Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World I Sesión


Martes, 6 febrero 2024
Primera sesión
14.30 h | Lotes 1 -1227

Miércoles, 7 febrero 2024
Segunda sesión
15 h | Lotes 1501 - 1767


1-5 febrero 2024
9.30 – 13.30 / 14.30 – 17.30
Sábados y domingos cerrados

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 9 de febrero

Lote 1202

ESTADOS UNIDOS. Sc. 96, 100. 1870. YOKOHAMA (Japan) to PONT ST. ESPRIT (France). 10 c. green (grill F) and 30 c. orange (grill F, short margin at right). Transits in S. FRANCISCO and N. YORK, and paquebot mark ETATS-UNIS/PAQ. FR. H Nº 3. Cut in the envelope under the stamps and roughly margins. RARE.

Lote 1203

ESTADOS UNIDOS. Sc. 158+161+179. 1875. Cover sent registered from STILLWATER-MINN. to GRAUBRUNDEN (Switzerland); with three colour franking of 1873 3c. blue-green and pair of 10c. brown with 1875-79 Raylor 5c. blue all cancelled in black with despatch cds at left and framed CHARGEE in black. New York transit in red on front and reverse with Basel and Chur cds´s.

Precio salida: 250 €

Lote 1204

ESTADOS UNIDOS. 1880(Dec 15). Cover to USA franked by GB 2½d pale blue plate 20 tied by Wolverhampton-905 duplex. On arrival the cover was re-addressed and franked by USA 3c green Banknote issue tied by Washington-1 duplex to Cambridge, Mass. Attractive redirected cover. Scott 147.

Lote 1205

ESTADOS UNIDOS. 1884. Cover franked by 1882 Garfield 5 c. brown used from San Francisco to London. On arrival (March 24) readdressed to Cannes, France with 1883 ½d green (2) and 1 ½d venetian red tied by Putney/32 duplexes. Scarce and interesting cover. SG 164,167.

Lote 1206

ESTADOS UNIDOS. 1888. LYNN (Mass. Usa) to SWEDEN. 5 cts. blue (faults) taxed with 25 cents. On back Swedish 1 ore, 3 ore, 12 ore and 24 ore postage due stamp. Espectacular combinate franking.

Precio salida: 125 €

Lote 1207

URUGUAY. 1854 (March 31). Outer letter sheet from MONTEVIDEO to BUENOS AIRES, bearing superb strike on the PAID/AT/MONTEVIDEO crowned circle with matching double arc on reverse, 10 centésimos marking indicating payment of the local postage and 1/- confirming payment of the British packet rate, being carried by the RMSP ´Severn´. The British post office was supplied a ´crowned circle´ hanstamp in 1851, for use to denote prepayment of mail carried to a non-British destination. About ten examples of this postmark are recorded on cover, this being probably the finest. SG CC1. Ex H. Rocha and Parmigiani.

Lote 1208

URUGUAY. Sc. 10. 1858 (July 27). Entire letter from MONTEVIDEO to BUENOS AIRES franked by Sun 1858 120 c. blue, thin figures, tied by oval SALA DE COMERCIO / DE / MONTEVIDEO handstamp in blue, only applied to Mail received too late for the Post Office and was delivered by and accepted from the ´Sala de Commercio´. Just three covers known and an EXTREMELY RARE usage: the adhesive used in the first month of issue.NOTE: The ´Sala de Comercio´ of Montevideo offered an ´outreach´ Postal Service when letters arrived after the office had closed. This company was in charge of taking the correspondence directly to the ship offered by the Maritime Postal Service between Montevideo and Buenos Aires and tied the covers with this special mark.

Precio salida: 1.000 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.800 €

Lote 1209

URUGUAY. Yv. 7. Envuelta completa a MONTEVIDEO. 60 c. gris, mat. ARREDONDO en dolbe óvalo verde. PRECIOSA y RARA. Sc. 7 .

Precio salida: 250 €

Lote 1210

URUGUAY. Yv. 14. Envuelta completa a MONTEVIDEO. 80 c. naranja, mat. PAYSANDU en doble óvalo azul. PRECIOSA. Cert. DIAZ PAULÓS.

Precio salida: 450 €

Lote 1211

URUGUAY. 1869 (15 Marzo). MONTEVIDEO a FRANCIA. Circulada con sello francés de 80 cts. rosa, mat. ancla y fechador octogonal MONTEVIDEO/*. MAGNÍFICA.

Lote 1213

URUGUAY. 1877. BOGLIASCO a MONTEVIDEO. 20 cts. naranja y 30 cts. castaño, mat. numeral ´455´. Carta circulada a través de la COMPAÑIA LAVARELLO en el vapor ´Nord América´, tasada a la llegada con ´10´ ctvos. para el pago del porte interno en Uruguay. Carta excepcional, ÚNICA CONOCIDA circulada en el sentido ITALIA-URUGUAY por la Compañia Lavarello. Aunque el contrato con la línea Lavarello, preveia el servicio postal en ambos sentidos, el correo italiano escogía casi siempre el envío de la correspondencia a través de los buques ingleses. Carta reproducida en la portada del libro de V. Del Bianco ´I Servizi marittimi italia tra Génova e i porti d´ell America Meridionale´. Se trata de la pieza más importante conocida de los correos marítimos entre Italia y América del Sur. Ex col. DEL BIANCO.

Precio salida: 1.000 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.100 €

Lote 1215


Lote 1216

URUGUAY. 1799-1843. 7 covers, one from Montevideo to London via Rio de Janeiro, one to Cuba with blanck YNDIAS entry mark, one early mail 1799 to Buenos Aires...

Lote 1217

VENEZUELA. 1862. 2 covers with yellow 1/2 real stamps from La Guaira to Caracas.

Lote 1218

VENEZUELA. Sc. 3. 1863. CARACAS a PAMPLONA. 2 reales red (Coarse Impression). Mat. fechador CORREOS / CARACAS para el pago del porte interno hasta La Guayra, tasada a la llegada con 4 reales. Cert. SORANI.

Lote 1219

VENEZUELA. Ed. Sc.13b. (1863 CA.). LA GUAYRA a CARACAS. 1 real azul bisectado para ser usado como 1/2 real. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.

Lote 1220

VENEZUELA. 1875 (Nov 7). Entire letter from CARACAS to MALAGA franked by France Siège 40c. orange and large figures 1872 30c. brown pair tied by ANCHOR LOZENGE in black. Octagonal LA GUAYRA Consular datestamp at lower left in black, reverse with LIGNE A cds, Bordeaux and Madrid (Nov 27) transits. Scarce and attractive cover. Ceres 38, 56.

Lote 1221

VENEZUELA. 1877. LA GUAYRA a FRANCIA. Circulada con una tira de cuatro del sello francés de 25 cts. ultramar (Yv. 78), mat. octogonal LA GUAYRA/*. MUY BONITA.

Lote 1222

VENEZUELA. 1877. LA GUAYRA a BURDEOS circulada con sello francés de 1 Fr. verde mat. octogonal LA GUAYRA/* (Salles 1374). Muy raro en matasellos en color azul.

Lote 1223

VENEZUELA. 1880 (Dec. 5). Cover to GENOA (Italy) franked by 1880 Venezuela Rasco 25c. yellow in combination with France Type Sage 1 fr. olive-green tied by octagonal VENEZUELA / LIG. A. PAQ. FR. No. 1 in red (Salles fig. 1421), with repeated similarly fine strike at right. A fine and stunning cover of great scarcity. Signed Calves. Cert. ROUMET.

Lote 1224

VIETNAM DEL NORTE. 1956-58. 4 covers to foreign destinations.

Precio salida: 125 €

Lote 1225

ZEPPELIN. 1936 (MY-6). JAMAICA. KINGSTON a BASEL (Suiza). Sobre con franqueo de 1 d., 6 d. y 2 sh. circulado vía Lakehurst (U.S.A) para enlazar con el Zeppelin. Marca del vuelo en violeta y llegada al dorso. RARA.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 1226

ZEPPELIN. 1933. BRITISH SUDAN. SIDI-HALFA to BRAZIL. Envelope sent via GRAF ZEPPELIN by the IV SUDAMERIKAFAHRT. Special marks of the flight and arrival cds. on back. RARE.

Precio salida: 500 €

Lote 1227

ZEPPELIN. 1933. SWEDEN. 1st S.America Flight. Swedish acceptance cover registered to Buenos Aires franked various (6 values) including 35 ore UPU, tied by Blotberget datestamp. Blue and red flight cachets and backstamped.

Precio salida: 100 €
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