Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World I Sesión


Martes, 6 febrero 2024
Primera sesión
14.30 h | Lotes 1 -1227

Miércoles, 7 febrero 2024
Segunda sesión
15 h | Lotes 1501 - 1767


1-5 febrero 2024
9.30 – 13.30 / 14.30 – 17.30
Sábados y domingos cerrados

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 9 de febrero

Lote 295

FRANCIA. Yv. 23. 1865. MARSEILLE a PALERMO. 40 cts. naranja, mat. ANCLA, PRIMER VIAJE DEL PAQUEBOT ILLISSUS fechador solo con al fecha 18 AOUT 65 y manuscrito ´Illissus´. (Salles 785). Pieza excepcional y única conocida, según Salles una de las más raras de los ´Paquebots del Mediterraneé´.

Lote 296

FRANCIA. Yv. 21, 23. 1865. MARSEILLE a ALEP (Syria). 10 cts. bistre y 40 cts. naranja, mat. ANCLA y fechador del Paquebot NIL/* (Salles 805) tasada a la llegada con sellos Turcos para el pago del porte terrestre. Manchas de cinta adhesiva en el reverso.

Lote 297

FRANCIA. 1866. REUNIÓN a FRANCIA. Gran fragmento de carta franqueada con sellos de Colonias de 10 cts. y 40 cts., mat. ANCLA y fechador del Paquebot MOZAMBIQUE/* (Salles 1832) en la Escala de la Reunión. Pese a tratarse solo de un gran fragmento se trata de un fechador extraordinariamente raro y en una excelente estampación.

Lote 298

FRANCIA. 1866 (June 25). Cover from BORDEAUX to ST. LOUIS (Sénégal), endorsed ´Messageries Imperiales´, franked by 1862 10c. pale bistre and 40c. orange tied by 532 gros chiffres of Bordeaux. Circular LIGNE J / PAQ. FR. NO. 1 datestamp in black below of the same day. A fine and attractive cover. Ceres 21+23.

Lote 299

FRANCIA. Yv. 23. 1869. VOLO (Grecia) a LYON. 40 cts. naranja, mat. a la llegada con el rombo de puntos ´2240´ de Marseilla en rojo. EXCEPCIONAL y MUY RARA.

Lote 300

FRANCIA. Yv. 24. 1870. MARSEILLE a ALEP. 80 cts. rosa, mat. ANCLA y fechador LIGNE V/PAQ. FR. Nº 2. Al dorso mat. octogonal ALEXANDRIE/PAQ. FR. X y sellos de Tasa Turcos (uno encima del fechador) para el pago del porte terrestre. MAGNÍFICA.

Lote 303

FRANCIA. 1870 (27 Oct.). PARIS to YORK (Great Britain). BALLOON ´LE COLONEL CHARRAS´. Envelope (without text) franked with 10 cts. and 20 cts. (faults) Star cancel and PARIS/R. ST. DOMINIQUE cds. Arrival (4 Nov.) redirected to a new address and charged 1d. (redirection fee). Contrary to regulations the surcharge for redirection was annulled. Faults but a VERY RARE cover.

Lote 305

FRANCIA. 1870 (Dec. 7). SIEGE OF PARIS. Entire letter on printed LÉGION DES AMIS DE LA FRANCE notepaper of the International Army (a similar Army to that raised in the Spanish Civil War as the International Brigades, with foreign Troops fighting as a unit against the Prussian), mailed from CAMP ST. MAUR and addressed within Paris, written by the Commander of the Legion (General Van de Meer, a Belgian and former Minister of War under King Leopold) to Ch. Lindberg; struck on outside of entire with circular LÉGION DES AMIS DE LA FRANCE in blue and by PLACE DE LA BOURSE cds and framed P.P. in black. An extremely rare and fine entire.

Lote 310

FRANCIA. 1872 (Nov. 1). Cover from SINGAPORE to MARSEILLE franked by 1871/75 25c. blue (4), separated by scissors, tied by ANCHOR lozenge of dots. Carried on the ´Meikong´ with LIGNE M / PAQ. FR. No.1 circular datestamp in black (Salles fig. 1922). Salles records just 2 covers (page 80) from this journey. A most attractive and RARE cover.

Lote 312

FRANCIA. Yv. 59, 60. 1872. MARSEILLE a CATANIA. 15 cts. y 25 cts. mat. ANCLA y fechador LIGNE V/PAQ. FR. Nº 1 ambas en AZUL. (Salles 887). Esta línea funciona hasta mediados de 1871. Sin duda algún capitán de Paquebot conservó el cuño y lo continuó utilizando posteriormente en la correspondencia entregada en mano. ÚNICA CONOCIDA, reseñada en Salles (pag. 228).

Lote 313

FRANCIA. Yv. 38. 1872. MARSELLA a PALERMO. 40 cts. naranja, mat. ANCLA y fechador LIGNE X/PAQ. FR. Nº 3 y lineal COI POSTALI FRANCESI. MUY BONITA.

Lote 314

FRANCIA. 1872 (Sept 25). Cover to Basel, Switzerland franked by sheet marginal single Bordeaux 1870-71 30c. brown tied by bold 2660 gros chiffres of Niort. Paris and Basel cds´s on reverse of fine cover. Ceres 47.

Lote 317

FRANCIA. Yv. 38. 1874. LYON a GENOVA. Circulada por Ferrocarril. 40 cts. naranja. Mat. P.D. y fechador GARE-DE-LYON, al dorso fechadores AMBULANTE MODENA-TORINO y llegada a GENOVA. RARISIMA.

Lote 318

FRANCIA. 1874 (Jan 9). Cover from Boulogne via Brindisi to Aden, franked by 1871-75 25c. blue (2) and 80c. carmine tied by 549 gros chiffres. ´Aden Steamer Point´ cds of receipt on front (Jan 22). A scarce destination. Ceres 57,60.

Lote 319

FRANCIA. Yv. 38 (2), 53, 55. 1875 (Feb. 14). Cover from MARSEILLE to PORT LOUIS (Mauritius) franked by Siege 40c. orange (2), 1871/75 5c. green and 15c. bistre brown all tied by ANCHOR lozenge of dots with octagonal MARSEILLE / PAQ. FR. N No. 8 in black. Framed red ´PD´. Charming and scarce cover. Cert. ROBINEAU.

Lote 322

FRANCIA. Yv. 60. 1878. SAINTE-FOY-LA-GRANDE a VELINES. 25 cts. azul en sobre ornamentado en relieve y flores dibujadas a mano en tres colores. PRECIOSO.

Lote 323

FRANCIA. 1879 (March 8). Cover from SINGAPORE to MARSEILLE franked by France Type Sage 2c. brown, 3c. yellow buff and 10c. black on lavender in a horizontal strip of three, all tied by circular LIGNE N / PAQ. FR. NO. 4 datestamps (March 8) in black applied on the Paquebot ´Ava´. EXCEPTIONAL and RARE usage, believed to be unique with this franking from the Far East.SINGAPUR to MARSEILLE envelope franked with french 2 cts., 3 cts. and three 10 cents. stamps tied by LIGNE N/8-MARS-79/PAQ. FR. Nº 4 on the SINGAPUR scale of the french ship "Ava". Very rare and the unique known with this franking from the Far East.

Lote 324

FRANCIA. 1880. Cover to ROSARIO DE SANT FE franked by Colonies Peace & Commerce imperf 2 x 35 c. purple on yellow of 1878 tied by BORDEAUX despatch cds´s with ROSARIO arrival and circular LIGNE J-PAQ.FR Nº 1 on reverse. Scarce ´home´ usage. Sc 36.

Lote 325

FRANCIA. 1881(Aug 30). ´La Compagnie Singer-Machines A Coudre´ illustrated advertising cover sent registered to Nancy with Type Sage 30c cinnamon and 10c black on green postal stationery cut-out locally mailed. Sewing Machine Trade Mark at left. A fine and early cover.

Lote 328

FRANCIA. 1929. Vuelo de prueba del avión Oiseau Canari por diversas ciudades europeas y firmada por los tres pilotos que llevaron a cabo el vuelo, Armand Lotti, Jean Asollant y Rene Lefeure. Este vuelo de prueba se realizó para probar el avión de cara a una travesía del Océano Atlántico que se realizaría desde Estados Unidos a España, las ciudades donde tomó tierra fueron Madrid, Lisboa, Roma, Atenas, Estambul, Bucarest, Belgrado, Praga, Viena, Varsovia, Berlín y Bruselas, regresando a París en septiembre de 1929. MAGNÍFICA y RARÍSIMA. (Muller 235).

Lote 329

FRANCIA. 1850-1920. Lot of 109 covers and cards.

Lote 331

FRANCIA. 1910-50. FRENCH COLONIES. Lot of 12 covers with Postage Due Stamps.

Lote 333

ARGELIA. 1874. AUMDLE a ALGER. Carta tasada a la llegada con sello de 40 cts. azul, mat. ALGER/ALGERIE. MUY RARA. Cert. P. SCHELLER.

Lote 334

ARGELIA. 1875. Circular impresa circulada por correo certificado en ARGEL con franqueo de 10 cts. bistre (defecto en una esquina) y 25 cts. azul (2), mat. rombo de puntos con cifra 5005 y fechador ALGER/ALGERIE. Excepcional y RARÍSIMO.

Lote 335

FRANCIA: OCUPACION ALEMANA: ALSACIA-LORENA. 1871 (March). Registered cover to Prisoner of War in STETTIN franked by Alsace Lorraine 1870 2x 25 c. cancelled by reed wax seals; with fine strike of boxed K.PR. FELD-POST/RELAIS Nº 25 datestamp; readdressed on arrival back to REIMS. Scarce and interesting cover, opened for better display. Sc N7.

Lote 336

FRANCIA: OCUPACION ALEMANA: ALSACIA-LORENA. 1871. Letter sheet used to MONTBELIARE franked by France 20 c. tied by ´420´ diamond of dots numeral & Alsace 20 c. , both additionally tied by the framed ´MUHLHAUSEN IM ELSASS /BAHNHOF/10 2 71´ blue-green Railway datestamp. Arrival backstamp.

Lote 337

BENIN. 1895. WHYDAH. GRAND POPO to GERMANY. Cover sent via LOME (German Cameron) with three German stamps of 20 pf. blue tied with LOME/TOGOGEBIET cds. FINE and RARE.

Lote 338

BENIN. 1899-1900. 2 covers.

Lote 339

CAMBOYA. 1910. Royal envelope with invitation card from Somdach Prea Norodom, the King of Cambodia with large embossed seal from The Palace of Phnom Penh. A rare and stunning item.

Lote 343

EGIPTO. Yv. 12, 25. 1903. PORT-SAID. 10 cts. rojo y 30 cts. castaño. Marca lineal PAQUEBOT.

Lote 344

GUADALUPE. 1824-1867. Lot of covers.

Lote 345

GUADALUPE. 1839 (April 9). Entire letter to Paris from a member of the 5th Artillery Company with extremely scarce usage of framed ´PORT PAYE/Bsse Tre/GUADELOUPE´ in black, endorsed at left ´Affranchie confie a L´Ordinance Royale-Grusse´ and thus struck with red Brest entry mark on arrival (June 19). A very rare entire. Signed Pothion.

Lote 347

GUADALUPE. 1860 (June 23). Cover to BORDEAUX by British Packet struck with unframed STE. ANNE-GUADELOUPE datestamp in black and rare framed locally made P.P. in black. Red framed P.D. at right over-struck by Calais entry marking. Reverse with BASSE-TERRE/GUADELOUPE cds and Bordeaux arrival (July 15). A rare cover.

Lote 350

GUADALUPE. Ce. 4. 1870 (Oct 4). Cover to FRANCE franked at Military Concession rate with 1859-65 Eagle 20 c. blue cancelled by black dotted lozenge with scarce GUADELOUPE/SAINTES cds alongside. Reverse with manuscript ´Correspondence des Armees´ countersigned by Commanding Officer and LIGNE A/PAQ. FR. Nº 1 cds (Oct 7) and arrival (Oct 21). Slight envelope fault at upper left but a rare and appealing cover.

Lote 354

GUADALUPE. 1873 (May 6). Cover from Basse-Terre to France franked by 1871 40c orange and 1872-77 5c green (2) tied by dotted 64 point lozenge of Basse-Terre in black. Circular ´Paq. Fr./Basse-Terre/Guadeloupe´ cds at right. Reverse with Ligne A transit and thee French cds´s (May 26). An attractive and scarce cover. Ceres 13,17.

Lote 355

GUADALUPE. Ce. 60. 1875 (Aug 9). Cover to PARIS bearing FRANCE perf. Ceres 1871-75 25 c. blue pair (rare usage in Guadeloupe), cancelled by pen crosses in manuscript and by entry marking in blue (April 25). Mailed at Military Concession rate with octagonal CORR D´ARMEES/BASSE TERRE alongside in black and deleted ´4´ decime charge marking reverse with ´Correspondence des Armees´ in manuscript, countersigned by Commanding Officer. A very rare cover.

Lote 358

GUADALUPE. Ce. 19+34. 1878 (Aug 26). Cover to BORDEAUX by British Packet with mixed issue franking of Ceres 1872-77 15c. bistre large figures and Type Sage 1877-79 20c. brown on straw tied by PAQ. ANG.-POINTE A PITRE GUAD. E datestamps in black. Calais transit (Sept 12) in red also on front of scarce cover.

Lote 359

GUADALUPE. Ce. 21. 1879 (Feb 10). Entire letter to SACKVILLE (New Brunswick), franked by imperforate Ceres 1872/77 80 c. carmine pair, small faults, tied by bold GUADELOUPE/POINTE A PITRE cds. Reverse with BASSE-TERRE cds (Feb 11), HALIFAX/NOVA SCOTIA cds (March 9) and SACKVILLE, NEW BRUNSWICK cds (March 10). A cover of great visual appeal to a rare destination.

Lote 360

GUADALUPE. Ce. 20. 1880 (Feb. 21). Internal cover sent registered within POINTE A PITRE franked by imperforate Ceres 1872/77 30 c. grey brown in a fine horizontal pair tied by GUADELOUPE/POINTE A PITRE well struck datestamp. An extraordinary and scarce local usage.

Lote 361

GUADALUPE. Ce. 19+53. 1883 (Dec. 6). Registered cover to Caen franked at Military Concession rate with mixed issue usageof General Issues imperforate 1872/77 Ceres 15c. bistre brown and perf. 1881 Dubois 25c. bistre on yellow for 40 centimes rate; tied by GUADELOUPE / BASSE TERRE cds´s with octagonal CORR.D.ARMEES / * / BASSE TERRE datestamp alongside. Octagonal Paquebot COL. FR. / LIG. A. PAQ. FR. NO.1 in black below (Dec 11) and Paris cds in red (Dec 25) on front. Reverse with Caen arrival cds. Rare.

Lote 362

GUADALUPE. 1884. Postal stationary card addressed to FRANCE bearing French General Colonies 5 c green (pair) (Yvert 49) tied by BASSE-TERRE GUADELOUPE double ring with PARIS/ETRANGER entry cachet in blue and PARIS arrival on front. Very fine and scarce.

Lote 363

GUADALUPE. 1885 (April 10). Registered cover to Rotterdam franked by General Issues 1859-65 Eagle 80c. carmine and Dubois 20c. brick red on green tied by Pointe A Pitre cds´s. Octagonal ´Col. Fr. / Lig. A.Paq.Fr.No.1´ in black on front and arrival (April 27) on reverse. Attractive cover. Ceres 6,52.

Lote 364

GUADALUPE. Ce. 46. 1886. Cover to FRANCE at Printed Matter rate bearing Dubois 1881 1c. black on azure (5) all tied by BASSE-TERRE cds´s in black. Octagonal COL. FRA-LIG A. PAQ. FR. No. 1 French Paquebot datestamp in red below (April 1). A fine cover.

Lote 365

GUADALUPE. 1895 (March 7). Cover to PARIS franked by 1892 25c. black on rose tied by bold GUADELOUPE / ST. ROSE LA (BOUCAN) datestamp with repeated fine strike alongside. Reverse with Pointe A Pitre transit cds of same day. Scarce. Ceres 34.

Lote 366

GUINEA FRANCESA. 1859. RIO PONGO to FRANCE. Entiere letter send by British ship via Senegal, blue GOREE/* datestamps on front and local rated by ´6´ decimes.

Lote 367

GUAYANA FRANCESA. 1842. CAYENNE (Guayana) a BORDEAUX. Marca GUYANE FRANCAISE y fechador de entrada OUTRE-MER/LA ROCHELLE en negro (Salles 149). MAGNIFICO Y RARO.

Lote 369

GUAYANA FRANCESA. 1851 (april 4). Official cover and printed headed contents locally used to a Ship´s Captain in CAYENNE, struck on reverse with circular GUYANE FRANCAISE-GOUVERNEUR cachet. Obverse with oval framed italic LE GOUVERNEUR DE LA GUYANE FRANCAISE cachet in black. An unusual and early entire.

Lote 370

GUAYANA FRANCESA. 1883 (Dec 1). Outer letter sheet sent registered from CAYENNE to ROUEN franked by 1881 Dubois 25c. bistre on yellow (2, one with small corner fault) tied by CAYENNE despatch cds. Circular LIGNE C-PAQ. FR. No. 1 cds at left (Dec 3) and trans-shipped with octagonal LIGNE A-PAQ. FR. No.1 in black (Dec 10). Slight ageing but a remarkable and rare cover. Ceres 53.

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