Auction Stamps and Covers of the World - Sesión I


Tuesday, July 9th 2024
Session I - 
 2 pm | Lots 1 - 1304

Wednesday, July 10th 2024
Session II - 
 2 pm | Lots 1305 - 1953

Session III -  5:30 pm | Lots 2001 - 2369



July 3rd to 8th | 10 am – 1 pm / 3 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed

Lots can be collected from July 12th


* New clients must register at least 5 days before the auction and provide business references from other auction houses

Lot 982

GIBRALTAR. 1848 (May 29). Entire letter from Campo Mento carried on the ´Ripon´ under Captain Moresby, to Basingstoke with Gibraltar despatch cds in black and good strike of two line ´GIBRALTAR/ SHIP LETTER´ in black. Charged ´8d.´ due on receipt with Basingstoke arrival (May 29) in blue. Interesting content regarding Provisions ´to be sent addressed to the Admiralty Office, Southampton and they must not be addressed to Mr. Creswell (Gibraltar´s Postmaster) at all´.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 984

GIBRALTAR. 1851 (Nov 29). Entire letter to Genoa with superb strike of three line dated ´GIBRALTAR/SHIP LETTER´ in blue (Day before Month in date, Type I) on despatch with manuscript ´8´ (pence) prepaid in red for double rate. Red ´Via/Di Mare/(E)´ applied on arrival and manuscript charge of ´30´ centesemi to pay.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 985

GIBRALTAR. 1851 (April 9). GIBRALTAR to CADIZ. Entire letter with very fine (partly albino) tiny red arc-framed GIBRALTAR, hand struck in red 1R. arrival charge, endorsed ´Por Estafeta´. This very rare mark is used by the postmaster in Gibraltar only on letters that he dispatched by private foreign ships. This the latest known date of the very few letters recorded. Cert. RPS´2006.

Start price: 750 €
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Lot 986

GIBRALTAR. 1857. GIBRALTAR a JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA. Encaminada hasta Cádiz, manuscrito ´Care of Mes. Lacave y Echecopar, Cadiz´, quien la entregó al cosario PAUSADELA/Y/COMPAÑIA que la transportó a Jerez. MUY RARA. GIBRALTAR to JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA. Forwarded up to Cádiz. Manuscript ´Care of Mes. Lacave y Echecopar, Cádiz´, who delivered it to the ´cosario´ PAUSADELA/Y/COMPAÑIA and conveyed it to Jerez. VERY SCARCE.

Start price: 200 €
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Lot 987

GIBRALTAR. Ed. 48 (5). 1858. GIBRALTAR a CÁDIZ. 4 cuartos rojo (5). Mat. R.C. 63 de San Roque. Precioso y MUY RARO franqueo. Cert. COMEX.

Start price: 300 €
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Lot 988

GIBRALTAR. Ed. 48 (5). 1859. GIBRALTAR a CÁDIZ. 4 cuartos rojo (5). Mat. R.C. 63 de San Roque. Precioso y MUY RARO franqueo.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 990

GIBRALTAR. Ed. 58. 1861. GIBRALTAR to CÁDIZ. Envuelta circulada con sello de 4 cuartos castaño, entregada directamente al Ship Letter ´Vapor San Servando´ evitando pagar los ´2´ peniques al correo Británico. Al llegar fuera de la saca con el correo oficial se mataselló el sello con aspas a tinta. EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA. Cert. GRAUS.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 991

ESPAÑA. Ed. 80 (2). 1866. GIBRALTAR a MADRID. 2 cuartos rosa (2). Mat. R.C. 63 y fechador de San Roque. RARO franqueo.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 992

ESPAÑA. Ed. 81 (2). 1866. GIBRALTAR a PARÍS. 4 cuartos azul (3). Mat. R.C. 63 de San Roque. RARO franqueo.

Start price: 125 €
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Lot 995

GIBRALTAR. 1869. GIBRALTAR to NEW YORK. 3d. rose and 4d. orange (2) tied by A26 cancel, GIBRALTAR cds., charged 2 cents. on arrival.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 998

GIBRALTAR. 1889. GIBRALTAR to PORT SAID (Egypt). 50 cts. on 6 d. lilac. Registered cover rare destination, arrival cds on reverse.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 999

GIBRALTAR. 1897 (Nov 26). Cover to MANCHESTER franked by Spanish currency 1896 20c. olive green & brown tied by ´A26´ obliterator with unaccepted diagonally bisected 10c. carmine-therefore taxed with ´T´ mark on despatch and on arrival with ´1d./FB/C´ in black. Manchester cds on reverse (Dec 1). A scarce cover. SG 23,24.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 1000

COSTA DE ORO. 1884 (May 5). Registered cover to London at quadruple rate (1sh. 4d. for 2 ounces + 2d. registration) ex ´Midshipman Long´ correspondence with manuscript ´Paid´ in red and notation of ´1/6d.´ in blue crayon (total charge) and ´1/1d.´ (Credit to G.P.O., with 5d. to the Colony), two Axim cds´s in black. Liverpool and London June 2 registered arrival datestamps also on obverse of fine and rare cover, one of only three recorded by Sacher, page 197.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 1001

COSTA DE ORO. 1887 (June). Woerman Line cover to Reilstein, manuscript ´Accra´ at upper left in blue, franked by Germany 1885 10pf. rose carmine pair tied by bold ´Aus West-Africa / mit / Hamburger Dampfer´ in black; reverse with Marbach arrival cds July 18 in black. A fine cover.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 1002

COSTA DE ORO. 1889 (Oct 11). Woerman Line cover endorsed from Quittah to Bremen franked by Germany 1885 20pf. ultramarine tied by framed ´AUS / WESTAFRIKA´ handstamp in black; reverse with Bremen arrival cds Nov 10. A fresh and fine cover.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 1003

COSTA DE ORO. 1894. 2 postal stationary cards from Akropong and Abokobi (red) cancellations.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1004

COSTA DE ORO. 1900 (Dec 4). Registered, stampless OHMS cover to London countersigned at lower left ´The Pay & Quartermaster G.C.C., The Cantonments, Accra´ struck with oval ´Official Paid / G.P.O. Accra / Gold Coast Colony´ in black with ´Victoriaborg / Accra´ cds alongside with rare ´R´ in black at left. Reverse with Accra and London datestamps. Rare cover. Note: The Gold Coast Constabulary (G.C.C.) Suffered heavily in the Ashanti War, losing 5 Officers out of 8 and over 80 men lost with a further 50% of the force wounded. They were stationed in Ashanti and the Northern Territories.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 1017

LAGOS. 1890 (Feb 13). Cover to UEKERMUNDE via Stettin from LAGOS franked at 4 d. rate with pair of 1887 2 d. dull mauve and blue tied barred obliterators with LAGOS cds at left and red PAID LIVERPOOL BR. PACKET alongside. Arrival on reverse of scarce cover. SG 30.

Start price: 75 €
0 0

Lot 1018

LAGOS. 1901 (20 Febrero). Envelope registered to GERMANY, bearing 1893 1/2 d. on 4 d. (2) and 1894 5 d. dull mauve and green, each tied by LAGOS/W. AFRICA cds, showing ´R´ in oval,REGISTERED LONDON transit ds in red and, on reverse, LAGOS and poor arrival datestamp.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 1032

° SELANGOR. Yv. 25. 1897. 25 $ verde y naranja. Mat. fiscal (Fiscal cancellation). Manchas del tiempo (age stains). S.G. 66. Cat. 3.000€.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 1034

MALAYA. 1875. MALAYA. Cover used to SWITZERLAND bearing 8 c., 12 c. & 24 c. (2) (SG 14a, 15a, 16) all cancelled by the PENANG/D17 duplex¦s & backstamped at BRINDISI in transit & on arrival at NIEDERUZWIL.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 1036

MALAYA. 1921. IPOH (Perak) to GERMANY. Postcard posted in PENANG without stamp, by PENANG cds and taxed on arrival with ´160´. Oval mark CHINESE PROTECTORATE IPOH, PERAK. Rare and interesting item.NOTE: As Ipoh was becoming the epicentre of chinese crime, the Perak Chinese Protectorate moved to Ipoh from Taiping in 1894. The Chinese Protector was here to solve crimes, as well as brothel ,sanitary and vagrant problems.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1037

MALAYA. 1925. PORT SWTTENHAM (Selangor) to MALACCA (Malaya). Postcard franked with 1 cto. black Straits Settlements stamp and 1 cto. black of F.M.S. stamp the first in not valid in Selangor. Taxed on arrival with Straits Settlements 1 cent. lilac stamp. Part of address erased and age stains. Very rare combination franking.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1038

MALAYA. 1927 (April 1). Registered cover to Italy franked on reverse with 1922-23 8c carmine rose pair, 10c black and 12c pale ultramarine all tied by Kuching cds´s. Front with Kuching registration cachet in violet. Transit cds of Singapore and Livorno arrival on reverse of scarce cover. Scott 60,62,64.

Start price: 75 €
0 0

Lot 1040

MALTA. 1838. Stampless envelope addressed to PARIS written from ´La Hauteur de Stromboli´ at Malta with manuscript ´MALTA´ and boxed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERANEE and charged ´20´ on arrival in manuscript. Very rare item.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 1041

MALTA. 1860-70. Conjunto de 6 cartas circuladas con sellos de Gran Bretaña, diferentes franqueos.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 1042

MALTA. 1866. BARCELONA (Spain) to MALTA. Stampless entire, endorsed ´Voie de Marseille´ and ´Paquebot francais/ou anglais´, Barcelona despatch and French entry cds and fair example of scarce circular-framed accountancy FR/1f 45c handstamp, reverse with MARSEILLE transit and arrival cds. Very rare accountancy mark not listed in Salles.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 1043

MALTA. 1889. MALTA to ROMA. 1/2 p. blue (2) underpaid and taxed with Italian 1 lire red and blue stamp.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1047

MAURICIO. 1820-1838. Lot of 5 complete covers to FRANCE with diferent entry marks.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 1049

MAURICIO. 1834. PORT LOUIS to PARIS. Entire letter wtih AGENCE CONSULAR DE FRANCE/MAURICE on reverse. On front PAYS D´OUTREMER mark and NANTES cds. Rated ´19´. RARE.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1050

MAURICIO. 1843 (June 8th). Autograph letter signed by A. Thom, 8 June 1843, addressed to Stokes on board ´The Beagle´ at PORT LOUIS (Mauritius), four pages 4to envelope. Thom writes on his work in tracing the movement and behaviour of the recent hurricane in the vicinity of Mauritius, and begs Stokes to await the conclusion of this work before he places the matter before the Admiralty. He comments on the ignorance of the ships´ masters involved of the true nature of the hurricane, on the slow movement of the eye of the hurricane, and on the correct course of action for a ship caught in it. Stoke and ´The Beagle´ were returning home from their survey of the coasts of Australia. An important and historic item with the famous discovery ship ´H.M.S. Beagle´.

Start price: 400 €
0 0

Lot 1051

MAURICIO. 1863. MAURITIUS a LONDON. 6 p. verde. Mat. B53. Tasada con 1 1/2 d.

Start price: 550 €
0 0

Lot 1053

MAURICIO. 1886. PORT LOUIS a FRANCIA. Entero Postal de 2 cts. castaño con franqueo adicional de 4 cts. rojo, fechador octogonal marítimo francés POSS.ANG/PAQ. FR T Nº 4 (Salles 2153). RARA.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1054

MAURICIO. 1894. Circulada a FRANCIA. Entero Postal de 2 cents. gris con franqueo complementario de 1 ctvo. lila (7) y 4 cents. rosa (2).

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1070

NIGERIA. 1895. BRASS RIVER to ENGLAND. Registered envelope 2 p. uprated by 1 pl. lilac (2), 1/2 p. green, 5 p. lilac and 5 p. grey. Fine and rare franking.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1072

NIGERIA. 1896 (19 Dec.). Envelope (227x100 mm.) registered to MANCHESTER, marked ´Per Bakana´, bearing 1892 2d. (2), 1894 (Jan.) 1d. and 1894 (May) 1d. (2), all tied by OPOBO RIVER c.d.s. with code A (Type D2) and showing Liverpool transit d.s. (25.1). Attractive.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 1074

NIGERIA. 1898. NIGER COAST to GREAT BRITAIN. 2 pence registered postal stationary envelope uprated with 1/2 d., 1 d., 2 d., 2 1/2 d. and 1 sh. Stamps arrival on reverse.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1075

BORNEO. 1891. usage of 1889 1 c. orange. Postal stationery card. (H&G 3), up-rated for use to GERMANY with 1886 2 c. brown tied by barred cancel with ERFURT arrival cds also on front of card with SINGAPORE transit cds on reverse. (SG 25).

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1081

PAPUA Y NUEVA GUINEA. 1932-34. 3 Air Mail covers.

Start price: 75 €
0 0

Lot 1082

° RHODESIA. Sg. 1/6, 8/13. 1892. TWELVE values, complete set. Including one extra 1 £. Yv. 1/11 + 2a Cat. 2.790Ђ.

Start price: 350 €
0 0

Lot 1084

*/° RHODESIA. Sg. 18/26. 1892. SEVEN values, complete set. 8 p. mint, rest used. Duplicates included. Yv. 16/22 Cat. 200Ђ.

Start price: 25 €
0 0

Lot 1085

* RHODESIA. Sg. 52/3. 1896. 1 p. on 4 s. and 3 p. on 5 s. Yv. 26/7 Cat. 825Ђ.

Start price: 160 €
0 0

Lot 1088

* RHODESIA. Sg. 74. 1897. 2 £ rosy-red, perf. 15. The lot includes some item cleaned and faded. SCARCE. Yv. 9a Cat. 2.600Ђ.

Start price: 450 €
0 0

Lot 1091

RHODESIA. Group of sets. SG. *94/9 with some duplicates, °100/113 + 113c and *114/18 (Yv. *76/81, °1/15 and *16A/19). Mixed quality (some with light creases). See web.

Start price: 120 €
0 0

Lot 1094

* RHODESIA. Sg. 177. 1910. 1 s. black and blue-green. Perf. 15. Yv. 31 var. Cat. 1.300Ђ.

Start price: 275 €
0 0

Lot 1096

° RHODESIA. Sg. 208d. 1914. 1 p. red. Perf. 13 1/2. SCARCE. Yv. 40 var. Stanley Gibbons 550£.

Start price: 80 €
0 0

Lot 1097

* RHODESIA. Sg. 276a. 1913. DIE III. 7 s. 6 d. maroon and slate-black. Perf. 14. RARE. Yv. 55 var. Stanley Gibbons 900£.

Start price: 190 €
0 0

Lot 1099

° RHODESIA. Sg. 279c. 1913. DIE III. 2 p. black and brownish grey. Perf. 15. Yv. 42 var. Stanley Gibbons 400£.

Start price: 70 €
0 0
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