé´ handstamp and in manuscript: ´Aus Heidelberg 15/9, In Luzern 16/9, Returned to Heidelberg 14/2´. Rare and appealing cover. Sommer certificate. Michel 26.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 100 €

Lot 497

ALEMANIA. 1874-75. Registered Parcel Receipt coupon for 1 kilogramme packet, bearing 1874 9kr. on 9kr. brown tied by ´Constanz´ cds. Spike hole at left, a scarce usage. Signed Georg Buhler. Scott 28.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 160 €

Lot 498

ALEMANIA. Mi. 21. 1873. IMPERIO. HANNOVER a ILLINOIS y redirigido interiormente con sello de 3 cts. verde (Sc. 136). Rara combinación.

Lot 499

ALEMANIA. 1882 (June 22). Cover at double rate from GOERLITZ to SAO LUIZ (Paraná Province), struck with GOERLITZ despatch cds in black and endorsed MILITARIA at lower left (the reverse with ´Kgl. 1. Westpr. LDW. Regt. No. 6 / 1 Batallón / 2 Compagnie´ cachet in blue), taxed on arrival with octagonal framed 600 / Rs. handstamp in black. A most unusual cover.

Lot 500

ALEMANIA. 1883-89. 2 card with Sweden Postage Due Stamps.

Lot 501

ALEMANIA. 1898. LONDON to GERMANY. 1 p. rose envelope (reduced at left) uprated with three Great Britian 1 1/2 p. orange stamps, redirected with German 10 pf. red stamp.

Lot 502

ALEMANIA. 1872-1930. Lot of 27 covers.

Start price: 500 €
SOLD BY: 650 €

Lot 503

ALEMANIA. 1912-25. 6 airmail covers and cards.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 170 €

Lot 504

AFRICA DEL SUDOESTE ALEMANA. 1899. Cover to BERLIN ex Colonial-Gesellschaft fur Sudwest-Afrika; franked by 1889 Reichpost strip of five 3 pf. brown, 5 pf. green and 20 pf. blue all tied by LUDERITZBURG cds´s with CAPE transit on reverse. Scarce usage. Sc 46, 47, 49.

Start price: 200 €
SOLD BY: 200 €

Lot 505

CAMERUN. 1893 (Jul). CAMEROON. CAMEROON to GERMANY, bearing Lagos stamp, 2 1/2 d. ultramarine in combination with Germany 1889 20 pf. sharing ´CÖLN (RHEIN)-VERVIERS/BAHNPOST/ZUG 7 oval d.s. with a further fine strike alongside,PANKOW arrival c.d.s (22.8) on reverse; both adhesives with small faults though a very rare and unusual combination franking. Note: As Cameroon was a member of the U.P.U., but the Niger Territories were not, German and British postage had to be paid separately. The above cover was probably transported via the Benue and Niger rivers, possibly in a sealed bag. Carried to Europe on a German mailboat, it was landed at Antwerp.

Lot 506

CAROLINAS. 1912 (Jan 4). Printed cover from Angaur, Palau, Caroline Islands to Korror addressed to Winkler, head of the Palau Station, with PALAU cds in black (Jan 1) of arrival (date had not been altered) and franked by German New Guinea Kaiser Yacht 10pf. carmine tied by manuscript ´Seepost K.D.S. Komet 4 Jan. 1912´ . The ´Komet´ was the Government Steamer sent from R. Peybach to Winkler, the head of the Palau Station. Signed Grobe. Certificate Steuer.

Lot 507

CHINA. 1907. CANTON to HAMBURG. 10 pf. red German postal stationary card uprated with 1/2 dollars on 1 Mk. stamp. Sent registered, a rare franking.

Start price: 350 €
SOLD BY: 440 €

Lot 509

CHINA. Mi. 40 (2), 41, 42, 36. 1911. SHANGHAI a BERLIN. 4 cent. s. 10 pf. rojo (2), 10 cent. s. 20 pf., 20 cents. s. 40 pf. y 1 1/2 dollar s. 3 M. violeta. Carta certificada. Rarísimo franqueo en carta comercial.

Lot 510

MARRUECOS. 1894 (Dec 5). 3pf. green postal stationery Newspaper wrapper used from Mogador (Essaouria) to Stuttgart, with manuscript ´Mogador 5/12/94´at left. Up-rated with 1888 3pf. brown and 10pf. carmine tied by framed ´AUS/WEST AFRIKA´ handstamps in black. Rare and unusual usage.

Lot 511

MARRUECOS. 1897 (Aug 4). Cover from SAFFI to BREMEN with toned 20pf. ultramarine tied by oval DEUTSCHE SEEPOST-LINIE-HAMBURG/WESTAFRIKA-IV datestamps in black. Reverse with Hamburg cds (Aug 14) and Brunswick arrival cds. Scarce usage. Signed Steauer AIEP.

Lot 512

MARRUECOS. 1899 (April 30). Cover bearing embossed 5pf. green (2) used to SAFFI/MOROCCO cancelled by MUNICH despatch cds´s. Oval DEUTSCHE SEEPOST-LINIE-HAMBURG/WESTAFRIKA-IX datestamp on front (May 17) and manuscript ´Züruck...´ (Return to sender) and two line cachet AGENTUR DER WOERMAN LINIE/IN SAFFI in violet. Reverse with German Consulate in Saffi handstamp in violet, Tangier cds and Munich return cds (May 30). A most interesting and very rare mark of the Woerman Linie in Saffi.

Lot 513

MARRUECOS. 1914 (July 17). LARACHE. Money Order Form used to TANGIER franked by single usage of Gothic April 1911 1p. on 80pf. deep carmine and black on red, tied by LARASCH-(MAROKKO)-DEUTSCHE POST cds in black. Tanger arrival cds below (July 18). Michel 54.

Start price: 200 €
SOLD BY: 200 €

Lot 514

MARRUECOS. Lot of 14 Postal Receipts from SAFFI to MOGADOR, TANGER and MAZAGAN.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 150 €

Lot 515

NUEVA GUINEA ALEMANA. 1897 (June 19). Cover and complete long original contents mailed to MESSINES (Belgium) endorsed ´Par Titus´ franked by Germany 1888 5pf. green (4 examples, one with contemporary folded corner) tied by bold HERBERTSHOHE cds´s in black. Reverse with Messines (Aug 11) cds of receipt. Very rare and fine.

Lot 516

COLONIAS ALEMANAS. 1900-13. Lot of 10 covers and cards.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 150 €

Lot 517

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1777 (March 15). CHANNEL ISLANDS. Entire letter from GUERNSEY (a private family letter from Martha Le Mesurier to her cousin in COGNAC), struck with fine S. MALO handstamp on entry in black.

Lot 518

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1837. CÁDIZ. PENINSULAR STEAM NAVIGATION CY/CADIZ. Sobrescrito fechado en CÁDIZ el 19 de julio, dirigida a LISBOA. Marca en azul de la PSNC (PE 79) y fechador llegada 21 julio. Porte manuscrito 1/8 (un chelín y 8 peniques), porte sencillo. PRECIOSA y MUY RARA.

Start price: 375 €
SOLD BY: 375 €

Lot 519

ESPAÑA: PREFILATELIA. 1837. CÁDIZ. PENINSULAR STEAM NAVIGATION CY/CÁDIZ. Envuelta fechada en Sevilla 18 marzo dirigida a LONDRES. Marca en negro de la PSNC, llegada a FALMOUTH (Sede de la compañía) y fechador de llegada a destino. (PE 79). Abril 4. Esta carta circuló por el vapor Iberia que partió el 22 de marzo y llegó a Falmouth el 2 de abril. Porte manuscrito de "1/8" (un chelín y 8 peniques) y porte sencillo. No más de 5 cartas conocidas con esta marca en negro. GRAN PIEZA.

Lot 520

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1840. CANNEL ISLANDS. JERSEY a COGNAC. Fechador de entrada OUTRE-MER/ST. MALO (Salles 138). Muy raro en negro.

Lot 521

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1847. Envelope to FRANCE bearing SG 8a, 1d brown (imperf four margins) cancelled by LIVERPOOL NUMERAL, routed via London with French entry cachet in red, COGNAC arrival, tased ´14´ erased and charged ´13´. Very fine item of mail, a scarce franking overseas.

Lot 522

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1848(June 16th). Cover to Lima, PERU bearing cut round pair of 1847 Embossed 1s green tied by Glasgow 159 obliterators with red despatch cds and London transit on reverse. Scarce franking. SG 55.

Lot 523

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1849 (Feb. 16). Prepaid entire letter to RIO NEGRO (Nueva Granada), endorsed ´per Thames´, from LONDON with red PAID datestamp of despatch in red and ´1s.´ in manuscript, struck on landing with fine oval SANTAMARTA / DEBE. and rate mark ´3´ reales in blue. A fresh and fine entire.

Lot 524

GRAN BRETAÑA. (1855 ca.). FRONTAL solamente de sobre publicado por J. Valentine de Dundee para la campaña OCEAN PENNY POSTAGE circulada con sello 1d. rojo.

Lot 525

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1857(May 16). Cover to Amsterdam franked by very fine strip of four 1857 4d rose all tied by London ´14´ numeral obliterators. Reverse with arrival cds in red, a fine multiple. SG 66.

Lot 526

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1863. BATAVIA (Netherland Indies) to LONDON. Entire letter with BATAVIA FRANCO datestamp and red INDIA PAID and the rare INDIA PAID/BY BATAVIA.

Lot 527

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1867-69. 2 covers to PERU.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 150 €

Lot 528

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1869-71. 5 covers to PORTUGAL, one regitered.

Lot 529

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1875(Sept 17th). Entire letter endorsed ´Via Panama´ to SALVADOR at 1s 6d rate for less than ½ ounce franked by 1875 6d grey plate 14 and 1s green plate 12 tied by London duplexes with manuscript ´4 reales´ due on front. SG 147,150.

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