Subasta España, Dep. Postales y Extranjero - II Sesión


Martes, 17 septiembre 2024
Sesión I
10 h | Lotes 1 - 1693

Miércoles, 18 septiembre 2024
Sesión II
10 h | Lotes 1694 - 3437


9.30 – 13.30 / 14.30 – 18
Viernes 9 - 14.30

Sábados y domingos cerrados

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 20 septiembre 2024


Esta subasta no dispone de catálogo impreso ni pdf

* Los clientes nuevos deben registrarse al menos 5 días antes de la subasta y facilitar referencias comerciales de otras subastadoras

Lote 2750

IRAN. Sc. 593, 600. 1917. NASSIRABAD a MECHED. 3 ch. on 10 ch. and 6 ch. on 12 ch. Rare franking.

Precio salida: 35 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2751

IRAN. Sc. 487 (3). 1917. KIRMAN to TEHERAN. 9 ch. (3) with MILITARY CENSOR mark of ISFAHAN.

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2752

IRAN. Sc. 541, 591, 593. 1918. KOUM to TEHERAN. 1 ch. on 10 ch., 3 ch. on 10 ch. and 5 ch. on 1 kr. stains and envelope reduced at bottom but a rare franking.

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2753

IRAN. Sc. 483, 485. 1918. Three covers used from TEHERAN franked with 6 ch. (2) and 3 + 3 ch. without compulsory charity stamps.

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2754

IRAN. Sc. 481, 488, 491 (2). 1918. CHIRAZ to ISPAHAN. 1 ch., 10 ch. and 1 kr. (2).

Precio salida: 20 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2755

IRAN. Sc. 483, 485. 1918. CHIRAZ to BOUCHIR. 3 ch. and 6 ch. with British/Indian mark PASSED CENSOR/BUSHIRE.

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2756

IRAN. Sc. 481, 491. 1919. SIRI to TEHERAN. 1 ch. and 1 kr. on reverse REAL PHOTO of the sender? tied by TEHERAN cds. Unusual.

Precio salida: 75 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2757

IRAN. Mi. 410 (2). 1919. 3 ch. on 10 ch. brown and red (2) tied with sea of DIZARAD on reverse cover to SULTANABAD.

Precio salida: 50 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2758

IRAN. Sc. 481, 485. 1919. TEHERAN to MECHED and KOUM. Two covers franked by 1 ch. and 6 ch. stamps. The 1 ch. is used for the FAMINE RELIEF tax.

Precio salida: 35 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2759

IRAN. 1919-25. BENDER NASSERI (AHVAZ) to ISFAHAN. 2 unfranked envelopes with TAXE PERÇUE/POSTAGE PAID marks. RARE.

Precio salida: 50 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2760

IRAN. 1921. Three covers, nice frankings.

Precio salida: 35 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2761

IRAN. Mi. 463 (3). 1922. Strip of three of 2 ch. red brown tied with seal of DIZARAD on reverse cover to SULTANABAD. FINE AND SCARCE.

Precio salida: 50 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2762

IRAN. Mi. 463 (3). 1922. Three stamps of 2 ch. brown and red tied by seal of DIZARAD on reverse cover to SULTANABAD. FINE AND SCARCE.

Precio salida: 50 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2763

IRAN. 1922. TEHERAN to ENGLAND. 1 ch. (3), 2 ch., 3 ch. and 12 ch.

Precio salida: 15 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2764

IRAN. 1922. DUZDAB. 3 ch. green and brown (2) oval DOZDAB cancel.

Precio salida: 15 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2765

IRAN. Sc. 487, 488, 494 (2). 1922. BOUCHIR. 9 ch., 10 ch. and 2 kr. (2). Rare franking.

Precio salida: 70 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2766

IRAN. Sc. 646 (6). 1922. ASTRABAD to TEHERAN. 1 ch. block of six CONTROLE 1922 ovpd.

Precio salida: 15 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2767

IRAN. Sc. 632 (3), 481. 1922. MECHED to CALCUTTA (India). 1 ch. (2) and three stamps of 6 ch. on 12 ch. Rare franking.

Precio salida: 75 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2768

IRAN. 1922. ASTRABAD to TEHERAN. 1 ch., 6 ch. and 10 ch. (2).

Precio salida: 15 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2769

IRAN. Sc. 646/47, 648 (2), 651/53. 1922. TEHERAN to FRANCE. 1 ch., 2 ch., 3 ch. (2), 9 ch., 10 ch. and 12 ch. Registered cover, fine and rare franking.

Precio salida: 35 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2770

IRAN. 1923. CHIRAZ to ISFAHAN. Unfranked envelope with boxed POSTAGE PAID mark (type S.1).

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2771

IRAN. Sc. 647 (5), 657. 1923. MECHED to LONDON. Large registered envelope franked with 2 ch. (5) and 3 kr.

Precio salida: 75 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2772

IRAN. Sc. 648 (2), 655, 656. 1923. MECHED to LONDON. Large registered envelope franked with 3 ch. (2), 24 ch. and 2 kr.

Precio salida: 70 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2773

IRAN. Sc. 646, 648, 650, 655, 656. 1923. GULAHEK to GERMANY. 16 ch. red postal stationary envelope (faults at right) uprated with1 ch., 3 ch., 6 ch., 24 ch. and 2 kr. Rare franking.

Precio salida: 75 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2774

IRAN. Sc. 646 (2), 647, 650 (2), 651/52, 653 (2), 654. 1923. TEHERAN to GERMANY. 1 ch. (2), 2 ch., 3 ch. on 12 ch., 6 ch. (2), 9 ch., 10 ch., 12 ch. and 1 kr. Espectacular franking.

Precio salida: 75 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2775

IRAN. Sc. 646 (2), 655 (2). 1924. HAMADAN to LONDON. 1 ch. (2) and 24 ch. (2), with CONTROL OFFICIALY SEAL in arrival.

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2776

IRAN. Sc. 654 (3). 1924. MECHED to LONDON. 1 kr. blue and red (3). Registered.

Precio salida: 20 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2777

IRAN. 1924. CHIRAZ to KOUM. Unfranked envelope with POSTAGE PAID lineal mark (Type S.2).

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2778

IRAN. 1925. ASTRABAD to TEHERAN. 1 ch. block of four and 1 Kr.

Precio salida: 10 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2779

IRAN. 1926. CHIRAZ to GREAT BRITAIN. Unfranked envelope with boxed TAXE PERÇUE (POSTAGE PAID) mark. Rare sent overseas.

Precio salida: 35 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2780

IRAN. 1926. RESHT to U.S.A. 2 ch. (2), 6 ch. (4) (one fault) and 1 kr. registered cover.

Precio salida: 20 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2781

IRAN. 1926. MECHED to SWEDEN. 10 ch. and 1 kr. registered cover.

Precio salida: 20 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2782

IRAN. 1926. TEHERAN to ITALY. 10 ch. and 1 kr. registered cover.

Precio salida: 20 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2783

IRAN. 1928. SALMAS to U.S.A. 10 ch. and 1 kr. registered cover.

Precio salida: 20 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2784

IRAN. Sc. 723, 724, 727 (3). 1928. TEHERAN complete newspaper franked with 1 ch., 6 ch. (three, one fault) and 2 ch. Rare franking.

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2785

IRAN. Mi. 536, 538 (2), 544, 545 (2), 546. 1928 (31-I). TEHERAN to GERMANY. AIR MAIL colourfull franking.

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2786

IRAN. Mi. 535, 544, 545 (2), 546. 1928 (21-IV). BOUCHIR to TEHERAN. AIR MAIL. FIRST FLIGHT (Muller 21a).

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2787

IRAN. 1928. TEHERAN to AUSTRIA. 1 ch. (2), 6 ch. and 2 kr. registered cover.

Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2788

IRAN. Sc. 727. 1928. SEMMAN to SWEDEN. 6 ch. rose taxed on arrival with 30 ore green label, paid with two swedish stamps of 15 ore.

Precio salida: 40 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2789

IRAN. Sc. 723, 724 (4), 729 (3). 1928. TAURIS to GREAT BRITAIN.1 ch. green, 2 ch. (4) blue, and 10 ch. bister (3).

Precio salida: 20 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2790

IRAN. Mi. 549, 554 (5), 555. 1929 (7-IV). BOUCHIR to ALEXANDRIA (Egypt). AIR MAIL. FIRST FLIGHT BOUCHIR-LONDON (Muller 28). Scare high franking.

Precio salida: 40 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2791

IRAN. Mi. 587, 590. 1929. Cover sent to GREAT BRITAIN. AIR MAIL BASRAH-CAIRO, Alexandrie transit.

Precio salida: 20 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2792

IRAN. Sc. 754 (3). 1929. TEHERAN to ISFAHAN. 2 kr. strip of three.

Precio salida: 20 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2793

IRAN. Mi. 601/04. 1930 (7-XII). RESCHT to NEW YORK. AIR MAIL via Bagdad.

Precio salida: 15 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2794

IRAN. 1930. PARÍS to AHWAZ (Persia). Envelope with french 30 cts. stamp with instructional label ´Retour a L´expediteur´. FINE and RARE.

Precio salida: 35 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2795


Precio salida: 25 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2796

IRAN. 1933. TAURIS to GERMANY. Registered Insured letter of 4.465 Rial franked with three 5 kr. brown. Rare hight franking.

Precio salida: 30 €
Puja actual:
0 0

Lote 2797

IRAN. Mi. 685, 767 (2). 1945. TEHERAN to GREAT BRITAIN. AIR MAIL. Russian censor mark.

Precio salida: 30 €
Puja actual:
0 0
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