Auction Stamps and Covers of the World - Sesión I


Tuesday, July 9th 2024
Session I - 
 2 pm | Lots 1 - 1304

Wednesday, July 10th 2024
Session II - 
 2 pm | Lots 1305 - 1953

Session III -  5:30 pm | Lots 2001 - 2369



July 3rd to 8th | 10 am – 1 pm / 3 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed

Lots can be collected from July 12th


* New clients must register at least 5 days before the auction and provide business references from other auction houses

Lot 480

(*) REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. Sc. 7. 1866. 1 real negro s. verde, posición 6. Papel listado. MAGNÍFICO EJEMPLAR.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 481

(*) REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. Sc. 7. 1866. 1 real negro s. anteado. Papel listado. Muy bonito ejemplar.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 482

(*) REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. Sc. 13. 1867-71. 1/2 real negro s. rosa. Muy bonito ejemplar.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 483

(*) REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. Sc. 15. 1867-71. 1/2 real negro s. lavanda. Muy bonito ejemplar.

Start price: 125 €
SOLD BY: 220 €
4 3

Lot 484

° REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. Sc. 29. 1870-73. 1/2 real negro s. amarillo. Mat. AA/FB (London Foreign Branch). RARÍSIMO, probablemente único.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 485

° REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. Sc. 29 (8). 1870-73. 1/2 real negro s. amarillo. 8 sellos con matasellos diferentes. Interesante y raro conjunto.

Start price: 200 €
SOLD BY: 200 €
1 1

Lot 486

° REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. Sc. 30 (9). 1870-73. 1 real negro s. violeta. Nueve sellos en usado, mat. en violeta.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 130 €
4 3

Lot 487

DOMINICANA. Conjunto de 4 cabeceras con PAPEL SELLADO. 1761, con habilitaciones hasta 1769, 1816/7, un cuartillo (2, uno utilizado) y sello segundo. MUY RAROS.

Start price: 50 €
SOLD BY: 100 €
3 2

Lot 488

REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. 1891. SANTO DOMINGO a USA. Entero postal de 70 ctvos. s. 15 ctvos. amarillo, circulado por correo certificado, al dorso llegada.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 320 €
18 2

Lot 489

REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. 1891. SANTO DOMINGO a USA. Entero Postal de 90 ctvos. s. 15 ctvos. amarillo, circulado por correo certificado, llegada al dorso.

Start price: 125 €
SOLD BY: 320 €
16 2

Lot 490

REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. 1891. SANTO DOMINGO a PARÍS. Entero Postal de 90 ctvos. s. 15 ctvos. amarillo. Circulado por correo certificado, llegada al frente. RARO.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 320 €
18 2

Lot 491

DOMINICANA. 1885. Postal stationery from Dominican Republic Puerto Plata May 18, 1885 via Danish post Office at St. Thomas 25.5 and forwarded via the French Post Office at St. Thomas May 29 via St. Nazaire to heidelberg in Germany. Red French ST. THOMAS PAQ. FR. B. No 2 May 29, 1885 and carried to Europe by the Vera Cruz packet ´Ville de Bordeaux´ which left Vera Cruz May 19th and arrived in St. Nazaire June 12, 1885.

Start price: 125 €
SOLD BY: 280 €
11 3

Lot 492

REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. Sc. 114. 1901. SAMANA a SUIZA. Entero Postal de 1 ctvo. verde con franqueo adicional de 2 ctvos. verde.

Start price: 125 €
SOLD BY: 240 €
12 2

Lot 493

DOMINICANA. 1892. Reply card: return half of German 10 pf. reply sent back to Hamburg in Germany with CORREOS/DOMINICANA cds´s (15 Aug) with French paquebot transit and arrival cds (4 Sep) alongside.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 240 €
14 3

Lot 494

ECUADOR. (1802 fecha de referencia). Envuelta circulada a SANTA FE marca CARANDOLET y FRANCA en rojo. RARÍSIMA, podría tratarse de la única conocida.

Start price: 500 €
SOLD BY: 1.400 €
7 5

Lot 495

ECUADOR. 1865. GUAYAQUIL a NEW YORK. Circulada con sellos de Gran Bretaña de 1 sh. verde, mat. C 41 y fechador de doble círculo de la B.P.O. de GUAYAQUIL.

Start price: 250 €
SOLD BY: 3.200 €
48 4

Lot 496

ECUADOR. Sc. 4(6). 1877. RIO BAMBA a GUARANDA. Envuelta de Plica Judicial con parte del dorso circulada con una tira de seis sellos del 1 real amarillo. Espectacular franqueo.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 497

ECUADOR. Sc. 14. 1881. Cover initially sent from GUAYAQUIL to QUITO franked with 1881 5 c. blue tied by blue GUAYAQUIL/FRANCA datestamp, then forwarded to Ambato, the postage being paid by additional 5 c. blue (trimmed by scissors on two sides) tied by QUITO/FRANCA cds in red. A very scarce usage. Ex Funkhouser.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 190 €
6 3

Lot 498

*/° LOTES y COLECCIONES. ECUADOR. Páginas de album con sellos nuevos y usados de la primera emisión.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 600 €
13 5

Lot 499

EGIPTO. 1859. ALEXANDRIA a MARSEILLE. Circulada con sellos franceses de 10 cts. bistre y 40 cts. naranja, mat. a la llegada a Marsella con rombo de cifras ´1896´ y fechador de entrada PAQ. ANG./1 MARSEILLE. Carta circulada vía Malta (fechador al dorso) donde fue transferida a un buque inglés. RARA.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 150 €
3 2

Lot 500

EGIPTO. 1864. Entire letter to ZURICH from CAIRO with Company cachet in blue, Austrian PO at ALEXANDRIA large type ALEXANDRIEN cds in black, VIENNA transit and three Swiss cds on reverse.

Start price: 75 €
0 0

Lot 501

EGIPTO. 1869. Cover to ALEXANDRIA franked by 1867 1 pi. red tied by CONSTANTINOPOLI cds in black with arrival on reverse. Scarce and fine cover. SG 14.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 502

EGIPTO. 1870. Entire letter to USA franked by GB 4 d. vermilion plate 11 and 6 d. mauve plate 8 tied by BO1 obliterators with ALEXANDRIA cds in black. LONDON red transit and charged 2 Cents. for local delivery on arrival. Scarce and fine. SG 95,103.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 503

EGIPTO. 1874. DAMIATA to CAIRO. 1 pi. red and 2 pi. yellow with RACCOMANDATE mark in front and arrival cds.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 504

EGIPTO. Sg. 47. 1880 (Nov. 25). Cover from CONSTANTINOPLE to METELINO franked by 1879 1pi. rose red tied by V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE - COSTANTINOPOLI datesamp in black, repeated strike at right and reverse with V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE - METELINO arrival cds. Scarce and fine cover.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 505

EGIPTO. 1909. Stationery double card ´2 Milliemes´ on 3 M. violet uprated 2 M. green and sent from ´SHEPHEARDS HOTEL 3 II 09´ in CAITO to GERMANY, there answer card uprated Germania 10 Pf. and sent from ´BERLIN 13.2.09´ to Dar-Es-Salaam, German East Africa, card-perforation partly detached and refixed with paper but very rare double usage.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 100 €
1 1

Lot 506

ESTONIA. 1932 (18-VIII). CORREO AEREO. AIR MAIL. TALLIN a ROTTERDAM. Primer vuelo TALLIN-VARSOVIA y circulada por tierra a ROTTERDAM. Muy raro, sólo 31 cartas voladas (Mu. 19).

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 507

** ETIOPIA. Mi. 207/11. 1943. OBELISK. Serie completa. MAGNÍFICA.Cat. 1.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 100 €
2 1

Lot 508

ETIOPIA. Sg. 130+135. 1908 (Feb 10). Cover addressed (probably from) and to F. Michel in OLTEN (Switzerland) (Michel was a Postmaster in Addis Abeba), bearing surcharged March 1908 1pi. on ½g. red (Type II) and Nov 1908 1pi. on 1g. blue tied by ADIS ABEBA datestamp in black. Marginal piece with imprint 8 piastres similarly tied below and Bern cds on reverse. Flap missing but scarce.

Start price: 125 €
SOLD BY: 380 €
17 3

Lot 509

ETIOPIA. 1929 (26-XII). ADDIS to NEW YORK via Djibouti. FIRST FLIGHT. Franked by type 3 mixed colours overp. with Djibouti and New York arrival´s on back. RARE flight to overseas destinations (Mu. 2).

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 510

ETIOPIA. 1929-1930. 3 Air Mail covers.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 150 €
1 1

Lot 511

FINLANDIA. 1853. INCOMING MAIL. Entire letter from BATAVIA (Netherland Indies) to JACOBSTAD (Finland). Rated 3 1/2 groschen in Germany. VERY RARE.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 260 €
4 3

Lot 512

FINLANDIA. 1862 (Sept 13). Entire letter to Sordavala from Wiborg franked by 1860 10 kop. rose on pale rose cancelled by manuscript ´ 2 ´ with Wiborg cds alongside at left. Unusual and attractive cover. Scott 5.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 100 €
1 1

Lot 513

FINLANDIA. 1874. WIBORG a FRANCIA. 40 p. rosa (2).

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 200 €
3 2

Lot 514

FINLANDIA. Fa. 13. 1883. TAVASTEHUS to WIBORG. Ornate letter ´Lady´s envelope´ franked with 5 penni orange stamp. VERY FINE.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 515

FINLANDIA. 1903. Registered cover to LINKOPING franked by 1891 Arms type 50 k. violet & green (Facit 44) tied by trilingual HELSINKI cds with label at left. Very rare on cover. Sc 55.

Start price: 125 €
SOLD BY: 240 €
5 4

Lot 516

° FRANCIA. Yv. 2. 15 céntimos verde. Buen ejemplar. Cat. 1.100€.

Start price: 90 €
SOLD BY: 110 €
5 3

Lot 517

° FRANCIA. Ed. 2. 15 céntimos verde. Grandes márgenes. Punto reparado. (Repaired spot) . Cat. 1.100€.

Start price: 60 €
0 0

Lot 518

° FRANCIA. Yv. 3. 20 céntimos negro. Tira de 5. PRECIOSA. Cat. 1.700€.

Start price: 300 €
SOLD BY: 320 €
3 2

Lot 519

° FRANCIA. Yv. 5. 40 céntimos naranja. Pareja. Grandes márgenes. PRECIOSA. Firmado CALVES. Cat. 1.200€.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 150 €
1 1

Lot 520

° FRANCIA. Yv. 6. 1 Franco carmín, tira de 3. Sello inferior defecto en esquina. (Corner fault in bottom stamp). Firmado ROUMET y CALVES. Cat. 5.000€.

Start price: 700 €
0 0

Lot 521

° FRANCIA. Yv. 10b. 25 céntimos azul, con filete de encuadre. LUJO. Firmado BRUN. Cat. 1.800€.

Start price: 225 €
SOLD BY: 280 €
6 3

Lot 522

° FRANCIA. Yv. 17A. 80 céntimos carmín, bloque de 6. Pliegue horizontal que afecta sellos inferiores. (Horizontal crease, affecting the 3 bottom stamps). Cat. 1.500€.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 523

° FRANCIA. Yv. 17B. 80 céntimos rosa. Bloque de 6. PRECIOSO. Cat. +930€.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 300 €
3 2

Lot 524

° FRANCIA. Yv. 17Bc. 80 céntimos rosa, tete beche. Pliegue y punto reparado. (Repaired spot and high crease). Cat. 15.500€.

Start price: 750 €
SOLD BY: 750 €
1 1

Lot 525

** FRANCIA. Yv. 19. 1 céntimo verde oliva. Bloque de cuatro. Bien centrado. Cat. 1.100€.

Start price: 175 €
0 0

Lot 526

** FRANCIA. Yv. 19. 1 céntimo verde bronce. Bloque de cuatro. Bien centrado. Dos dientes con punto tonalizado (2 perf. with toned spot). Cat. 1.100€.

Start price: 120 €
0 0

Lot 527

* FRANCIA. Yv. 20. 5 céntimos verde, tira de 3. Un sello pliegue (one stamp diagonal crease). Cat. 1.050€.

Start price: 125 €
0 0
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