Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World I Sesión


Martes, 6 febrero 2024
Primera sesión
14.30 h | Lotes 1 -1227

Miércoles, 7 febrero 2024
Segunda sesión
15 h | Lotes 1501 - 1767


1-5 febrero 2024
9.30 – 13.30 / 14.30 – 17.30
Sábados y domingos cerrados

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 9 de febrero

Lote 1


Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 2

ALBANIA. 1911-16. 6 covers with postage due stamps.

Lote 3

ALBANIA. 1911-19. ITALIAN OCCUPATION, 8 covers and cards, one with ´Marca da Bollo´ stamp.

Lote 4

ARGENTINA. ESTABLECIMIENTO DE CORREOS EN BUENOS AIRES. Documento fechado el 31 de julio de 1748 y firmado por Joseph Andonaegui, presumiblemente dirigido a Domingo Basavilbaso, promotor y futuro Primer Administrador Princpial de Correos en 1767. "Inmediatamente que se recivio la orden de U.E. se puso en ejecución el Establecimiento de Correos, y sale oy el primero para Potosí...". José Andonaegui: fue gobernador teniente general (1745/1756) y nombró a Basavilbaso administrador y tesorero de los "Derechos Impuestos", para subvenir a los gastos de la Guerra contra los indígenas. En copia "Exmo Sor Dm Jph Manero". Documento importante.

Precio salida: 400 €

Lote 5


Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 6

ARGENTINA. Sc. 1. 1859 (Jan 2). Entire letter from CHANAR to CORDOBA franked by October 1858 5c. blue (Kneitschel 1) tied by manuscript PEN CROSS in black ink. An EXCEPTIONALLY RARE entire, one of just two known examples with the 5c. adhesive used outside the province. Cert. MOORHOUSE.

Precio salida: 2.000 €
VENDIDO POR: 2.000 €

Lote 7

ARGENTINA. Sc. 12, 13 (2). 1868. SAN LUIS a MENDOZA. Envuelta de carta certificada (falta parte del ángulo superior derecho). Franqueada con sello de 10 cts. verde y pareja del 15 cts. azul, mat. circular ADMON. DE CORREOS/SAN LUIS y marca CERTIFICADO en las esquinas en color azul, ´recibí´ manuscrito del destinatario en el anverso. MAGNÍFICA y MUY RARA.

Precio salida: 1.000 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.300 €

Lote 8

ARGENTINA. Yv. 23 (2). 1864. MARSEILLE a BUENOS AIRES. 40 cts. naranja (2) mat. ANCLA y fechador del Paquebot BEARN/* (Salles 1001). EXTARORDINARIAMENTE RARO.

Lote 9

ARGENTINA. 1871 (Dec 30). Cover from BUENOS AIRES to BORDEAUX with rare mixed issue franking of 1863-67 80c. carmine rose and imperforate Bordeaux issue 20c. blue tied by ANCHOR LOZENGE in black. Octagonal BUENOS AYRES/PAQ.FR.J.Nº.1 datestamp alongside in black. Some ageing but a rare franking. Ceres 32,46.

Lote 10

ARGENTINA. 1872-78. 3 covers taxed with Italian stamps.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 11

ARGENTINA. 1874. BUENOS AIRES a FRANCIA. Circulada con sello de 5 cts. rojo de Argentina y cuatro sellos franceses de 25 cts. azul, mat. ANCLA y fechador octogonal BUENOS AYRES/PAQ. FR. Nº 2 y marca lineal del buque POR GIRONDE.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 12

* ARGENTINA. Sc. 22/26. 1873. PRUEBAS DE PUNZON de los valores de 1, 4, 30, 60 y 90 ctvos. en color negro realizadas en la NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO N.Y. Estampación del cuño completo sobre papel cartulina de 23x15cm. Extraordinariamente raros y no reseñadas. Probablemente UNICO JUEGO CONOCIDO.

Precio salida: 1.000 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.100 €

Lote 13

ARGENTINA. 1874. BUENOS AYRES a FRANCIA. Circulada con sellos de 5 cts. rojo (2) de Argentina y sellos franceses de 40 cts. naranja y 80 cts. rosa (2) matasellados a la llegada con el rombo ´2240´ de Marsella, manuscito ´Par Savoie´. RARA.

Precio salida: 400 €

Lote 14

ARGENTINA. 1875 (Jan. 10). Cover from BUENOS AIRES to BORDEAUX (addressee´s surname cut out), showing interesting Por Orénoque handstamp (Salles fig. 1075) applied at Buenos Aires on dispatch, with 5c vermilion and 15c blue (horizontal crease) covering the internal postage, tied by cds, in combination with France 1870-75 Cérès 10c (pair), 40c and strip of three of 80c, paying the triple weight letter rate, tied by ANCHOR LOZENGES with matching octagonal BUENOS-AYRES/PAQ.FR.J Nº2 at bottom, as well as arrival on back. A rare and colourful franking. Scott 20, 21.

Precio salida: 600 €

Lote 15

ARGENTINA. 1891-1926. Lot of 20 covers and cards.

Lote 16

AUSTRIA. Mi. 3Ya, 4Ya. 1857 (Sept. 16). Entire letter to CHÊNE (near Geneva Switzerland) franked by 1850-54 Machine paper 3kr. red and 6kr. brown (2) all with four margins, tied by GRAZ cds´s in black. Reverse with Basel transit and Chêne arrival cds (22/9). A fine and very rare entire. Signed Ferchenbauer.

Lote 17

AUSTRIA. 1853-60. Lot of 5 covers with diverse frankings.

Precio salida: 350 €

Lote 18

AUSTRIA. 1863-83. Lot of used stamps with diverse cancellations. Fine quality.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 19

AUSTRIA. 1867. Lot of used stamps with diverse cancellations. Fine quality.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 20

AUSTRIA. Mi. 31, 32, 34. 1864. 3kr. pale green pair, single 5kr. rose and 15kr. brown all used on cover to ANCONA, tied by two line dated RAGUSA / 24 DEC datestamps in black and by unframed ´P.D.´.Reverse with Triest transit cds and Ancona arrival. An attractive three colour franking. Signed A. Diena.

Lote 21

AUSTRIA. 1864-67. Lot of 7 covers.

Lote 22

AUSTRIA. 1867 (Oct.). Cover to PARIS franked by 1864 15 kr. pale brown Arms type, perf 9 1/2 and 1867 10 kr. blue for 25 kr. rate, tied by VIENNA cds. A fine mixed franking cover with arrival cds on reverse. Sc 26, 30.

Lote 23

AUSTRIA. 1868-82. Lot of 8 covers and cards.

Lote 24

AUSTRIA. 1871. Cover from TRIESTE to SYROS, Greece franked by 1867 5 kr. red and 10 kr. blue tied by oval TRIESTE datestamp of despatch in black (June 3), insufficiently prepaid 5 Kreuzer, taxed on arrival in Syros with 1868, 5 l. green on blue and 40 l. lilac on blue tied by SYROS cds (May 26, Julian) in black. Erroneously taxed at 45 lepta as prepaid 15 kr. = 45 lepta, thus the amount due was only 25 lepta.

Lote 25

AUSTRIA. Sc. 32. 1874. Registered cover from KRAKAU (Poland) addressed ´via Lvov, Brody´ to RUSSIA franked by single 1867-74 25kr. deep lilac tied by KRAKAU-RAKÓM datestamp in black with superb strike of oval RECOMANDIRT-KRAKAU STADT in blue at right. Three red wax seals on reverse and arrival cds´s on back and front of an exceptionally attractive cover. Signed Ferchenbauer.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 26

AUSTRIA. 1876 [June 2]. Cover to Hayda with scarce franking of 1876 strip of three 2kr yellow all tied by TETSCHEN cds´s. Extremely scarce and fine cover, 1kr overpaid. Scott 34.

Lote 27

AUSTRIA. 1880-81. 2 covers to BRAZIL.

Lote 28

AUSTRIA. 1881. Envelope to Rome, provenance unknown but from the Levant, franked Austrian 10kr. tied by boxed Piroscafi/Postali/ Italiani applied in transit at Ancona.

Precio salida: 125 €

Lote 29

AUSTRIA. 1882 [Aug 21]. (BOHEMIA). Registered usage of 5kr red postal stationery envelope to SMICROV additionally franked on reverse with 1874 2x2kr yellow and 2x3kr green tied by neat strikes of ´Kamenitz A.D.Linde´ cds´s. A remarkable and fine three colour franking and exceptionally attractive. Scott 34,35.

Lote 30

AUSTRIA. 1885-1923. Lot of 25 covers.

Lote 31

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. Mi. 3, 5. (1870 ca.). Austrian Levant 5s. red and 15s. brown in a hotizontal strip of five, one or two perfs. detached and 5s. with contemporary tear, all tied by fine strikes of BERUTTI datestamps of the Austrian P.O. (17/2) in black to attractive 80 soldi double weight cover to NEW YORK (USA). Framed FRANCO in red on front and mss. 50 alongside in crayon, circular NEW YORK PAID ALL datestamp in red (March 19). A RARE and mos appealing cover.

Precio salida: 1.000 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.000 €

Lote 32

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1873. Cover from RETTIMO, CRETE to PIRAEUS franked by Austrian Levant 1867 5 s. red in a horizontal pair, slight aging on perfs. at left, tied by RETTIMO datestamp in blue (March 17) on despatch (Tchilinghirian fig. 549), taxed on arrival for internal delivery with manuscript ´20´ in blue crayon and franked by 1871 20 l. blue tied by dotted ´2´ numeral handstamp with reverse showing PIRAEUS cds (March 8, Julian). A fine and rare cover and a most attractive usage. Illustrated in ´Les Tarifs Helléniques´ on page 48. Ex Collection Dr. Jerger. Signed Colla. Cert. FERCHENBAUER (2004).

Lote 33

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1876 [June 10]. Entire letter from Smyrna to IBIZA, franked by single 1876 10s deep blue tied by neat SMIRNE cds with reverse showing Brindisi transit cds and arrival [June 23] cds. A very scarce entire to a most unusual destination. Scott 7F.

Lote 34

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. Mi. 3/II. 1879 (Feb. 12). 2 kreuzer brown on buff postal stationery card used as Formula Card to FRANKFURT, the postage paid by 1877 5 soldi red, fine print, each cancelled by fine ADRIANOPEL datestamps in black. Card readdressed on arrival to Berlin. A rare usage and of delightful appearance. Certificate Ferchenbauer (2012).

Lote 35

LEVANTE: CORREO AUSTRIACO. 1869-1900. Lot of 6 covers and cards. One from Candia with austrian and greek mixed franking.

Lote 36

BELGICA. 1795-97. French occupation. 4 covers.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 37

BELGICA. 1851-65. Lot of 14 covers.

Lote 38

BELGICA. 1855. BRUGES to BORDEAUX (France). Folded letter franked with three 40 cts. red stamps, large margins (only one short margin).

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 39

BELGICA. 1865-71. Lot of 38 covers, foreign destinations.

Lote 40

BELGICA. 1871-79. Lot of 31 covers foreign destinations.

Lote 41

BELGICA. 1872-81. Lot of 29 Registered Covers.

Lote 42

BELGICA. 1875. ARLO to FRANCE. Envelope franked with 10 cts. green and 1 Fr. lilac stamps. RECOMMANDE mark. Arrival cds. on reverse. RARE franking.

Precio salida: 250 €

Lote 43

BELGICA. 1880. BRUXELLES to SAMARANG (Java). Envelope franked with 40 cts. rose stamp. Arrival cds. on reverse.

Lote 44

BELGICA. 1900-1915. Lot of 167 covers.

Lote 45

BOLIVIA. 1851 (Aug 13). Entire letter from CHUQUISACA from the French Consul General in Bolivia to Paris endorsed ´Panama Transit´ in manuscript (letter informs Mother that son has gone to the Gold Rush in California). Struck with the finest of the two known strikes of the Consular BOLIVIE datestamp (without year slugs) in black, with COBIJA FORWARDING AGENT´S mark in blue. Thence via Panama British PO (Sept 22) with three line datestamp and PSNC ship via London (Oct 24) to Paris. Remarkable entire and one of the rarest of all South American postmarks.

Lote 46

BOLIVIA. 1877. LA CHIMBA (Bolivia) to FRANCE. CORREOS DE LA CHIMBA/BOLIVIA negative blue ship illustrated handstamp, Department of Litoral. Two strikes of the blue ship marking accompanied by a variety of matching blue handstamps including ADMON DE CORREOS/DE/LA CHIMBA three-line handstamp, straight line FRANCA and T/170 rate marking, carried to Lima (Peru) with that Post Office´s transit and turned over to the British Post Office at Callao with small CALLAO/JU 28 77 c.d.s. on reverse. Also London transit on the reverse and Calais entry c.d.s., backstamped Paris, very fine; an attractive and rare combination of the Bolivian Post Office featuring this lovely ship illustrated postmark and the British Postal Agency.

Precio salida: 350 €

Lote 47

BOLIVIA. 1877. TOCOPILLA (Bolivia, today Chile) to CAMBORNE (England). Franked with Great Britain 6p. grey, plate 14, and 1/- green, plate 12 (S.G. Callao Z46, Z54). The stamps were applied in Tocopilla (Bolivia) and pen cancelled plus a blue oval CANCELADO and CORREOS DE TOCOPILLA/FRANCO blue circular handstamp, carried by post to Callao and turned over to the British Post Office where the stamps were tied by a single strike of the C38 numeral cancel and an A/CALLAO/DE 13 77 c.d.s. of that office was applied to the reverse backstamped. Some age stains and edge tears to the cover, otherwise fine. The sender had taken the adhesives to Tocopilla and applied them there thus the pen and Bolivian cancellations. Extremely rare combination cover of the Bolivian Post Office and British Postal Agency. Cert. B. MOORHOUSE. Ex GLASCO and ORTIZ-PATIÑO Collection.

Lote 48

BOLIVIA. 1883 (22 Enero). TUPISA a SALTA (Argentina). Sobre certificado con cuatro marcas CERTIFICADO lineal en color verdoso estampadas en TUPISA y CERTIFICADO en negro estampado a la llegada a SALTA. Al dorso indicación manuscrita del Administrador de Correos de Tupisa conforme la carta certificada tenía el franqueo pagado. Carta excepcional, único certificado conocido procedente de Tupisa y uno de los pocos conocidos de Bolivia.

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