

Descripción del lote

OCEANO INDICO. 1848 (July 8). BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY. BODDAM (Salomon islands, Chagos Archipelago). Large entire letter (5 pages) writting in french (with interesting historical contents). The letter was addressed to the care Mr. Jean Rabin in Mauritius who then forwarded the letter in another cover from Mauritius. The letter would had been hand carried to Mauritius by schoocer and then posted to Bordeaux in the accompaying lovely cover, with excellent strike of fancy crowned MAURITIUS/4.1849/G.P.O. black handstamp, clear strik of red COLONIES/ART. 13 handstamp, transit of London and BORDEAUX arrival cds. An extraordinary cover, the earliest known letter from B.I.O.T ilustrated in Proud´s book and a complete chapter is devote to this fantastic letter.

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