Auction Stamps and Covers of the World - Sesión I


Tuesday, July 9th 2024
Session I - 
 2 pm | Lots 1 - 1304

Wednesday, July 10th 2024
Session II - 
 2 pm | Lots 1305 - 1953

Session III -  5:30 pm | Lots 2001 - 2369



July 3rd to 8th | 10 am – 1 pm / 3 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed

Lots can be collected from July 12th


* New clients must register at least 5 days before the auction and provide business references from other auction houses

Lot 1104

SANTA LUCIA. Sc. 43, 46, 54, 55. 1892. ST. LUCÍA to U.S.A. 1/2 p., 2 1/2 p. , 1 p. on 4 p. and 1/2 p. on bisected 6 p. Registered cover. Arrival on reverse. Fine.

Start price: 75 €
SOLD BY: 180 €
3 2

Lot 1105

SEYCHELLES. 1886-87. 2 covers by french maritime mail.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 1106

SEYCHELLES. 1893 (Aug 16). Decorative cover probable printed in Japan franked at registered rate by single 1890 48 c. ochre and green tied by B64 obliterator and by fine strike of octagonal LIGNE T-PAQ. FR. Nº1. Paquebot datestamp in black (Salles 2142) used to LUXEMBOURG with arrival cds on reverse. Scott 16.

Start price: 350 €
0 0

Lot 1107

SEYCHELLES. Sg. 69, 70. 1912. SEYCHELLES to GERMANY. 1,50 R. and 2,25 R. arrival on reverse. Rare hight value stamps on cover.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 1108

SEYCHELLES. 1913 (April 30). 12c. blue registered stationery envelope to Germany additionally franked by 1906 6c. carmine and 30c. violet & dull green tied by ´Seychelles´ cds´s in black. Ulm arrival on reverse (June 6). An attractive usage. SG 62,66.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 100 €
1 1

Lot 1109

(*) SIERRA LEONA. Sg. 63 (2), 65, 66. 1897. 2 1/2 p. on 1 s. dull lilac. Block of four, no gum. Water-stained as usual. Yv. 47 (2), 47 a/b Cat. 1.875Ђ.

Start price: 175 €
SOLD BY: 240 €
3 2

Lot 1110

* SIERRA LEONA. Yv. 100/07. 1912. SERIE COMPLETA. 8 valores. RARA. S.G. 116b, 124/30 . Cat. 3.650€.

Start price: 750 €
SOLD BY: 1.400 €
3 2

Lot 1111

** SIERRA LEONA. Yv. 148. 5 s. negro y violeta. S.G. 178 . Cat. +225€.

Start price: 50 €
SOLD BY: 140 €
6 3

Lot 1112

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. 1901. SINGAPORE a AUSTRIA. Carta certificada, precioso franqueo, al dorso llegada.

Start price: 250 €
0 0

Lot 1113

SUDAN. 1896 (June 29). MAHDISTA WAR. FIRKET BATTLE (June 7, 1896). Envelope with full contents datalined ´Te Desert, near Firket´ (describing railway construction) to LONDON. Endorsed ´Active Service. No stamps Available´, with very fine WADI-HALFA/CAMP cds and taxed 2 1/2 d. Rare campaign cover.

Start price: 250 €
SOLD BY: 250 €
1 1

Lot 1114

SUDAN. 1913. 3 m. Postal Stationery card, uprated 1 m. tied by KHARTOUM cds and addressed to BURY ST. EDMUNDS, reverse with fine water colour picture of the Mahdi´s huse at Omdurmann.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1115

SUDAN. 1918 (August). ZEMIO (French Equatorial and Belgium Congo Border) to PARÍS sent vía Sudan with two 5 mills. stamp. Faults but very rare.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 1116

* SWAZILAND. Sg. 9. 1889. 10 s. fawn overprinted SWAZILAND, unused with original gum. Defective perforations at left. An extremely RARE stamp. HOLCOMBE certificate. Yv. 9 Cat. 8.000Ђ.

Start price: 650 €
SOLD BY: 900 €
3 2

Lot 1117

* TANGANIKA. Yv. 1/14. 1922. SERIE COMPLETA. 14 valores. S.G. 74/82, 83a/84a, 86a/88a . Cat. 500€.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 300 €
14 11

Lot 1118

* TANGANIKA. Yv. 15/20, 21/4. 1922-25. SERIES COMPLETAS. 10 valores. S.G. 83/8, 89/92 . Cat. 730€.

Start price: 140 €
SOLD BY: 240 €
6 5

Lot 1119

UGANDA. 1904. ENTEBE a GRAN BRETAÑA. Carta certificada, precioso franqueo, al dorso llegada.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 120 €
3 2

Lot 1120

ZANZIBAR. 1893. Use of British India 1/4a postal card, uprated with 1a violet Victoria issue, from ZANZIBAR to GERMANY. Stamps cancelled by squared circle ZANZIBAR datestamps and front shows ADEN transit and KIEL arrival datestamp. A very fine and scarce use of this card.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 1121

ZANZIBAR. Sg. D8, D21. 1930. Underpaid cover from ENTEBBE franked by Kenya & Uganda 1922 1c. brown pair struck with hexagonal ´T´ marking in black, taxed on arrival in Zanzibar with 1930/33 Postage Due rouletted 6c. black on yellow and huge margined 1926/30 15c. black on orange tied by ZANZIBAR cds´s (Nov 17).

Start price: 200 €
SOLD BY: 210 €
3 2

Lot 1122

ZANZIBAR. 1942 (Feb 2). Cover with blue cachets on front and back COMITE FRANCE LIBRE (circular cachet on reverse) mailed to ´France Libre Press Service´ in London with 1936 20c. orange tied by ZANZIBAR cds. SG 313.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1123

*/° LOTES y COLECCIONES. Fichas y páginas de álbum con sellos en nuevo y usado de diversas emisiones de las Colonias Inglesas.

Start price: 150 €
SOLD BY: 460 €
11 4

Lot 1124

** GRECIA. Hl. 158. 1900. 3 d. on 10 l. orange. Block of eight with original gum, never hinged. LUXE.Hellas 1,25.

Start price: 150 €
0 0

Lot 1125

GRECIA. 1840 (Nov 11). Entire letter from MARSEILLE to ATHENS with MARSEILLE despatch cds in black and fine framed red GREECE VIA PIRAEUS handstamp in red and PIRAEUS & ATHENS cds´s on reverse of fine entire. Rated ´180´ lepta due on arrival.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 1126

GRECIA. Ed. Vl.4. 1862. SIROS a TRIPOLIS. 20 l. azul, esquina de pliego. Espectacular sobre en esta excepcional calidad.

Start price: 75 €
SOLD BY: 75 €
2 1

Lot 1127

GRECIA. 1866. ROMA a ATENAS. 2 baj. y 8 baj. (5) (sellos y tira de cuatro). Mat. PARRILLA. A la llegada la carta fue tasada con sellos griegos de 2 l. bistre (2) y 80 l. carmín. En el sobre hay manuscrito la cifra 224 l. de tasa aunque no hay evidencia de que falte ningún sello. Cert. E. DIENA.

Start price: 1.200 €
SOLD BY: 1.300 €
3 2

Lot 1128

GRECIA. Yv. 26,28,29. 1871. ANCONA a CORFU. Tasada con 65 l. pagados con sellos griegos de 5 l., 20 l. y 40 l. MUY BONITA.

Start price: 125 €
SOLD BY: 125 €
1 1

Lot 1129

GRECIA. 1871 (10-VIII). 20 le. azul. (Vl. 27). Perforación privada 9 1/2. MUY RARA EN CARTA.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 100 €
2 1

Lot 1130

GRECIA. 1873. SALONICA a MARSEILLE. Carta completa franqueada con sellos italianos de 20 cts. azul y 40 cts. rosa preparada para ser embarcada en el buque italiano ´Paranormos´, en última instancia la carta fue embarcada en el buque francés ´Bizantin´. Tasada a la llegada con ´10´ décimas. Al dorso fechador de MARSEILLE y marca PURIFIEE AMPRESILLE en azul. MUY INTERESANTE.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 1131

GRECIA. 1875. Carta de LONDON a PATRAS. Sellos de G.B. 1 p., 2 1/2 p. y 4 p. (SG. 94, 139, 182) tasada a la llegada con sellos de Grecia de 5 l. y 40 l. verde (Sc. J3, J6). Franqueo mixto con la rara tarifa inglesa a Grecia de 6 1/2 p. (válida sólo de 1.7 a 31.12.75). Franqueo mixto y uno de los usos más tempranos de los sellos de tasa.

Start price: 400 €
SOLD BY: 400 €
2 1

Lot 1132

GRECIA. 1879. ARGOSTOLION to PADOVA. Sent without stamps, taxed on arrival with Italian 60 cts. orange and red stamp.

Start price: 75 €
0 0

Lot 1133

TURQUIA. 1893. Cover sent from RUSSIA to MONT-ATHOS taxed in arrival by 1892 issue 20 para in arrival. Alongside showing bilingual Mont-Athos cancellation (C/W fig.38).

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 100 €
2 1

Lot 1134

GRECIA. 1893. ´Window pane´ cover bearing a total of thirty imperf 1 l. brown on front and back, all cancelled KERKYRA cds with MALTA cds of receipt on reverse. Scarce and appealing cover.

Start price: 75 €
SOLD BY: 85 €
3 2

Lot 1135

GRECIA. 1900 (Jan 8). 20l. red on greyish postal stationery envelope sent registered to FRANCE, up-rated with Small Hermes perf. 5l. green pair, 10l. orange, 20l. rose red and 25l. violet all tied by ATHENS cds´s. A fine and very colourful franking.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 120 €
3 2

Lot 1136

*/° LOTES y COLECCIONES. GRECIA. Página de álbum con sellos nuevos y usados de la primera emisión.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 260 €
15 7

Lot 1137

* GUATEMALA. Yv. 32/42. SERIE COMPLETA. 11 valores. Cat. 450€.

Start price: 90 €
SOLD BY: 110 €
4 3

Lot 1138

* GUATEMALA. Yv. Av. 39/53. SERIE COMPLETA. 16 valores. Cat. 200€.

Start price: 40 €
SOLD BY: 42 €
4 3

Lot 1139

GUATEMALA. 1825 (Sept 3). Entire letter from Guatemala City via Vera Cruz to Bordeaux struck with ´GUATEMALA´ straight line in black, with two line ´COLONIES/PAR BORDEAUX´ in black alongside (Feb 27). A fine and scarce entire.

Start price: 100 €
SOLD BY: 110 €
3 2

Lot 1140

GUATEMALA. 1847 (Oct. 29). Entire letter on French Consular printed stationery, mailed from GUATEMALA CITY to NEVERS (France); with Consular cachet on reverse and oval CONSULAT GÉNÉRAL / DE FRANCE DANS L´AMÉRIQUE CENTRALE cachet on front. Mailed via New York with red transit at left (Dec 3) and OUTRE MER / LE HAVRE entry mark on front (Jan 3, 1848) and charged 12 decimes due in manuscript. Rare and appealing entire.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1141

GUATEMALA. (1865 CA.). Entero Postal de 10 cts. verde de WELLS FARGO AND CO. circulado a GUATEMALA. A la llegada tasada con ´4´ reales. EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARO.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 1142

GUATEMALA. 1876 (Nov. 29). Cover from GUATEMALA CITY to Feliciano Garcia, private secretary of the President of Guatemala in QUETZALTENANGO; mailed with 'Timbre de Guatemala' Fiscal ½ reales orange tied by GUATEMALA datestamp in black. CORREOS DE PAQUETES / GUATEMALA cds in red on the same day. Readdressed back to Guatemala City on arrival. The sole known example of this usage in the classic period. Ex collection N. Hubbard, M. Spycher.

Start price: 2.000 €
0 0

Lot 1143

GUATEMALA. 1888. JUTIAPA a AMATSITLAN. Marca FRANCO y fechador CORREOS/JUTIAPA indicando que el franqueo se había pagado en metálico en origen por falta de sellos en ésta pequeña administración, al dorso llegada. MAGNÍFICA y MUY RARA.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1144

HONDURAS. Sc. 31, 32, 33. 1878. 2 ctvos. castaño, 1/2 real negro y 1 real verde. PRUEBAS DE COLOR sobre papel cartón.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1145

(*) HONDURAS. Sc. 30/36. 1878. ENSAYOS DE COLOR. Serie completa sin dentar sobre papel delgado, más el 2 ctvos. con habilitación SPECIMEN. MAGNÍFICO.

Start price: 100 €
0 0

Lot 1146

HONDURAS. 1858 (17 enero). AQUANQUETIRIQUE a EASTON (Usa). Sobre con el contenido con un interesante texto sobre la apertura de un camino entre Naranja y Caridad, circulado privadamente, fechador de entrada en New York STEAMSHIP/10. Muy interesante carta circulada desde el interior del país. MUY RARA.

Start price: 350 €
0 0

Lot 1147

HONDURAS. 1884 (20 Nov.). TEGUCIGALPA a USA. 1 real verde. Mat. estrella en un círculo y fechador ovalado de Tegucigalpa. MUY BONITO.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 1148

HONDURAS. 1885 (Sept 20). Printed cover from the Rosario Mining Company, San Juancito used to New York and franked by single Morazan 1c. green tied by negative star cancel. Tegucigalpa and Puerto Cortes oval in blue of transit (Oct 6) on front and reverse with New Orleans transit (Oct 13). A scarce usage.

Start price: 300 €
0 0

Lot 1149

HONDURAS. Sc. 70(10). 1892. SAN JUANCITO a NEW YORK. Sobre certificado con franqueo de 10 sellos de 25 ctvos. bistre. Espectacular y muy raro franqueo.

Start price: 200 €
0 0

Lot 1150

HUNGRIA. 1872. HUNGARY to VERONA (Italy). 5 kr. red sent underpaid, taxed on arrival with Italian 50 cts. orange and red stamp.

Start price: 125 €
0 0

Lot 1151

HUNGRIA. Mi. 10. 1874. VARAZODIN to GRAZ. Postal Receipt of 5 kr. red uprated with 5 kr. red stamp.

Start price: 100 €
0 0
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