Auction Stamps and Covers of the World - Sesión I


Tuesday, July 9th 2024
Session I - 
 2 pm | Lots 1 - 1304

Wednesday, July 10th 2024
Session II - 
 2 pm | Lots 1305 - 1953

Session III -  5:30 pm | Lots 2001 - 2369



July 3rd to 8th | 10 am – 1 pm / 3 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed

Lots can be collected from July 12th


* New clients must register at least 5 days before the auction and provide business references from other auction houses

Lot 864

SENEGAL. 1877. ST. LOUIS. Envuelta circulada en el interior de la ciudad con marca del Tribunal de Instancia. Marcas P.P (portes pagados) y R (certificado). RARA.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 865

SENEGAL. 1877 (Jan 31). Stampless registered cover to ST. LOUIS, struck with fine framed ´P.P.´ (rare), octagonal framed ´R´ and SENEGAL-ET-DEPS/ST. LOUIS datestamp all in blue. Official cachet at upper left (also in blue). A fine and very scarce cover.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 866

SENEGAL. 1877. GOREE a FRANCIA. 10 cts. castaño s. rosa y 30 cts. sepia mat. rombo de puntos en azul GOR. Muy bonita.

Start price: 350 €
0 0

Lot 867

SENEGAL. 1892 (Nov 17). Registered cover to BORDEAUX franked by marginal 75c. on 15c. blue tied by DAKAR cds in black, repeated strike alongside. Faint blue octagonal PAQUEBOTat left and reverse with Bordeaux arrival cds (Nov 27). A scarce and fine franking, with only 2000 stamps issued. Ceres 6.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 868

SENEGAL. 1908. Postal card franked with 10 c. Dubois issue (uncancelled) prepaying the UPU card rate to HOLLAND. Front shows RUFISQUE/SENEGAL departure cds, French LIGNE J/PAQ.FR.No. 3 paquebot datestamp, plus KAMPEN arrival cds. A scarce usage of this card to an uncommon destination.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 869

SENEGAL. 1926 (10-III). VUELO especial ST. LOUIS (Senegal)-PORT ETIENNE (Mauritania). Carta con franqueo de 5, 10 y 15 cts. con firma del piloto Conde de la Vaux, al dorso llegada a Port-Etienne. Rarísimo, existen menos de una docena de cartas voladas. (Muller 10).

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 870

° SUDAN. Yv. 2. 0,25 sobre 1 f. oliva. Firmado Brun. Cat. 2.100€.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 180 €
9 5

Lot 871

TAHITI. 1846-47. 2 Covers from Tahiti.

Start price: 500 €
0 0

Lot 872

TAHITI. 1885 (May 16). Registered cover to Bordeaux franked by General Issues 1881 25c. yellow on straw pair and 1fr. olive green tied by fine ´Papeete/Taiti´ cds´s with framed ´R´ alongside. Bordeaux arrival (July 10) on reverse of a fine and very scarce cover. Scott 53,59.

Start price: 500 €
0 0

Lot 873

TAHITI. 1892 (5 Mayo). TAHITÍ a FRANCIA. 5 cts. y 10 cts. Mat. octogonal CORR.D.ARMEES*PAPETE*. Sobre con el texto completo. RARO.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 874

TAHITI. Ce. 51. 1892 (Jan). Cover at Military Concession rate franked by Dubois 1881 15c. blue (fault) tied by bold octagonal CORR. D´ARMEES-PAPEETE in black with repeated strike alongside. Military cachet at right and reverse with arrival cds´s (Feb 24). Some faults to edge of envelope but rare.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 875

TAHITI. 1895 (Aug 10). Registered cover to Paris franked by single usage of 1893 diagonally surcharged (reading down to right) ´Tahiti´ on General Issues 1881 75c. carmine tied by ´Papeete/Taiti´ cds. Framed ´R´ above and Paris arrivals (Sept 30) on reverse of a fine and rare cover. Scott 15.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 876

TAHITI. 1895. Unstamped envelope from Papeete cancelled by PAPEETE TAITI 31 DEC 95 double ring addressed to Tipaerui with TAX handstamp and French General Colonies postage dues 5 c blue (Yvert 18) and 15 c pale green (Yvert 20) applied and tied on arrival by PAPEETE TAITI datestamp. Fine and rare item of postage due mail.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 877

TAHITI. 1923. Incoming mail from France bearing French Sower 5 c orange/red (5) (Yvert 158) tied by PARIS datestamp addressed to the Bak of Indo-China, Papeete with arrival and forwarded on to Ile de Moorea, taxed on arrival with French General Colonies postage due 15 c green (top corner marginal imperf) (pair) (Yvert 20) applied and tied on arrival by undated OCEANIE MOOREA double ring in red. A very rare item of postage due mail from the Marquises.

Start price: 200 €
SOLD BY: 240 €
3 2

Lot 878

TAHITI. 1924. PAPEETE a USA. Espectacular franqueo en anverso y reverso con 2 sellos de 5 cts. CHRISTMAS ISLAND, Coconut Plantations. EXCEPCIONAL.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 150 €
1 1

Lot 879

TCHAD. 1936 (6-Junio). AIR MAIL. FORT-LAMY a ABECHE. VUELO MILITAR realizado por los Pilotos PLUSQUELEC y COLIN. Sello de 50 cts. de CONGO, habilitado TCHAD y marca especial del vuelo. MUY RARO (Muller 20).

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 880

TUNEZ. 1864 (Feb 21). Entire letter from Tunis with double ring French P.O. despatch cds in black, sent unpaid via Marseille to London (Feb 29) with fine strike of ´FR/1F 78c´ Exchange marking in black. Charged 6d. due in manuscript. Very rare.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 881

TUNEZ. Ce. 30. 1872 (Nov. 12). Cover to TUNIS, readdressed on arrival, franked by Laureated 1863-67 30c. brown pair tied by scarce ´34´ Paris Star (Avenue Josephine) with red PD. Reverse with seven further datestamps including BÔNE (Nov. 16 and 20) and very fine (and rare) LA GOULETTE cds (Nov 17), then returned to Paris (Nov. 25). A most unusual cover.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 882

TUNEZ. 1899. Tunisian 5 c. green card used back to TUNIS franked by Finland 1890 2x 5 p. bright green tied by TAVASTEHUS cds´s, ST PETERSBURG transit and TUNIS arrival cds¦s, readressed on to DIVISION MILITARE in PERUGIA with arrival. Unusual usage. Sc 39.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 883

**/* WALIS Y FUTUNA. Yv. 24/36. SERIE COMPLETA. 13 valores. Mayoría sin fijasellos. RARA. Cat. +650€.

Start price: 120 €
SOLD BY: 130 €
3 2

Lot 884

** COLONIAS FRANCESAS. 1931. EXPOSICIÓN COLONIAL DE PARÍS. 15 series completas esquina de hoja. Total 60 valores. Cat. 690€.

Start price: 120 €
SOLD BY: 120 €
2 1

Lot 885

** COLONIAS FRANCESAS. 1937. EXPOSICIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE PARÍS. Juego completo en bloques de cuatro, esquina de hoja "coin date". RARO CONJUNTO. Cat. 2.192€.

Start price: 350 €
SOLD BY: 360 €
3 2

Lot 886

LOTES y COLECCIONES. COLONIAS FRANCESAS. Stock montado en 10 grandes clasificadores desde primeras emisiones hasta parte moderna. Miles de sellos y series en nuevo y usado mayoría de buena calidad, aunque hay algunos con defectos o falsos. Hay ejemplares de valor con correo, aéreos, tasas, HB, etc. Altísimo valor en catálogo. Dada la importancia de este lote sugerimos DETENIDO EXAMEN. Foto en web (ex-66).

Start price: 10.000 €
SOLD BY: 15.500 €
13 2

Lot 887


Start price: 200 €
SOLD BY: 200 €
1 1

Lot 888

*/° ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS. Ficha con sellos en nuevo y usado de Baden, Bayern, Hamburg, Lubeck y Oldemburg.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 889

*/(*) ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: BERGEDORF. Yv. 3, 4, 6, 7. Conjunto de sellos en nuevo, algunas parejas.

Start price: 75 €
SOLD BY: 75 €
1 1

Lot 890

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: MECKLEMBURGO-SCHWERIN. (1856 CA.). GADEBUSCH a LUEBECK. Entero postal de 1 gr. rojo con franqueo adicional 4/4 sl. rojo, leve doblez de archivo.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 891

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: PRUSIA. 1866. CELLE a FRANCIA. 1/2 gr. negro, 1 gr. rosa y 3 gr. bistre.

Start price: 600 €
0 0

Lot 892

° LOTES y COLECCIONES. ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: PRUSIA. Páginas de álbum con sellos usados, distintos matasellos. A EXAMINAR.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 100 €
1 1

Lot 893

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: SAJONIA. 1868. SCHONHEYDA to MADRID (Spain). 3 ngr. chesnut (2), one margin scissors cut. Nice appearance and unusual destination at that time.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 100 €
2 1

Lot 894

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: TOUR Y TAXIS. 1857. Dos cartas circuladas a ESPAÑA con franqueo de 1/2 slgr. + 3 slgr (2).

Start price: 200 €
SOLD BY: 200 €
2 1

Lot 895

*/° LOTES y COLECCIONES. ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: TOUR Y TAXIS. Páginas de álbum con sellos en nuevo y usado, algunas parejas y tiras, también algunos sellos de Wurttemberg.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 100 €
2 1

Lot 896

** ALEMANIA. Mi. IIIA. 1945. LOCALES. ASCHAFFENBURG. 16 + 84 pf. rojo. Hoja de 25 sellos, 10 sellos SIN DENTADO HORIZONTAL. Raro y no reseñado.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 320 €
3 2

Lot 897

** ALEMANIA. Yv. Av. 27/34. ALEMANIA IMPERIO. Serie completa. 8 valores. LUJO. Cat. 1.100€.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 150 €
2 1

Lot 898

ALEMANIA. 1695 (July). Printed Entire letter from ´Camp Waldorff´ with mss rate 4 and ´De L´Armee s´Allemagne´ manuscript at top of letter. A rare item from the Campaign against William III, mailed just before France lost Namur, Belgium. The Treaty of Ryswick taking place in September 1697, the War of Spanish Succession breaking out in 1701.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 899

ALEMANIA. 1807 (14 Agosto). MITTELHAGEN, devant STRALSUND (Germany) to FRANCE. Entire letter with black Nº 77/GRANDE-ARMÉE. FINE.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 260 €
3 2

Lot 900

ALEMANIA. 1870. FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. Stampless envelope written from Coulommiers addressed to Calvados and cancelled by boxed K.P.R. FELD-POST/RELAIS Nº 35. 18/9 with boxed P.P. in red, charged ´2´ erased routed via Paris and forwarded from Livarot to the Channel Islands with manuscript accountancy and JERSEY arrival on reverse. Only two covers known into Jersey from the Franco-Prussian War.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 901

ALEMANIA. 1872. BERLÍN a FRANCIA. 1 gr. rosa (4) y 2 gr. naranja. Muy bonita.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 902

ALEMANIA. 1873. Tiny envelope + original letter to London franked vertical pair 1gr. large shield, cancelled Berlin datestamp. Obverse also bears boxed ´Jnsufficiently/prepaid´ (with a ´J´) + circular-framed ´More to Pay´ and red crayon ´2´, altered to ´3½´ in manuscript. Full Sommer certificate. Very fine.

Start price: 75 €
SOLD BY: 80 €
3 2

Lot 903

ALEMANIA. 1873. Envelope + original letter (long) to Lowell, Mass., USA, franked 9kr. tied by boxed Frankfurt datestamp. Obverse also bears red straight line ´Franco´ and ´New York Paid All´ cds. Very fine.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 150 €
2 1

Lot 904

ALEMANIA. Mi. 5a/I/a. 1884 (July 7). Germany 3pf. green postal stationery newspaper wrapper used from BERLIN to GRAZ (Austria). Underpaid and taxed on arrival with Newspaper Tax 1kr. blue (Type Ia) tied by oval GRAZ-ZEITUNGSEXPEDITION datestamp in black. A fine and appealing usage.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 905

ALEMANIA. Yv. 31. 1885. HAMBURGO a BERGEN (Noruega). 5 pf. lila, mat. BUREAU DE MER. Tarifa de impresos. RARA.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 135 €
5 3

Lot 906

ALEMANIA. 1885. HAMBURG to CAMBRIDGE (U.S.A.). 10 pf. rose (one stamp contemporary fault), redirected to BAR HARBOR with U.S. 2 cents brown stamp.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 907

ALEMANIA. 1890 (March 18). 10 pf. red on blue postal stationery envelope (146x113mm) up-rated with 1889 10 pf. carmine tied by NAUMBURG cds and used to Kuala Buron, via Bandar Masin, Kahagan, BORNEO. Transits on reverse with datestamps of NED INDIE-SINGAPORE (April 8), SEMERANG, SOERABAJA (April 14) and BANDAR MASIN. An extraordinary destination. Scott 48.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 908

ALEMANIA. 1890 (Sept 9). Cover to FRANCE franked by 1888 2 x 10 pf. carmine tied by DARMSTADT cds´s, readdressed on arrival with Type Sage 5 c. green pair tied by DREUX A BUEIL convoyeur TPO cds, and sent back to MUNICH and GMUNDEN. Attractive redirected cover. Scott 48.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 909

ALEMANIA. 1893. BREMEN a HONOLULU (Hawai). Entero Postal de 10 pf. rojo devuelto a origen con sellos de Hawai de 1 cto. verde y 2 cts. lila.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 910

ALEMANIA. 1898 (Jan 7). 10pf+10pf stationery reply cards used from Braunschweig to Kenhardt, Cape of Good Hope. On arrival the card was sent on to The Grange PO, Transvaal and 1898 ½d green applied and tied by Kenhardt cds. Variety of transits on reverse of most unusual card-reply half attached unused. Scott 59.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 911

ALEMANIA. 1911. Envelope to Alsace bearing 10 pf red with se-tenant NATURE WINE label tied by MULHAUSEN datestamp. A rare item (Cat. Michel 1.600 €).

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 220 €
3 2
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