Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World


Martes, 4 julio 2023
Primera sesión
15 h | Lotes 2001 - 2793

Miércoles, 5 julio 2023
Morocco. Local Post | William L. Gross Collection
15 h | Lotes 3001 - 3242
Cuba. Including Frederick Paige Butler Collection
16.30 h | Lotes 4001 - 4356


3-4 julio 2023
9.30 – 13.00 / 14.30 – 17.30

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del  7 de julio

Lote 2194

MARRUECOS FRANCES. Yv. 9/10. 1893. TANGER a LARACHE. Circulada con sellos de Tasa habilitados para Correos de 5 cts. y 10 cts. (esquina derecha redondeada). MUY RARA. F.CALVES y cert. COHEN.

Lote 2195

MARRUECOS FRANCES. 1911. CHAOUIA a LE CROTOY (Somme). Circulada en el PRIMER VUELO, realizado en Marruecos entre CASABLANCA y FEZ en el aeroplano "PETIT JOURNAL" marca circular especial del vuelo y franquicia AFFAIRES INDIGENES/CHAOUIA. (Muller nº 1). MUY RARO.

Lote 2196

REUNION. 1864. ST. DENIS a FRANCIA. 10 cts. bistre y 40 cts. naranja (5). Mat. Rombo de Puntos y fechador ST. DENIS / ILE DE REUNION.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 2197

REUNION. 1871. ST. DENIS a FRANCIA. 20 cts. azul y 80 cts. rosa. MUY BONITA.

Lote 2198

REUNION. 1871. ST. ANDRE a FRANCIA. 10 cts. bistre y 40 cts. naranja. Mat. Rombo de Puntos.

Lote 2199

REUNION. Yv. 10, 11, 12, 13. 1872. REUNION to FRANCE with 10 cts. bistre, 20 cts. blue, 40 cts. orange and 80 cts. rose tied by DOTS lozenge. Outstanding and rare four color franking. Cert. R. CALVES. (Affranchisement exceptional).

Lote 2200

REUNION. 1877. REUNIÓN a FRANCIA. 5 cts. verde y 15 cts. bistre tira de tres. Mat. Rombo de Puntos. Bonito franqueo.

Lote 2201

REUNION. Sg. 24A. 1894. Cover to FRANCE franked by single 1891 25 c. black on rose, tied by scarce REUNION-POINTE DE GALETS cds, repeated strike alongside and fine octagonal Paquebot LIGNE T-PAQ FR No 3 in black (Salles 2142) and arrival on reverse.

Lote 2202

REUNION. 1895. PARÍS a ST. PIERRE (Reunión). Impreso circulado con sello francés de 1 cto. negro, tasado a la llegada con sellos de Colonias de 5 cts. negro (2) y 10 cts. Mat. REUNION / ST. PIERRE en azul. Precioso y RARO.

Precio salida: 450 €

Lote 2203

SENEGAL. 1874. ST. LOUIS a FRANCIA. 5 cts. verde (2) y 40 cts. naranja. Fechador octogonal COL. FR. / PAQ. FR. J Nº 2.

Lote 2204

SENEGAL. 1875. ST. LOUIS a LONDRES. 80 cts. rosa de Águilas y tiras de tres y cinco del 5 cts. verde. Espectacular y MUY RARO franqueo. Cert. JAMET.

Lote 2205

TAHITI. 1894. PARÍS a PAPEETE (Tahiti). Faja de prensa con franqueo de 1 cto. tasada a la llegada con sello de 10 cts. castaño rojo, mat. PAPEETE/TAHITI. RARA.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 2206

VIETNAM. 1954-56. Dos cartas con bonitos franqueos.

Lote 2207

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: BAVIERA. Mi. 13a. 1863. MUNCHEN to GREAT BRITAIN. 18 kr. red large margins, tied by numeral "325". Small tear in the envelope. Fresh and fine franking. Cert. U. SCHMITT.

Lote 2208

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: BAVIERA. Mi. 8 (2), 9, 13 (2). (1864 CA.). FURTH to NEW YORK. Envelope franked with two 1 kr. olive, 3 kr. red and two 18 kr. vermilion, tied by "145" in dotted circle with FURTH datestamp. Each stamp cut tightly and touching as is usually the case with this correspondence. Fine and remarkable franking using two 18 kr. stamps. Cert. BRETTL.

Precio salida: 500 €

Lote 2209


Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 2210

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: HANNOVER. Mi. 9 (3). 1857. BREMEN to OSTERHOLTZ. Complete folded letter franked with three 1 gr. black on green tied by blue BREMEN cds and lineal RECOMMANDRIT mark, arrival on reverse. FINE and RARE.

Lote 2211

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: PRUSIA. 1866. STETTIN. 4 pf. verde, sello, pareja y tira de tres. Preciosa y RARA combinación de franqueo.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 2212

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: SAJONIA. 1863. DRESDEN to HELSINGFORS (Finland). 1 ngrs. black on rose and 10 ngr. blue, red boxed RECOMANDIRT mark and diverse rate markings. Rare franking and destination.

Lote 2213

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: SAJONIA. 1868. SCHONHEYDA to MADRID (Spain). 3 ngr. chesnut (2), one margin scissors cut. Nice appearance and unusual destination at that time.

Lote 2214

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: WURTEMBERG. Mi. 28a. 1866. STUTTGART to LONDON. Brown 9 kr. Postal Stationery envelope uprated with 9 kr. brown stamp tied by STUTTGART cds. Fine and RARE franking.

Lote 2215

BIBLIOGRAFÍA. ALEMANIA y ÁREA. Concentration Camp and Ghetto Mail System de Henry F. KAHN (1966); Schleswig-Holstein de H. STEIN (1978); Deutchland Spezial-Katalog de W. HESS (1927); Karolinen, MARIANEN (1968); Prisoners of War, Concentration Camp de STEREO STAMPS (1970); Aldeutchland Spezial-Katalog (4ª edición) de Hans GROBE (1968); Cat. Hartmann, BAYERN (1959) y Spezial-Katalog der Deutschen Kolonial - Postwertzeichen de Gebrüder SENF (1907).

Lote 2216

ALEMANIA. 1697 (2 Octubre). GUERRA DE LOS NUEVE AÑOS (Guerra de la Liga de Augsburgo). Carta completa fechada "du Camp de marem". Marca lineal "De L'armee d'alemagne" y porte de "16" sous. Muy rara circulada a finales del siglo XVII.

Lote 2217

ALEMANIA. 1734 (22 Abril). GUERRA DE SUCESIÓN DE POLONIA. Carta fechada "Au Camp de Kayserlautern" a AIX (Francia). Marca manuscrita "Ar. de Noailles". El Mariscal de Noailles contactó junto a Berwick en la Campaña de Alemania y tomó el mando de las tropas francesas al morir Berwick en el sitio de Philippsborg. RARÍSIMA y desconocida hasta la fecha.

Lote 2218

ALEMANIA. 1899. Germany 10 Pf., "Eickel 6.6.99" on cover addressed to navy ship unit via Berlin court post office (domestic rate) and rerouted to SMS Gefion, transits KOBE, HONG KONG and SINGAPORE JY 3 99, another 10 Pf. added canc. IMP. GERMAN NAVY MAILS Nº 1 1/7 99 and returned. Faults, but rare route.

Lote 2219

COLONIAS ALEMANAS. 1901. JALUIT a PONAPE. Franqueo Filatélico con sello bisectado de 50 pf. de las Islas Marshall, con mat. JALUIT / MARSHALL INSELN y llegada PONAPE / KAROLINEN.

Lote 2220

TOGO. 1915. ANECHO a PORTO NOVO (Dahomey). 10 s. 5 pf. verde (2), más sello bisectado para completar la tarifa de 25 pf. Al dorso llegada. RARA. Firma Calves.

Precio salida: 1.500 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.500 €

Lote 2221

BIBLIOGRAFÍA. GRAN BRETAÑA y ÁREA: The Postal History of British Air Mail, E. PROUD 1991; JAMAICA: The Postal History (1662-1860), T. FOSTER 1968; CYPRUS: Postal History and Postage Stamps, W. CASTLE 1971; British Postmarks, J. VALLANCEY (Billig's vol. 9) 1950; VICTORIA: The Barred Numeral Cancellations 1856-1912, J. PURVES 1963; FIJI: The Stamps and Postal History 1870-1875, RODGER and DUBERAL 1970; British Postmarks, ALCOCK and HOLLAND 2nd edition 1960; NEWFOUNDLAND Specialized, D. MEYERSON ca.1970; British Postage Stamps Varieties Illustrated, ALCOCK and MEREDITH 1949; British Air Mails, N. BALDWIN 1947.

Lote 2222

BIBLIOGRAFÍA. GRAN BRETAÑA: El Penique rojo de 1841, Juan MERCADAL (1934); Stamps in Battledress, J. HOSANG (1955), Numeral Cancellations of the British Empire, H. HEINS (1967); The Codringotn Correspondence, Robson LOWE (1951); British Local Stamps, G. ROSEN (ca. 1978); The British Postage Stamps of the 19th Century, Robson LOWE (1968); Postage Cancellations of London, H.C. WESTLEY (1950), Museum Catalogue Paris I-IV, J. STONE (1965); Postage One Penny, The Queen's Stamps (1965).

Precio salida: 30 €

Lote 2223

BIBLIOGRAFÍA. GRAN BRETAÑA y ÁREA: The Encyclopedia of British Empire Postage Stamps, 4 vol. Vol. 1: The Empire in Europe, second edition 1952; vol. 2: The Empire in Africa, first edition 1949; vol. 3: The Empire in Asia, first edition 1951 and vol. 4: The Empire in Australasia, first edition 1962. Published by Robson LOWE.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 2224

BIBLIOGRAFÍA. GRAN BRETAÑA: British Post Office Numbers 1844-1906, G. BRUMELL (1971); Line-engraved Stamps, J. MELVILLE (3rd edition); British Post Office Numbers 1844-1906, G. BRUMELL (1946); Pre-Victorian Postage Stamps and Franks, G.A. FOSTER (1910); The Royal Philatelic Society London 1869-1969; The Maritime Postal History of London 1766-1960, Alan ROBERTSON (1960).

Precio salida: 25 €

Lote 2225

BIBLIOGRAFÍA. GRAN BRETAÑA y ÁREA: Combination Mail of British Post Offices Abroad, G. KELLOW (ca. 1990); CYPRUS, Its Postal History and Postage Stamps, W. CASTLE (1952); The Postal History of Gold Coast, E. PROUD (1995); The Postal Service of the Gold Coast to 1901, John SACHET (2003); The Postal History of Gibraltar, E. PROUD (1998); The Postal History of the P / O Service to the Peninsula, R. KIRK (1987); Posted in Gibraltar, W. HINE-HAYCOCK (1978 plus 1983 suplement); The Pioner Stamps of the British Empire, B. POOLE (ca. 1970); British Postal Strike Stamps, G. ROSEN (1971); The Postage and Telegraph Stamps of Great Britain, PHILBRICK and WESTOBY (1881); The History of the Early Postmarks of the British Isles, John HENDY (1905).

Lote 2226

BIBLIOGRAFÍA. GRAN BRETAÑA: The Royal Philatelic Collection, Sir John WILSON. "This work is published with the Gracious Permission of his Majesty King George the Sixth" (1952).

Precio salida: 50 €

Lote 2227

BIBLIOGRAFÍA. BRITISH EMPIRE: Cape of Good Hope, J. MELVILLE (ca. 1960); B.N.A. Fakes and Forgeries, E. A. Smythies (ca. 1960); New South Wales Numeral Cacellations, BROWN and CAMPBELL (ca. 1960); Postage Stamps of Gibraltar, G. DUVEEN (1932); The Halfpenny Postage Stamps of Malta, R.B. YARDLEY (1921); The New Hebrides Postal Stamps, HALS and COLLAS (1967); The Post Offices and Postal Cancellations of Fiji, H.M. CAMPBELL (1968); The Maltese Cross Cancellations of the U. K., ALCOCK and HOLLAND (1970).

Precio salida: 30 €

Lote 2228

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1840 (2-11). MULREADY letter-sheet containing TWEEDDALE PATENT DRAIN TITLES advertisement in blue (Spec. MA488b) to MORPETH, franked with 1840 1d. black, platte 8 lettered S-B cancelled by red Maltese Cross, backstamped V / ND-2 / 1840 cds., adhesive lifted and replaced, some peripheral surface abrasions. Cert. B.P.A.

Lote 2229


Lote 2229

GRAN BRETAÑA. Sg. 8 (2), 57. 1852 (May 14). ARCTIC EXPEDITION. Entire letter from his parents at West Boldon "By West India Mail May 14 1852" to Capt. Collinson on H.M.S. Enterprise "Artic (sic) Expedition Sandwich Islands Pacific" bearing 1841 1d. red-brown horizontal pair and 1847-54 embossed 10d. brown lightly cancelled and showing, on reverse, circular-undated WEST BOLDON, Manchester (14.5) and London (15.5) c.d.s.; the contents include reference to the Duke of Northumberland writing to the Admiralty urging them to search for Investigator and Enterprise at Melville Island as well as Franklin & Co. in Wellington Channel, other comments on Parliament and much family news; the adhesives with a few small faults though a remarkable letter to this important expedition. NOTE: In 1850 Collinson was instructed to look for him by sailing through the Bering Strait while Horatio Austin and others would use the normal route through the Parry Channel. He was given HMS Enterprise and was to be accompanied by Commander Robert McClure commanding HMS Investigator. They left Plymouth in January 1850. After becoming separated off the coast of Chile the two ships became independent. (McClure got to the Bering Strait first and was frozen in on Banks Island. When he was rescued and taken to England he became the first person to cross the Northwest Passage). When Collinson reached the Bering Strait and learned that McClure was ahead of him he turned back and spent the winter in Hong Kong. He returned to Bering Strait in mid-July 1851 and sailed east along the coast. On August 29th he was off the coast of Banks Island and saw an open strait tending northeast. This was the Prince of Wales Strait. He entered the strait thinking that he might have found the Northwest Passage but after a while he saw a flagpole on a hill. Under the flagstaff was a message saying that McClure had wintered here the previous year. Collinson pushed on a little beyond McClure's maximum before he was blocked by ice. Returning south he found another message saying that McClure had passed that point only 18 days before but it did not mention McClure's plan to circumnavigate the island. He went a little further southeast and chose winter quarters at Minto Inlet. Here he found another message left by one of McClure's sledging parties. In the spring of 1852 he sent a sledge party north to Melville Island where they found tracks from an unknown traveler (these were McClure's men who were frozen in to the west). On August 5th he was freed from the ice and went along the south coast of Victoria Island into the Coronation Gulf, the easternmost point reached by a ship from the Bering Strait. He wintered at Cambridge Bay on the southeast coast of Victoria Island.

Precio salida 4.500 €


Lote 2229

GRAN BRETAÑA. Sg. 8 (2), 57. 1852 (May 14). ARCTIC EXPEDITION. Entire letter from his parents at West Boldon "By West India Mail May 14 1852" to Capt. Collinson on H.M.S. Enterprise "Artic (sic) Expedition Sandwich Islands Pacific" bearing 1841 1d. red-brown horizontal pair and 1847-54 embossed 10d. brown lightly cancelled and showing, on reverse, circular-undated WEST BOLDON, Manchester (14.5) and London (15.5) c.d.s.; the contents include reference to the Duke of Northumberland writing to the Admiralty urging them to search for Investigator and Enterprise at Melville Island as well as Franklin & Co. in Wellington Channel, other comments on Parliament and much family news; the adhesives with a few small faults though a remarkable letter to this important expedition. NOTE: In 1850 Collinson was instructed to look for him by sailing through the Bering Strait while Horatio Austin and others would use the normal route through the Parry Channel. He was given HMS Enterprise and was to be accompanied by Commander Robert McClure commanding HMS Investigator. They left Plymouth in January 1850. After becoming separated off the coast of Chile the two ships became independent. (McClure got to the Bering Strait first and was frozen in on Banks Island. When he was rescued and taken to England he became the first person to cross the Northwest Passage). When Collinson reached the Bering Strait and learned that McClure was ahead of him he turned back and spent the winter in Hong Kong. He returned to Bering Strait in mid-July 1851 and sailed east along the coast. On August 29th he was off the coast of Banks Island and saw an open strait tending northeast. This was the Prince of Wales Strait. He entered the strait thinking that he might have found the Northwest Passage but after a while he saw a flagpole on a hill. Under the flagstaff was a message saying that McClure had wintered here the previous year. Collinson pushed on a little beyond McClure's maximum before he was blocked by ice. Returning south he found another message saying that McClure had passed that point only 18 days before but it did not mention McClure's plan to circumnavigate the island. He went a little further southeast and chose winter quarters at Minto Inlet. Here he found another message left by one of McClure's sledging parties. In the spring of 1852 he sent a sledge party north to Melville Island where they found tracks from an unknown traveler (these were McClure's men who were frozen in to the west). On August 5th he was freed from the ice and went along the south coast of Victoria Island into the Coronation Gulf, the easternmost point reached by a ship from the Bering Strait. He wintered at Cambridge Bay on the southeast coast of Victoria Island.

Precio salida: 4.500 €
VENDIDO POR: 5.500 €

Lote 2230

ANTIGUA. Sg. 7 (5). 1877. ANTIGUA to USA. Envelope franked with strip of five of 1 d. vermilion tied by A02 cancel. Charged 5 cts. inland fee. The perf. of the strip partly squeezed when applied and the right stamp scissor's cut at right by opening. Rare and the only letter recorded from Antigua to US via St. Thomas.

Lote 2231

AUSTRALIA. 1840 (Nov. 3). 1d. black, lettered DI, four huge margins and showing portions of adjoining stamps on three sides, used on 1840 outer letter sheet from SYDNEY (New South Wales) endorsed 'G.S.Evans' at left and addressed to the Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands in LONDON, further endorsed at top 'Sydney, Nov 3, 1840', tied by black Maltese Cross with straight line 'BISHOPSGATE WITHIN' Receiving House handstamp alongside in black. Reverse flaps endorsed 'per J. Ward Esq., Secretary to the New Zealand Company' and 'Nov. 9th, 1840' and London arrival datestamp (April 12, 1841) in red. On the inside of the cover manuscript 'Copy of an Official Return / Government Sales at Melbourne, Port Philip. Average Price (for) Country Land - per Acre £1.7s.6d / Town Land per acre £317.9s.0d.' with the full account reaching £312'700, 10s. and 7d. A truly remarkable Penny Black cover carried by hand from Sydney and mailed on arrival in London. Note: John Ward was Secretary of the contentious New Zealand Co. (1839-1850, dissolved 1858) which sold lands in the new Colonies and started the settlements of Wellington, Nelson, New Plymouth, Otago and Canterbury none of which immediately thrived; unfortunately for the NZC shareholders some of the lands sold in New Zealand were found not to belong to the Company and disputes with the Maori began almost immediately.

Precio salida: 2.000 €
VENDIDO POR: 2.100 €

Lote 2232

VICTORIA. Sg. 25 (4), 32. 1858. Registered cover to FRANCE franked by 1854 1 s. blue, two singles and a vertical pair and 1854 Woodblock 6 d. dull orange all tied by "136" numeral obliterators in black and by oval 'PD' in red. CROWN / REGISTERED in red and London transit (Oct 12) on front - where taxed at '6d.' to pay in black. Reverse with EAGLE HAWK / VICTORIA datestamp (Aug 11) and Melbourne transit. A rare and most unusual cover.

Lote 2233

AUSTRALIA. Sg. 19, 43. 1866. KOORINGA to ENGLAND. 1p. green and 9p. grey lilac. Marked "via Marseilles". Carried on board of the P.& O. ship "Bombay".

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 2234

AUSTRALIA. 1866. HOBART TOWN a INGLATERRA. 4 p. azul y 6 p. gris, sellos de Tasmania.

Lote 2235

ESPAÑA. 1874. MELBOURNE a MALVAGLIA (Suiza, Ticino). 6 p. azul y 10 sh. azul (2). Carta CERTIFICADA.

Lote 2236

AUSTRALIA. 1883-1925. Conjunto de 6 cartas y tarjetas con diversos franqueos.

Lote 2237

AUSTRALIA. 1891. SYDNEY a JERSEY (Chanel Islands). 1 p., 2 p. y 6 p. carta certificada. Rara destinación.

Precio salida: 75 €

Lote 2238

AUSTRALIA. 1900. ADELAIDE a FRANCIA. 1/2 p., 1 p., 2 p. (2), 2 1/2 p. (2), 3 p. (2), 4 p. (2) y 5 p. (2). Carta CERTIFICADA. Espectacular franqueo.

Lote 2239

AUSTRALIA. 1897. AUSTRALIEN NEW HEBRIDES COMPANY. NEW HEBRIDES to SYDNEY. Envelope franked with a vertical pair 1d. magenta and black private stamps mixed with New South Wales 1/2d. greenish and 2d. blue. RARE mixed franking.

Lote 2240

AUSTRALIA. 1939 (July 22). GUINEA Airways Lockheed, VH-AAU, conducted a survey flight from ADELAIDE to DILI (Portuguese Timor) via Darwin and Koepang (Dutch East Indies), and unofficial mails were carried signed by the entire crew and passengers aboard the plane, including the Minister for Civil Aviation (the late Mr J. V. Fairbairn). Official mails were carried to Darwin. Capt. D. G. Cameron in command. VERY RARE, less than five covers known.

Lote 2241

BARBADOS. Sg. 27, 52. 1872. BARBADOS to PORTLAND (U.S.A.). Envelope franked with (4d.) lake perf. 14-16 and (1d.) blue perf. 14 1/2 each tied by BARBADOS cds. Manuscript "4" ship rate in red crayon and N.Y. STEAMSHIP / 10 applied on entry. Small opening tear but a charming cover.

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