Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World - Sesión I
Martes, 9 julio 2024
Sesión I - 14 h | Lotes 1 - 1304
Miércoles, 10 julio 2024
Sesión II - 14 h | Lotes 1305 - 1953
Sesión III - 17.30 h | Lotes 2001 - 2369
3 al 8 julio | 10.00 – 13.00 / 15.00 – 17.30
Sábados y domingos cerrados
Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 12 julio
* Los clientes nuevos deben registrarse al menos 5 días antes de la subasta y facilitar referencias comerciales de otras subastadoras
Lote 725
✉ FRANCIA. 1896. CIRCULADA a FRANCIA. 25 cts. negro s. rosa. Mat. ADEN y lineal PAQUEBOT.
Lote 740
✉ CAMBOYA. 1903. Envelope to FRANCE endorsed ´Troupes de Cambodge´ and cancelled CORPS EXPED. CAMBODGE double ring with military cachet PLACE DE PNOM-PENH CAMBODGE/LE COMMANDANT in violet and signed by the commanding officer, routed via Saigon with FRENCH arrival. A rare military cachet from the occupation.
Lote 744
LOTES y COLECCIONES. CONGO FRANCÉS. EMISIÓN 1900-1904. Cat. Yvert 27/41. Colección especializada montada en 2 tomos, de esta emisión. Contiene la gran mayoría de variedades catalogadas como sin dentar, variedades de dentado, color, centros invertidos, pruebas, etc, así como colección de matasellos fechador. Conjunto importante y posiblemente, difícil de repetir. En general, muy buena calidad. Valor de lo catalogado en Yvert, + de 20.000Ђ. GRAN COLECCIÓN. Foto en web. (Ex-22).
Lote 746
✉ GUADALUPE. 1830 (Oct.). Internal entire letter to the village of DOS A´ANE, endorsed at base ´Recomandee aux soins de Mr. Guadin, President de Conseil de ville a la Basse Terre´, struck with superb impression of rare FRANCHE handstamp in black and, on reverse, fine straight line POINTE A PITRE in black.
Lote 747
✉ GUADALUPE. 1850 (July 27). Entire letter from Petit Bourg to France with fine strike of ´PETIT BOURG´ cds in black and unique strike of framed ´P.P.´ in black alongside. ´Basse-Terre´ cds at right and thence via London (Aug 19) with red ´Colonies &c. Art 13´ and Delle arrival cds on reverse. A remarkable and rare entire.
Lote 749
✉ GUADALUPE. Ce. 5. 1862 (Jan. 25). Entire letter from POINTE A PITRE to ST. THOMAS franked by single Eagle 1859-65 40c. vermilion tied by dotted lozenge in black. Point A Pitre cds in black and manuscript ´4´ in red (4d. inter-island rate) and reverse with British P.O. GUADELOUPE cds in red and ST. THOMAS cds in black (Jan. 28). Front also shows very faint (but rare) Crown PAID AT GUADELOUPE at lower left. Rare.
Lote 751
✉ GUADALUPE. 1868 (april 2). Cover to FRANCE franked by General Issue 1859/65 Eagle 5c. green pair and single 40c. vermilion tied by lozenge of small dots in black with GUADELOUPE / ST. FRANCOIS datestamp in black at lower left. Reverse with LIGNE marking (April 8) and arrival datestamps (April 26).
Lote 752
✉ GUADALUPE. Sc. 2-6. 1868 (April 9). Cover from POINTE A PITRE to LIMA, Perú, franked by Eagle issue 1859-65 2 x 5 c. green, 10 c. bistre, 2 x 20 c. blue, 40 c. vermillon and 80 c. rose all tied by light black dotted lozenge and once in blue; superb strike of Crown PAID AT GUADALUPE in blue alongside, one ot two recorded in this colour, and BRITISH PO cds on reverse charge paid being 1 s 4 d in red manuscript. Cover then went to BRITISH PO'S in ST. THOMAS (APR 12) and PANAMA (APR 23) arriving at Lima on May 2nd. A remarkable five colour franking and exquisite cover. Ex. PANNETIER.
Lote 756
✉ GUADALUPE. Ce. 13. 1873 (June 7). Cover to NANCY franked by 1871-72 Ceres 40 c. vermilion tied by scarce lozenge of 64 dots in blue, manuscript at right ´Perçu 10 c. en numeraire´ (lost 10 c. adhesive/number) with GUADELOUPE/POINTE A PITRE cds at right in blue. Octagonal COL. FR. /PAQ. FR. A. Nº 3 datestamp in red (June 9) and reverse with NANCY arrival (June 25). Rare and most unusual cover.
Lote 760
✉ GUADALUPE. 1878 (July 26). Cover to CHOLLET (France) bearing imperforate 1872/77 Ceres 5c. green and 30c. brownish grey tied by bold PAQ. ANG./ POINTE A PITRE GUAD. datestamps in black. cd Calais entry marking on front (Nov 13) and reverse with arrival cds. A fine and most attractive cover. Ceres 17+20.
Lote 761
✉ GUADALUPE. 1879. Envelope to France written from Pointe a Pitre bearing French General Colonies 10 c brown/rose (Yvert 18) and 15 c bistre (Yvert 19) tied by PAQ. FR. POINTE A PITRE double ring sent by French paquebot ST GERMAIN with COL. FR. PAQ. FR. Nº2 datestamp in red (Salles 1422) and LE HAVRE arrival on reverse. Superb quality scarce stamps on cover.
Lote 762
✉ GUADALUPE. 1879. Envelope to France bearing French General Colonies Ceres 5 cents green (Yvert 17) mixed with Type Sage 20 cents brown (Yvert 34) tied by PAQ. FR. POINTE-A-PITRE GUAD datestamp with octagonal French paquebot LIGNE A PAQ. FR. Nº1 sent by French steamer with double ring COL. FR. PAQ. FR. ST NAZARE in red with NANTES arrival on reverse. Superb colourful franking.
Lote 764
✉ GUADALUPE. Ce. 2. 1884 (June 20). Registered first issue cover to LEIPZIG (Germany) franked by horizontal pair of 1884 25c. on 35c. violet grey on yellow tied by GUADELOUPE-POINTE A PITRE cds´s. Circular LIGNE B-PAQ. FR. No. 1 Paquebot alongside (June 26) and red PARIS-CHARGEMENTS cds of transit on front. Leipzig arrival (12/7) on reverse. Rare issue on letter.