Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World - Sesión I


Martes, 9 julio 2024
Sesión I - 
 14 h | Lotes 1 - 1304

Miércoles, 10 julio 2024
Sesión II - 
 14 h | Lotes 1305 - 1953

Sesión III -  17.30 h | Lotes 2001 - 2369



3 al 8 julio  | 10.00 – 13.00 / 15.00 – 17.30
Sábados y domingos cerrados

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 12 julio


* Los clientes nuevos deben registrarse al menos 5 días antes de la subasta y facilitar referencias comerciales de otras subastadoras

Lote 1008

(*) GUAYANA BRITANICA. Yv. Av. 4A. 75 c. negro sobre gris. RARO. Firmado BRUN y CALVES. Cat. 1.400€.

Precio salida: 200 €
12 4

Lote 1009

(*) GUAYANA BRITANICA. Yv. Av. 8. 75 c. negro sobre salmón. RARO. Firmado CALVES. Cat. 1.750€.

Precio salida: 250 €
11 3

Lote 1010

(*) GUAYANA BRITANICA. Yv. Av. 10. 75 c. negro sobre paja. MUY RARO. Firmado CALVES y WEID. Cat. 2.300€.

Precio salida: 350 €
3 2

Lote 1011

INDIA INGLESA. 1858. POINDICHERY a COLOMBO. 1/2 anna (6), al dorso tránsitos y llegada.

Precio salida: 300 €
19 3

Lote 1012

INDIA INGLESA. 1871. POINDICHERY a BORDEAUX. 8 p. lila (2), 2 a. naranja (4) y 4 a. verde. Rara combinación de franqueo.

Precio salida: 300 €
3 2

Lote 1013

*/° LOTES y COLECCIONES. COLONIAS INGLESAS: INDIA. Página de álbum con sellos nuevos y usado de la primera emisión.

Precio salida: 100 €
16 8

Lote 1014

*/° LOTES y COLECCIONES. COLONIAS INGLESAS: IONIAN ISLANDS. Páginas de álbum con sellos en nuevo y usado.

Precio salida: 150 €
8 6

Lote 1015

JAMAICA. 1844. Long entire letter written from ALEXANDRIA (Jamaica) to FERNANDO POO, struck on reverse with ALEXANDRIA / JAMAICA datestamp (Aug 5) in black. Obverse endorsed ´1/2d.´ in blue manuscript. London arrival in red (Sept 15) and the entire forwarded outside the Mails to Reverend John Clarke in Fernando Poo. RARE and very fine entire.

Precio salida: 200 €
10 4

Lote 1016

KENIA, UGANDA Y TANGANIKA. Yv. 45/6. 10 s. y 1 £. S.G. 122/23 . Cat. 315€.

Precio salida: 60 €
5 4

Lote 1017

LAGOS. 1890 (Feb 13). Cover to UEKERMUNDE via Stettin from LAGOS franked at 4 d. rate with pair of 1887 2 d. dull mauve and blue tied barred obliterators with LAGOS cds at left and red PAID LIVERPOOL BR. PACKET alongside. Arrival on reverse of scarce cover. SG 30.

Precio salida: 75 €
0 0

Lote 1018

LAGOS. 1901 (20 Febrero). Envelope registered to GERMANY, bearing 1893 1/2 d. on 4 d. (2) and 1894 5 d. dull mauve and green, each tied by LAGOS/W. AFRICA cds, showing ´R´ in oval,REGISTERED LONDON transit ds in red and, on reverse, LAGOS and poor arrival datestamp.

Precio salida: 150 €
0 0

Lote 1019

LEEWARD. 1895-1903. 2 covers, one with US postage due stamps.

Precio salida: 75 €
3 2

Lote 1020

* MALASIA (ESTADOS FEDERADOS). Yv. 1/8. 1900. SERIE COMPLETA. 8 valores. S.G. 1/8 . Cat. 750€.

Precio salida: 150 €
1 1

Lote 1021

* MALASIA (ESTADOS FEDERADOS). Yv. 11/2. 1 $ verde y azul y 2 $ verde y carmín. S.G. 11/2 . Cat. 440€.

Precio salida: 80 €
1 1

Lote 1022

* MALASIA (ESTADOS FEDERADOS). Yv. 13. 5 $ verde y azul. RARO. S.G. 13 . Cat. 525€.

Precio salida: 125 €
8 6

Lote 1023

* MALASIA (ESTADOS FEDERADOS). Yv. 23/6. 1 $, 2 $ algún diente tonalizado (a few perf. toned spots), 5 $ y 25 $, firmado BRUN y RICHTER. RAROS. S.G. 23/6 . Cat. 4.700€.

Precio salida: 600 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.900 €
5 4

Lote 1024

* MALASIA (ESTADOS FEDERADOS). Yv. 35/38. 1 $, 2 $ (punto de óxido-age spots), 5 $ y 25 $. RAROS. S.G. 48/51 . Cat. 2.250€.

Precio salida: 400 €
5 4

Lote 1025

* MALASIA (ESTADOS FEDERADOS). Yv. 72/4. TIGRE. 1 $, 2 $ y 5 $. S.G. 77, 79, 81 . Cat. 270€.

Precio salida: 40 €
5 4

Lote 1026

* MALASIA (ESTADOS FEDERADOS). Yv. 75/79. 1 $, 1 $, 2 $, algún punto de óxido (a few age dots), 5 $ y 25 $. RAROS. S.G. 76/8, 80, 82 . Cat. 1.720€.

Precio salida: 225 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.200 €
6 5

Lote 1027

* MALAYA: NEGRI-SEMBILAN. Yv. 5/14. 1895-9. SERIE COMPLETA. 10 valores. Se incluye en el lote serie Yv. * 15/7 (Yv. 16, poco valor, goma tonalizada). S.G. 5/14 . Cat. 565€.

Precio salida: 100 €
8 4

Lote 1028

*/(*) MALAYA: PAHANG. Yv. 14/20. 1898. SERIE COMPLETA. 7 valores de 1 $ y 5 $, goma no original (1 $ and 5 $ not original gum). RAROS. S.G. 19/24 . Cat. 3.300€.

Precio salida: 500 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.300 €
8 4

Lote 1029

* MALAYA: PERAK. Yv. 31. 1896. 5 $ verde y azul. Leve pliegue vertical (light vertical crease). S.G. 79 . Cat. 700€.

Precio salida: 90 €
6 5

Lote 1030

(*) MALAYA: PERAK. Yv. 32. 25 $ verde y naranja. Sin goma (no gum). MUY RARO. S.G. 80 . Cat. 12.500€.

Precio salida: 1.500 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.600 €
3 2

Lote 1031

* SELANGOR. Yv. 20 y 24. 1 $ verde y 10 $ verde y violeta. S.G. 61 y 65 . Cat. 900€.

Precio salida: 180 €
5 4

Lote 1032

° SELANGOR. Yv. 25. 1897. 25 $ verde y naranja. Mat. fiscal (Fiscal cancellation). Manchas del tiempo (age stains). S.G. 66. Cat. 3.000€.

Precio salida: 250 €
0 0

Lote 1033

MALAYA. 1857. Seaman´s envelope written on board H.M.S. Amethyst in Singapore (manuscript on reverse) and endorsed ´From W.J. Willis R.M. on board H.M. Ship Amethyst´ sent at soldiers and seaman´s rate bearing Great Britain 1 d. red (SG 40) tied by transit in London addressed to DEVON with LORRINGTON arrival on reverse. Scarce item of mail from Singapore.

Precio salida: 200 €
3 2

Lote 1034

MALAYA. 1875. MALAYA. Cover used to SWITZERLAND bearing 8 c., 12 c. & 24 c. (2) (SG 14a, 15a, 16) all cancelled by the PENANG/D17 duplex¦s & backstamped at BRINDISI in transit & on arrival at NIEDERUZWIL.

Precio salida: 200 €
0 0

Lote 1035

PENANG. 1909. Cover to BERNE, SWITZERLAND franked by 20 pf. tied by circular DEUTSCHE SEEPOST/OST-ASIATISCHE-HAUPTLINIE cds, reverse shows PENANG cds of the following day and BERN arrival.

Precio salida: 100 €
3 2

Lote 1036

MALAYA. 1921. IPOH (Perak) to GERMANY. Postcard posted in PENANG without stamp, by PENANG cds and taxed on arrival with ´160´. Oval mark CHINESE PROTECTORATE IPOH, PERAK. Rare and interesting item.NOTE: As Ipoh was becoming the epicentre of chinese crime, the Perak Chinese Protectorate moved to Ipoh from Taiping in 1894. The Chinese Protector was here to solve crimes, as well as brothel ,sanitary and vagrant problems.

Precio salida: 100 €
0 0

Lote 1037

MALAYA. 1925. PORT SWTTENHAM (Selangor) to MALACCA (Malaya). Postcard franked with 1 cto. black Straits Settlements stamp and 1 cto. black of F.M.S. stamp the first in not valid in Selangor. Taxed on arrival with Straits Settlements 1 cent. lilac stamp. Part of address erased and age stains. Very rare combination franking.

Precio salida: 100 €
0 0

Lote 1038

MALAYA. 1927 (April 1). Registered cover to Italy franked on reverse with 1922-23 8c carmine rose pair, 10c black and 12c pale ultramarine all tied by Kuching cds´s. Front with Kuching registration cachet in violet. Transit cds of Singapore and Livorno arrival on reverse of scarce cover. Scott 60,62,64.

Precio salida: 75 €
0 0

Lote 1039

MALAYA. 1942. Cover to IPOH, Perak with 1942 Pahang overprinted 8 c. scarlet. (SG J241), tied by violet seriffed circular manuscript dated cancel of PAHANG/Sungei Siput/27.7.2602/YUBIN KYOKU. Black small censor chop at left on rare cover.

Precio salida: 100 €
1 1

Lote 1040

MALTA. 1838. Stampless envelope addressed to PARIS written from ´La Hauteur de Stromboli´ at Malta with manuscript ´MALTA´ and boxed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERANEE and charged ´20´ on arrival in manuscript. Very rare item.

Precio salida: 200 €
0 0

Lote 1041

MALTA. 1860-70. Conjunto de 6 cartas circuladas con sellos de Gran Bretaña, diferentes franqueos.

Precio salida: 300 €
0 0

Lote 1042

MALTA. 1866. BARCELONA (Spain) to MALTA. Stampless entire, endorsed ´Voie de Marseille´ and ´Paquebot francais/ou anglais´, Barcelona despatch and French entry cds and fair example of scarce circular-framed accountancy FR/1f 45c handstamp, reverse with MARSEILLE transit and arrival cds. Very rare accountancy mark not listed in Salles.

Precio salida: 150 €
0 0

Lote 1043

MALTA. 1889. MALTA to ROMA. 1/2 p. blue (2) underpaid and taxed with Italian 1 lire red and blue stamp.

Precio salida: 100 €
0 0

Lote 1044

° MAURICIO. Sc. 5a. 1854-57. 1 p. dull vermilion on pale bluish paper, large even margins all around. Very fine. P.F. certificate. SG. 11 Cat. 3.000£. Yv. 3B.

Precio salida: 600 €
1 1

Lote 1045

*/(*) MAURICIO. Yv. 12/6. SERIE COMPLETA. 5 valores. Yvert 1.571€.

Precio salida: 180 €
3 2

Lote 1046

MAURICIO. 1809 (Mars 2). ILE DE FRANCE. PORT NAPOLEON to PARIS. Entire letter with COLONIES PAR/BORDEAUX entry mark (Salles 68), rated ´9´ decimes, PORT NAPOLEON is the name of Port Louis during the Napoleonic Wars.

Precio salida: 150 €
2 1

Lote 1047

MAURICIO. 1820-1838. Lot of 5 complete covers to FRANCE with diferent entry marks.

Precio salida: 250 €
0 0

Lote 1048

MAURICIO. 1825. PORT LOUIS to PARÍS. Entire letter, endorsed ´Par le Courier du Golfe´. COLONIES PAR/PAIMBOEUF entry mark, rated ´8´ decimes. Rare overland route via Persian Gulf and Irak.

Precio salida: 200 €
3 2

Lote 1049

MAURICIO. 1834. PORT LOUIS to PARIS. Entire letter wtih AGENCE CONSULAR DE FRANCE/MAURICE on reverse. On front PAYS D´OUTREMER mark and NANTES cds. Rated ´19´. RARE.

Precio salida: 100 €
0 0

Lote 1050

MAURICIO. 1843 (June 8th). Autograph letter signed by A. Thom, 8 June 1843, addressed to Stokes on board ´The Beagle´ at PORT LOUIS (Mauritius), four pages 4to envelope. Thom writes on his work in tracing the movement and behaviour of the recent hurricane in the vicinity of Mauritius, and begs Stokes to await the conclusion of this work before he places the matter before the Admiralty. He comments on the ignorance of the ships´ masters involved of the true nature of the hurricane, on the slow movement of the eye of the hurricane, and on the correct course of action for a ship caught in it. Stoke and ´The Beagle´ were returning home from their survey of the coasts of Australia. An important and historic item with the famous discovery ship ´H.M.S. Beagle´.

Precio salida: 400 €
0 0

Lote 1051

MAURICIO. 1863. MAURITIUS a LONDON. 6 p. verde. Mat. B53. Tasada con 1 1/2 d.

Precio salida: 550 €
0 0

Lote 1052

MAURICIO. 1865. MAURITIUS a LONDRES. 1 d. castaño (2) (un sello defecto), 4 d. rosa (2).

Precio salida: 200 €
4 2

Lote 1053

MAURICIO. 1886. PORT LOUIS a FRANCIA. Entero Postal de 2 cts. castaño con franqueo adicional de 4 cts. rojo, fechador octogonal marítimo francés POSS.ANG/PAQ. FR T Nº 4 (Salles 2153). RARA.

Precio salida: 100 €
0 0

Lote 1054

MAURICIO. 1894. Circulada a FRANCIA. Entero Postal de 2 cents. gris con franqueo complementario de 1 ctvo. lila (7) y 4 cents. rosa (2).

Precio salida: 100 €
0 0

Lote 1055

MAURICIO. Sg. 94, 99. 1897. MAURITIUS to RAGUSA (Croatia, Dalmatia). 8 cents. grey postal stationery envelope uprated with 8 cts. blue and 15 d. green stamps, arrival on reverse.

Precio salida: 150 €
3 2
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