Auction Stamps and Covers of the World - Sesión I


Tuesday, July 9th 2024
Session I - 
 2 pm | Lots 1 - 1304

Wednesday, July 10th 2024
Session II - 
 2 pm | Lots 1305 - 1953

Session III -  5:30 pm | Lots 2001 - 2369



July 3rd to 8th | 10 am – 1 pm / 3 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed

Lots can be collected from July 12th


* New clients must register at least 5 days before the auction and provide business references from other auction houses

Lot 2

ARGENTINA. 1863 (April 27). 4 d. red in a horizontal pair used with 1862 1 s. green, on 1863 single rate cover from Buenos Aires to París endorsed "Packet Anglais" tied by three fine strikes of the B32 obliterator and by EUGENIO GUION oval sender's cachet in black. Oval PD and LONDON/PAID cds (June 1) on obverse in red. Reverse with double arc BUENOS AYRES cds (April 27) and PARIS arrival cds (June 2). Very attractive and scarce cover. Ex col. J. Jefferson, A. Bollen and H. Wood.

Start price: 1.200 €
0 0

Lot 5

ARGENTINA. Sc. 12, 13. 1864 (21 Nov.). BUENOS AIRES a CONCEPCIÓN (Uruguay). 10 ctmos. verde y 15 ctmos. azul. Mat. O.M. (Oficina Marítima) en color azul. MUY RARO franqueo en carta al exterior. MAGNÍFICA. F. Calves y Holcombe.

Start price: 1.000 €
0 0

Lot 6

ARGENTINA. 1865. 2 covers, paquebots ´carmel´ and ´Saintouge´.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 7

ARGENTINA. 1871. BUENOS AIRES a ESPAÑA. Circulada con sello francés de 80 cts. rosa carmín, mat. ancla y fechador BUENOS AYRES/PAQ. FR. J Nº 2. Tasada a la llegada con 1 peseta. RARO uso de los sellos de la emisión de Burdeos en el exterior. Excelente calidad. MAGNÍFICA.

Start price: 400 €
0 0

Lot 8

ARGENTINA. 1875. BUENOS AIRES a FRANCIA. Circulada con sello de 5 cts. rojo de Argentina y sellos franceses de 5 cts. verde, 15 cts. bistre y 80 cts. carmín, mat. ANCLA y fechador octogonal BUENOS AYRES/PAQ. FR. J Nº 1 y marca lineal del buque POR NIGER, falta la solapa de cierre del dorso.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 9

ARGENTINA. 1876. B. AIRES to FRANCE. 8 ctvos. Lake tied by BUENOS AIRES cds, carried on board of the French Steamer "Equateur" with BUENOS AYRES/PAQ.FR.J.Nº5 octogonal in black and franked additionally with french 15 cts. bistre, 25 cts. blue and pair of 80 cts. rose, all tied by ANCHOR lozenge. A rare franking.

Start price: 500 €
0 0

Lot 10

ARGENTINA. 1876. BUENOS AIRES a FRANCIA. Circulada con sello de 10 ctvos. verde y cuatro sellos franceses de 25 cts. azul pegados en el sobre a caballo entre anverso y reverso, mat. octagonal BUENOS-AYRES/PAQ. FR. J. Nº6. Muy raro aplicado sobre los sellos.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 11

ARGENTINA. Yv. 88. 1888. 5 pesos. Conjunto de 6 pruebas en diferentes colores, papel fino. Km 108.

Start price: 50 €
0 0

Lot 16

AUSTRALIA. 1891. SYDNEY a FRANCIA. 6 p. rojo, mat. DUPLEX de Sydney y al lado fechador octogonal AUSTRALIE/PAQ. FR. T Nº 4 en rojo (Salles 2158). Magnífico y no reseñado en este color.

Start price: 75 €
0 0

Lot 17

AUSTRALIA. 1895. BELFAST (Ireland) to SYDNEY (Australia). 1 p. lilac (2) and 1 1/2 p. orange redirected to HOBBY´S GARD´S with New South Wales 1 p. lilac (2) stamps.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 23

AUSTRALIA. 1868. BRISBANE to LONDON. 6 p. green redirected to BOURNEMOUTH with british 1 d. red stamp. Cover minor faults, otherwise fine combination franking.

Start price: 175 €
0 0

Lot 24

QUEENSLAND. 1898 (Dec 13). Hand-illustrated envelope (Sailors holding ´Happy Christmas´ flag wearing HMS Dart cap) mailed to HOBART (Tasmania) from BRISBANE, franked by 1895-1899 4d. yellow tied by obliterator in black. A fine and appealing cover.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 25

AUSTRALIA. 1854. HOBART TOWN a GRAN BRETAÑA. 4 d. azul y 6 d. gris, circulada via Francia. PRECIOSA.

Start price: 350 €
0 0

Lot 26

AUSTRALIA. 1865. LAUNCESTON a LONDRES. 4 d. azul y 6 d. gris, mat. parrilla 52.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 27

AUSTRALIA. 1878. VICTORIA a GEORGE CAPE COLONY (South Africa). 1/2 p. rojo (2) y 2 p. lila (8). Espectacular franqueo y rara destinación.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 63

AUSTRIA. 1866. TRIEST a VALENCIA (España). 15 kr. castaño claro (2). Magnífica, rara destinación.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 64

AUSTRIA. 1867 (November). Printed Matter cover to HAINNSBACH printed ex Vienna but mailed from PRAGUE bearing Fiscal 5 kr. tied by PRAG cds in black with unusual label on reverse flap in pale blue: ´Von Prag (Stadt)´. Displays well and an unusual cover.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 66

AUSTRIA. 1880. 2 kr. brown on buff stationery card used to BERN franked additionally with 1874-80 3 kr. green tied on arrival with BERN cds in black. Extremely unusual card and very pretty item. Sc 35.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 67

AUSTRIA. 1881-88. 3 postal stationary cards with swis postage due stamps.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 68

AUSTRIA. 1883. 2 covers mixed frankings.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 73

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1858. Cover from Constantinople via Trieste to France sent stampless from Austrian PO, struck with triangular ´F/25´ Accountancy handstamp in black. Lyon arrival (March 10) on reverse of scarce cover.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 74

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1870-1935. Conjunto de siete cartas del correo Austria, Alemán, Francés e Inglés.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 75

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1873 (Jan 16). Cover carried at 23 soldi rate from BEIRUT to FLORENCE, three colour 1867 issue franking of 3 s. green, 5 s. rose and 15 s. brown all tied by BERUTTI cds´s. Reverse with BAIRUT CONSOL D´ITALIA handstamp (similar to a Consegna marking) and LLOYD AGENZIE-SMIME cds in black opened for better display. Scott 2,3,5.

Start price: 400 €
0 0

Lot 76

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1874. Cover from BEYROUTH, SYRIA to SWITZERLAND, bearing 5 s. red and 15 s. brown, course print (Sc 3, 5) and tied by BEIRUTTI 24/2 cds, P.D. and WATTWIL receiver on back. Colorful 20 soldi rate to SWITZERLAND.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 77

BELGICA. 1854-58. 3 covers. Margins cuted diagonally.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 79

BELGICA. 1867. BRUXELLES to LONDON. Envelope franked with 30 cts. brown IMPERFORATE HORIZONTALLY. RARE and not listed variety.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 81

BELGICA. 1871. MONS to GUY LES PIETON. Folded letter franked with 10 cts. green and 20 cts. blue stamps, tied by 252 grill cancel. RECOMMANDE mark. RARE mixed 1865-69 issues.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 83

BELGICA. 1878. ANVERS to PARIS. Folded letter franked with 25 cts. olive and 50 cts. grey stamps. RECOMMANDE mark and arrival PARIS cds.on front.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 84

BELGICA. 1882. MONS to CHAPPELLE SAINT ULRIC. Large business envelope franked with 10 cts. green, 25 cts. olive and 50 cts. grey. Sent registered. RARE tricolour franking.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 85

BELGICA. 1886. BRUXELLES to SEMARANG (Java). Envelope franked with 25 cts. blue on rose stamp. Arrival cds. on reverse.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 86

° LOTES y COLECCIONES. BÉLGICA. Páginas de álbum con sellos usados de la primera emisión, más una carta.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 89

CONGO BELGA. 1907-35. Lot of 4 covers and cards.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 90

LOTES y COLECCIONES. CONGO BELGA. Conjunto de 51 Enteros Postales, mayoría parte antigua, en nuevo o con matasellos filatélico. Alguno repetido.

Start price: 50 €
0 0

Lot 91

LOTES y COLECCIONES. CONGO BELGA. Colección montada en 6 álbumes, período 1909 hasta 1960. Incluye correo, aéreo y tasas e historia postal. Hay pequeñas variedades y estudios de matasellos. En general, buena calidad. Valor Cat. COB. +15.000Ђ. Foto en web ex-12.

Start price: 3.000 €
0 0

Lot 95

BOLIVIA. 1872-79. Lot of 5 covers.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 99

BOLIVIA. 1888 (20 Mayo). TUPIZA a SUCRE. Sobre TELÉGRAFOS DE LAS COMPAÑIAS HUANCHACA Y GUADALUPE DE BOLIVIA. OFICINA TUPIZA. Fechador de Tupiza y marca lineal FRANCA usado para indicar que el franqueo estaba pagado al no disponer de sellos de correos en ésta oficina. Rarísimo envío de un Telegrama, sobre ligeramente reducido por la izquierda.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 103

BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA. Mi. 2,3. 1890 (Aug 7). Registered cover to SALZBURG franked by 1879/98 2kr. yellow (12, some with compound perfs.) and 3kr. green (2) paying the 30kr. rate, all tied by watery strikes of K und K MILIT. POST / SARAJEVO datestamps in black. SALZBURG arrival cds on reverse.

Start price: 400 €
0 0

Lot 105

BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA. 1897 (July 31). Registered usage of 5n. red postal stationery envelope to France up-rated by 1894-98 10n. deep blue and, on reverse 2kr. yellow and 3kr. green, toned around perfs., all tied by BILEK cds´s. Terrasson arrival cds (Aug 8). A scarce cover. Scott 4a, 5a, 7a.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 106

BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA. Mi. 27, 13A. 1904. NEVESINJE to MOSTAR. 5 h. green and 40 h. orange and black. Registered cover, arrival on back, rare 40 h. on cover.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 107

BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA. Mi. 104A, 111A, 112A. 1916. SARAJEVO to METZ (Germany). 15 sh. red, 80 sh. brown and 90 h. lilac. Registered and Express cover. Rare franking.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 110

BRASIL. 1833 (Jan 16). Cover from RIO DE JANEIRO endorsed ´per Polygon´ sent unpaid to BASEL (Switzerland) via Hamburg, outside the Mails to and struck on front with two line HAMBURG/ 15 APR in black. Reverse with Forwarding Agent manuscript notation ´Hamburg 15/4 1833 E Schincker´ and Basel arrival cds (April 23). Various manuscript rates, a fine and scarce cover.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 111

BRASIL. 1836 (11 Nov.). RÍO DE JANEIRO a GRAN BRETAÑA. Marca al dorso BRAZIL/F en color verde estampado en el puerto de FALMOUTH. RARA.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 112

BRASIL. 1841 (30 Marzo). OURO PRETO a RÍO. Marca lineal I.C.DO OURO P. en negro y manuscrito ´Pg. 50´ y al dorso ´Franca Bello´, indicando que por no dispopner de sellos de correos en este momento se cobraba el porte en metálico.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 115

BRASIL. Sc. 66, 83 (4). 1882. RÍO DE JANEIRO a U.S.A. 100 reis verde (4) y 200 reis mat. de corcho. Carta certificada. RARO franqueo mixto de dos emisiones.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 116

BRASIL. 1867. RIO DE JANEIRO a LONDRES. Circulada por correo francés, fechador octogonal POSTES FRANCIASES/NAVARRE (salles 1008) y marca de intercambio FR/2F96c .

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 117

BRASIL. 1866-80. Lot of cancellations.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 118

° BRASIL. 1866-80. DON PEDRO. Colección de matasellos D.P. (DEPOIS DA PARTIDA). Página de álbum conteniendo 17 piezas. EXCELENTE CALIDAD.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 119

° BRASIL. 1866-80. DON PEDRO. Colección de matasellos EXTRANGEROS sobre sellos de las emisiones de D. Pedro, consta de 13 sellos sobre página de álbum. INTERESANTE CONJUNTO.

Start price: 125 €
0 0
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