Auction Stamps and Covers of the World - Sesión I


Tuesday, July 9th 2024
Session I - 
 2 pm | Lots 1 - 1304

Wednesday, July 10th 2024
Session II - 
 2 pm | Lots 1305 - 1953

Session III -  5:30 pm | Lots 2001 - 2369



July 3rd to 8th | 10 am – 1 pm / 3 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed

Lots can be collected from July 12th


* New clients must register at least 5 days before the auction and provide business references from other auction houses

Lot 816

MARTINICA. 1876. FORT DE FRANCE a FRANCIA. Circulada con sello francés de 25 cts. azul, mat. ANCLA y fechador marítimo COR. D. ARMEES/LIG. A PAQ. Nº 3 (Salles 1426) estampado a bordo del paquebot ´Colombie´ en la escala de Fort de France.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 817

MARTINICA. Ce. 51. 1883 (June 23). Cover to ST. NAZAIRE at Military Concession rate, franked by 1881 Dubois 15c. blue tied by SAINT PIERRE-MARTINIQUE cds with repeated strike above; fine CORR. D´ARMEES-ST. PIE.RRE M. E. datestamp in black. Red octagonal COL. FR. PAQ. FR. B.No. 1 datestamp also on front (June 26). Reverse with Military cachet in blue and arrival vds. A scarce cover.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 818

MARTINICA. 1883 (Dec 10). Cover at Military Concession rate to ST. NAZAIRE franked by 1881 Dubois 15c. blue tied by SAINT-PIERRE cds, superb strikes of octagonal CORR. D´ARMEES / SAINT-PIERRE and Paquebot COL. FR. / LIG A. PAQ. FR. No. 1 in black alongside (Dec 11). Reverse with red Military cachet and counter-signature of Commanding Officer and St. Nazaire arrival (Dec 24). A scarce and attractive cover.

Start price: 125 €
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Lot 819

MARTINICA. 1886. FORT DE FRANCE a FRANCIA. 5 s. 20 cts. naranja s. verde (10), fechador marítimo COL. FR./LIG. B. PAQ. FR. Nº 2. Carta certificada, al dorso llegada.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 820

MARTINICA. 1887. MARTINIQUE a FRANCIA. 1 cto s. 20 cts. naranja s. verde (6), mat. COR. D. ARMEES/PAQ. FR. Nº 2.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 821

MARTINICA. Ce. 36. 1893 (Dec 14). ´Correspondence Militarire´ endorsed cover, re-addressed on arrival in Lisbon (Jan 2, 1894), franked by 1893 15c. blue tied by scarce MORNE-ROUGE / MARTINIQUE datestamp and paying the Military Concession rate. Octagonal COR. D´ARMEES / SAINTE-PIERRE in black below of same date. Reverse with Military cachet in blue and arrival cds. A very rare cover.

Start price: 400 €
0 0

Lot 822

MARTINICA. 1896. SOBRE procedente probablemente de GUADALUPE con franqueo de 15 cts. azul matasello marítimo en azul CORRESPONDANCES D´ARMEES/L.D. Nº 3 (Salles 1520). MUY RARA.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 823

MARTINICA. 1899 (Sept. 19). Printed Official entire letter sent registered locally within FORT DE FRANCE, with blue circular Official cachet, red straight line CHARGÉ and FORT DE FRANCE/CHARGEMENTS cds in black alongside. A scarce and attractive usage.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 824

MARTINICA. 1901. Postcard with Shorthand illustrations and also written in Shorthand, mailed to France franked by 1892-1906 2c. brown on buff in a horizontal strip of five tied by St. Pierre cds´s. Octagonal Paquebot ´Colon A Bordeaux´ (Oct 6) alongside. Very rare used in Martinique. Scott 34.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 825

* MONG-TZEU. Yv. 1/16. SERIE COMPLETA. 16 valores. Valores clave firmados. 40 c. (Yv. 11) usado. Cat. 2.225€.

Start price: 325 €
SOLD BY: 550 €
12 4

Lot 826

° MONG-TZEU. Yv. 1/16 sin 9. SERIE COMPLETA a falta del 25 c. negro sobre rosa. 15 valores. RAROS. Cat. 1.295€.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 220 €
8 4

Lot 827

* NUEVA CALEDONIA. Yv. 80b. 1 f. oliva. Variedad sobrecarga ROJA y AZUL. RARO. Cat. 750€.

Start price: 120 €
SOLD BY: 220 €
12 2

Lot 828

** NUEVA CALEDONIA. Yv. Av. 1/2. SERIE COMPLETA. 2 valores. 40 c. goma no original y doblez horizontal (not original gum and horizontal crease). Cat. 1.550€.

Start price: 200 €
SOLD BY: 220 €
2 2

Lot 829

NUEVA CALEDONIA. Ce. 29. 1892 (Sept 15). Cover to PARIS franked by diagonally overprinted Dubois on rose tied by LA FOA cds in blue, superb circular French Paquebot LIGNE T-PAQ. FR. No. 4 datestamp in red (Sept 24) alongside adhesive. Noumea cds on reverse with arrival. Scarce issue on letter.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 830

NUEVA CALEDONIA. 1892 (Dec 21). Cover to PARIS carried at Military Concession rate bearing diagonally surcharged 1892 Dubois 15c. blue tied by NOUMEA cds in black with repeated strike over ´Service de Santé´ cachet at left. Circular CORR. D´ARMEES / PAQ. FR. T. No. 3. Paquebot datestamp in red at left. A fine and very scarce franking. Ceres 26.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 831

NUEVA CALEDONIA. 1932. WALLIS AND FUTUNA. Envelope to the French Wallis Islands bearing Indo-China 1/2 c brown (2) (Yvert 153) tied by POST RURALE BINHTHUY/PROVINCE CANTHO in blue, routed via Cantho and Saigon, underpaid with TAX handstamp and bearing Wallis postage due 1 f blue green (Yvert 21) applied and tied on arrival by PROTECTORAT FRANCAIS WALLIS double ring. Nice combination.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 240 €
3 2

Lot 832

OBOCK. Yv. ° 46, * 62 y ° 63. 5, 10 y 25 f. Cat. 1.455€.

Start price: 110 €
0 0

Lot 833

* OBOCK. Ed. 63. 25 f. sepia y azul. Firmado CALVES. Cat. 1.100€.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 150 €
8 3

Lot 834

* OBOCK. Ed. 63. 25 f. sepia y azul. Firmado CALVES. Cat. 1.100€.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 170 €
8 4

Lot 835

° OBOCK. Yv. 63. 25 f. sepia y azul. Cat. 1.100€.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 120 €
3 2

Lot 836

OBOCK. 1892. OBOCK a FRANCIA. 4 cts., 20 cts. y 40 cts., al dorso llegada.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 837

**/* PORT-SAID. Yv. 38b (2). 5 m. sobre 3 c. orange. Pareja horizontal con DOBLE SOBRECARGA. Un sello sin fijasellos. LUJO. Cat. 1.840€.

Start price: 250 €
SOLD BY: 280 €
5 2

Lot 838

FRANCIA. 1949-52. DEPARTAMENTO DE LA REUNIÓN. Correo Aéreo serie 45/48. PRUEBAS DE LUJO. Cat. 450€.

Start price: 50 €
SOLD BY: 70 €
5 2

Lot 839

REUNION. 1850 (Feb. 18). Entire letter to MARSEILLE endorsed ´par le Picard´, struck with fine ST. DENIS-ILE DE REUNION datestamp in black, circular P.P. and red Paulliac entry marking at right. Bordeaux arrival cds on reverse (May 3). Fresh and fine entire.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 840

REUNION. Ce. 4. 1867 (Feb 19). Cover to FRANCE via SUEZ, franked at Military Concession rate with 1859-65 Eagle 20 c. blue cancelled by blue dotted lozenge with octagonal CORR. D´ARMÉES/ST. DENIS in blue with civilian circular datestamp alongside of the same day. Reverse with oval LE COMMANDANT D´ARTILLERIE, P. VOIGNARD cachet and four French datestamp of arrival (March 17). A rare and appealing cover. Certificate ROUMET (2012).

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 841

REUNION. 1859-65. 10 c. bister + 80 c. carmine rose, tied by bold dotted lozenge cancel on an 1870 folded letter from REUNION to FRANCE, with three French backstamps; light horiz. file fold. Very fine. Yv. 3+6, Sc 3+6.

Start price: 350 €
0 0

Lot 842

REUNION. 1871. ST. ANDRE a FRANCIA. 5 cts. verde (2), 10 cts. bistre y 40 cts. naranja (2) mat. parrilla en rojo y fechador REUNION/ST. ANDRE. PRECIOSA y MUY RARA.

Start price: 2.000 €
0 0

Lot 843

REUNION. 1872. ST. DENIS a PORT LOUIS (Maurice). 25 cts. azul pareja, marca AFFRANCHISSEMENT/INSUFFISANT y tasa de 8 d. a la llegada.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 844

REUNION. Yv. 10, 11, 12, 13. 1872. REUNION to FRANCE with 10 cts. bistre, 20 cts. blue, 40 cts. orange and 80 cts. rose tied by DOTS lozenge. Outstanding and rare four color franking. Cert. R. CALVES. (Affranchisement exceptional).

Start price: 1.600 €
0 0

Lot 845

REUNION. 1876. ST. BENOIT a ST. DENIS. 5 cts. verde y 15 cts. bistre, mat. parrilla en azul y fechador REUNION/ST. BENOIT.

Start price: 200 €
SOLD BY: 200 €
1 1

Lot 846

REUNION. 1878 (Feb 2). Cover to FRANCE franked by imperforate General Issues 25 c. blue (2), somewhat stained a left and tied by dotted lozenge in black. Octagonal CORR DE ARMEES / ST. DENIS cachet at right in red. Reverse with Official ANCHOR cachet in black and arrival cds. Some wear but scarce. Ceres 23.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 847

REUNION. 1891. 40 c. red + 1 f. bronze green, tied by ST. DENIS cds´s on an 1898 registered cover to FRANCE (backstamped); light vert, file folds. Very fine. Yv. 26+28, Sc 26+28.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 848

REUNION. 1892 (Jan 23). Small mourning envelope to PARIS franked at Military Concession rate by diagonally overprinted Dubois 15c. blue tied by REUNION / ST. ANDRE cds in blue (scarce) and superb repeated strike alongside. Octagonal CORPS DES ARMEES /ST. DENIS at right. Ceres 22.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 849

REUNION. Yv. A-1a. 1937. REUNIÓN a FRANCIA. Circulado con sello habilitado ROLAND-GARROS en pareja una sin sobrecarga. Muy raro, al dorso llegada.

Start price: 500 €
SOLD BY: 700 €
6 3

Lot 850

° SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. Yv. 16/7. SERIE COMPLETA. 3 valores. MUY RAROS. Firmados CALVES o SCHELLER. Cat. 5.700€.

Start price: 750 €
SOLD BY: 1.500 €
12 3

Lot 851

* SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. Ed. 55, 57 y 58. 60 c., 2 f. y 5 f. RAROS. Firmados. Cat. 1.180€.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 160 €
4 2

Lot 852

* SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. Yv. 57. 2 f. castaño. Firmado SCHELLER. Cat. 375€.

Start price: 50 €
0 0

Lot 853

* SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. Yv. 237b. 40 c. azul y castaño. Sobrecarga INVERTIDA. RARO. Firmado SCHELLER. Cat. 1.500€.

Start price: 225 €
SOLD BY: 480 €
15 2

Lot 854

** SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. Ed. 246. 2 c. verde oscuro. LUJO. Firmado CALVES. Cat. 1.155€.

Start price: 175 €
SOLD BY: 360 €
9 6

Lot 855

SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. Yv. 247, 249. FRANCE LIBRE. 3 y 5 cts., 3 cts. pequeña sombra del tiempo (age stain), 5 cts. firmado BRUN. Cat. 1.530€.

Start price: 125 €
SOLD BY: 180 €
7 4

Lot 856

* SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. Ed. 261. 80 c. violeta. LUJO. Firmado ROUMENT y otros. Cat. 770€.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 190 €
6 5

Lot 857

* SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. Yv. T-42/51. 1941. SERIE COMPLETA. 10 valores. Firmados BRUN. Se incluye Yv. Tasa ** 32/41. Cat. 770€.

Start price: 120 €
SOLD BY: 120 €
1 1

Lot 858

SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. 1857. ST. PIERRE a FRANCIA. Marca circular de ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON al dorso llegada.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 859

SENEGAL. 1866-69. Tres cartas circuladas a FRANCIA circuladas con sellos de Águilas, franqueos de 10 + 10 cts., 10 + 40 cts. y 10 + 10+ 10+ 40 cts. Interesante conjunto.

Start price: 500 €
0 0

Lot 860

SENEGAL. 1868. CARABANE (Sur de Senegal en el rio Casamence). Fechador SENEGAL ET DEP./GOREE y ´6´ (decimas) del porte pagado en origen. MUY RARA.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 861

SENEGAL. 1870. ST. LOUIS a FRANCIA. Carta con Franquicia Militar (al dorso). fechador octogonal CORR. D. ARMEES/* ST. LOUIS * y fechador de entrada COL. FR. PAQ. FR/2 BORDEAUX 2 (Salles 1050). MAGNIFICA.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 862

SENEGAL. Ce. 23. 1874 (june 26). Cover from DAKAR to MARSEILLE (much re-addressed on arrival) franked at Military Concession rate with Ceres 1872-77 25c. blue tied by dotted ANCHOR lozenge with CORR. D'ARM.-LIG. J. PAQ. F. No.1 circular Paquebot alongside. Reverse with Officer's signature and manuscript "Correspondence Militarie" and arrival cds (July 9). Cover with mss. "Trouvé dans la boite" on front and no less than 16 datestamps on reverse in search of the addressee; charged 40 centimes due for the local re-addressing. An unusual cover of much charm.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 863

SENEGAL. Ce. 23. 1876 (June 26). Cover and original contents written from DAKAR to BEAUNE (France) franked by Military Concession rate with Ceres 1872-77 25c. blue tied by CORR. D´ARM.-LIG. J. PAQ. F. No.1 with repeated strike alongside. Reverse with Officer´s signature and manuscript ´Correspondence Militaire´ and arrival cds (July 6). A rare entire with interesting contents.

Start price: 250 €
0 0
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