Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World I Sesión


Martes, 6 febrero 2024
Primera sesión
14.30 h | Lotes 1 -1227

Miércoles, 7 febrero 2024
Segunda sesión
15 h | Lotes 1501 - 1767


1-5 febrero 2024
9.30 – 13.30 / 14.30 – 17.30
Sábados y domingos cerrados

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 9 de febrero

Lote 433

NUEVA CALEDONIA. Ce. 32. 1877 (Sept 1). Cover to NANTES franked by General Issues Type Sage 10c. green on greenish, two pairs, tied by NOUMEA datestamps in black. Marseille entry marking in red (Nov 19) alongside and arrivals on reverse. Slight ink stain on one adhesive but a scarce franking.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 434

NUEVA CALEDONIA. 1889 (20 June). Triple-rate cover registered to Pontorson bearing 25 c. black on rose (single and strip three, one stamp with rounded corner) all tied by Nouméa c.d.s. in black, red octagonal ´LIGNE T/PAQ.FR.NO 6´ on front; carried by paquebot ´Salazie´. A fine cover with full original contents.

Lote 435

NUEVA CALEDONIA. Ce. 49+44. 1893 (May 3). Cover to NOUMEA with mixed franking of General issues Dubois 5c. green strip of three with single New Caleonia 1892 10c. black on lilac all tied by NOUVELLE CALEDONIE-MOINDOU cds´s. Repeated strike at base and Noumea arrival cds (May 5) on reverse of a fine and rare cover.

Lote 436

NUEVA CALEDONIA. 1904 (Dec 20). 15c. blue & red on buff postal stationery letter-card, used example mailed from NOUMEA to REIMS (France). Underpaid and taxed with triangular ´T´ marking. French Paquebot Ligne T / Paq. Fr. No. 3 in black (Dec 22) and, on arrival taxed with Postage Due 5c. pale blue and 15c. black (Jan 31, 1905). Dues off edge of card but attractive and scarce.

Lote 437

NUEVA CALEDONIA. Lot of 11 covers.

Lote 438

NOSSI-BE. Ce. 50+51. 1892. Cover sent registered from NOSSI BÉ to LANG SUN (Indochina) franked by 1881 Dubois 10c. black on lilac pair and 15c. blue pair, framed ´R´ at left. Octagonal LA REUNION A MARSEILLE-LV No.3 Paquebot datestamp on front and reverse with Saigon cds (Dec 31), TOI-QUIN/HAI-PHONG cds (Jan 15, 1893), readdressed back to Paris with arrival (Feb 24). A remarkable and unusual cover.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 439

NOSSI-BE. 1888. NOSSI-BE a KARACHI. Sello de Colonias de 25 cts. negro, mat. NOSSI-BE en azul y fechador LIGNE S/PAQ. FR Nº 3 (Salles 2305). MUY RARO.

Lote 440

REUNION. Lot of 12 covers.

Lote 441

REUNION. 1864 (July 3). Cover to Paris with General Issues 1859-65 Eagle 10c. bistre and single 40c. orange cancelled by dotted lozenge in red brown with scarce ´S.ANDRÉ/ILE DE LA REUNION´ cds in blue. Blue octagonal ´Col.Fr. V. Suez.Paq.A/Mars.3´ (Aug 3) on front and reverse (seal removed) with Paris arrival cds. Ceres 3,5.

Lote 442

REUNION. Ce. 2+4. 1867 (March 17). Underpaid cover from ST. ANDRE to ISLAND of MAYOTTE, endorsed ´voie des Seychelles´ at lower left, franked by General Issues 1859-65 Eagle 5 c. green on blue horizontal pair and single 20 c. blue, tied by lozenge of dots in black, framed red PD and by part strike of AFFRANCHISEMENT/INSUFFISANT in red (repeated strike below). Superb despatch cds of REUNION/ST. ANDRE at left and taxed 6 decimes due in blue. Reverse with REUNION/ST. DENIS cds´s in blue. A unique and splendid cover.

Precio salida: 2.000 €
VENDIDO POR: 3.600 €

Lote 443

REUNION. 1867 (Nov 18). Cover from St. Paul to Nantes franked by sheet marginal strip of five 1859-65 10c bistre cancelled by dotted lozenge in black. ´Reunion/St.Paul´ cds at left and Nantes (Dec 18) arrival on reverse of fine and scarce cover. Ceres 3.

Lote 444

REUNION. Ce. 2. 1873 (Jan 10). Local drop letter franked by Eagle 1859-65 5c. green tied by REUNION-ST. DENIS cds in black. Framed PD in black at left and reverse flap with REUNION-ST. PIERRE cds (Jan 11). One flap missing but very rare.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 445

REUNION. 1876 (Feb 22). Entire letter to ST DENIS franked by General Issues 1872 15 c. bistre and 5 c. green on pale blue tied by blue dotted lozenge with STE ROSE cds alongside in same colour. ST DENIS cds of receipt in black on reverse of scarce internal cover. Scott 10, 19.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 446

REUNION. 1890 (Oct 16). Registered cover to NANTES bearing single and horizontal strip of four General Issues 1881 Dubois 10c. black on lilac tied by framed R and REUNION-ST.DENIS cds´s in blue. Nantes arrival (Nov 20) on reverse of attractive cover. Ceres 50.

Precio salida: 125 €

Lote 447

REUNION. Ce. 51. 1891. Cover at Military convession rate to PARIS franked by Dubois 1881 15c. blue tied by REUNION-ST. BENOIT cds in black. Octagonal CORR. D´ARMÉES-ST. DENIS datestamp in blue below (Jan 11). Reverse with manuscript ´Correspondence Militaire-Ste. Rose´ countersigned by sender; front with unframed locally manufactured BM (Boite Mobile) handstamp. Scarce cover.

Precio salida: 250 €

Lote 448

REUNION. 1897 (Sept. 16). Cover to PARIS with mixed franking of General Issues Dubois 1881 25c. black on lilac and 1893 Reunion 25c. black on rose tied by REUNION-ST.DENIS cds and by framed ´R´. Paris arrival cds (Oct. 14) on reverse of fine and unusual cover.

Lote 449

SARRE. Lot of 9 covers.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 450

SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. 1871 (Aug 29). ST. JOHN´S to ST. PIERRE MIQUELON. Cover to St. Pierre Miquelon bearing scarce 1870 3c. vermilion cancelled by black segmented handstamp of St. John´s with watery despatch cds at left and St. Pierre arrival (Sept 1) below. Manuscript ´0.25´ on front as amount due on receipt. Some small faults but a rare cover. Sismondo certificate. SG 36.

Lote 451

SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELON. 1862-1940. Lot of 4 covers.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 452

SENEGAL. Ce. 21+23. 1866 (Oct 23). Entire letter from BORDEAUX to SAINT LOUIS (Senegal) franked by 1862 10c. bistre and 40c. vermilion tied by dotted Anchor lozenge of dots in black. Circular Paquebot LIGNE J-PAQ. FR. No. 2 in black at left and red framed ´PD´ at right. Fresh and fine cover.

Precio salida: 250 €

Lote 453

SENEGAL. 1875 (April 23). Registered cover, side flaps removed, locally used with framed P.P. straight line CHARGÉ and SENEGAL ET DEP./ST. LOUIS cds all perfect impressions, struck in bright blue. Official cachet in blue on reverse of a delightful and rare cover.

Lote 454

SENEGAL. Ce. 60. 1876. Cover, probably mailed by serving Soldier in SENEGAL to GRAULHET (France) bearing soldier´s concessionary rate franking of 1871-75 ceres 25c. blue tied on landing with MARSEILLE cds (May 8) with superb framed CORR. / DES ARMEES handstamp in red. Reverse with Marseille and Graulhet cds´s. A scarce cover.

Lote 455

SENEGAL. Ce. 28. 1891 (June 18). Registered Value Declared (For 6.000 francs) cover to PARIS franked by General Issues Type Sage 75c. rise pair, slight fault to one, tied by GOREE-SENEGAL cds´s. Manuscript AFFRANCHISEMENT INSUFFISANT at top (apparently ignored) and fine octagonal LIGNE J-PAQ. FR. No. 2 datestamp in blue (June 23) below. Charge box on reverse with five red wax seals.

Lote 456

SENEGAL. Ce. 13+15. 1903 (Dec 20). Postcard sent registered to PARIS franked by 1892 15c. blue and 25c. black on rose tied by TIVAOUANE-SENEGAL cds´s and framed ´R´ all in blue. LOANGO A MARSEILLE-PAQ.FR.No. 2 Paquebot in black alongside (Jan 4, 1904). Paris arrival (21/1) at left. A fine and most unusual usage.

Lote 457

SENEGAL. 1926 (3-III). VUELO especial DAKAR-ST. LOUIS. Carta con franqueo de 5 cts. (2) y 10 cts. con firma autógrafa del piloto Conde de la Vaux, al dorso llegada a ST. LOUIS. Rarísimo, existen menos de una docena de cartas voladas. (Muller 9).

Lote 458

SENEGAL. 1860-1930. Lot of 18 covers.

Lote 459

SUDAN. 1899-1901. 2 covers with French Army marks.

Lote 460

SUDAN. 1926 (2-III). VUELO especial KAYES (Sudan)-DAKAR (Senegal). Carta con franqueo de 15 cts. (2) con firma del piloto Conde de la Vaux, al dorso llegada a Dakar. Rarísima, existen menos de una docena de cartas voladas. (Muller 8).

Lote 461

TAHITI. 1837-1844. 2 covers with text from RAIATE and PAPETE to London and France.

Lote 462

TAHITI. 1848-69. 2 covers from RAIATEA and PAPEETE.

Lote 463

TAHITI. 1865 (Nov 1). Cover at double rate from TAHITI to LIBOURNE franked by 1859-65 Eagle 40c. vermilion in two strips of three, all tied by OCN dotted lozenge in black. Reverse with octagonal COL. FR.-PAQ. FR. A. No. 3 in black and arrival cds. A remarkable cover. Signed Calves, Jamet. Certificate SCHELLER and SISMONDO. Ceres 5.

Lote 464

TAHITI. 1884 (Aug 5). Formula card, slight vertical bend, used to Matirea, Tahiti franked by 1884 surcharged ´Tahiti/10c.´ in black reading up on General Issues 1881 20c. red on green, tied by ´Papeete/Taiti´ cds with repeated strike below. Extremely rare (cat $3´000 as a single franking). Certificates ROBINEAU and SISMONDO. Ceres 5. Scott 3b.

Lote 465

TAHITI. 1893 (Sept 8). Cover to Nancy at concessionary Soldier´s Rate, franked by diagonally surcharged (reading up to right) 1893 15c. blue tied by octagonal ´CORR. D´ARMEES-PAPEETE´ in black with repeated strike alongside. Paris transit on front (Oct 26) and Nancy arrival on reverse of a fine and rare cover. Certificate SISMONDO. Ceres 12. Scott 10.

Lote 466

TAHITI. Ce. 18+20. 1894 (Sept. 6). Newspaper wrapper mailed to PAPEETE (Tahiti) franked solely by Type Sage 1c. black on azure, underpaid and struck with triangular ´T´ mark at right. Taxed on arrival with imperforate 1893 Postage Due 5c. pale blue and 15c. pale green tied by PAPEETE cds´s. Rare.

Lote 467

TAHITI. 1899 (Aug 26). Cover from TAIOHAE to RAROTONGA (Cook Islands) franked by 1892 25c. black on rose tied by two strikes of scarce TAIOHAE - TAITI cds´s in violet. Black COOK ISLANDS-RAROTONGA arrival cds at left (Sept 16) and reverse with Papeete transit (Sept 1) cds. Adhesive creased but a rare cover. Ceres 8.

Lote 468

TAHITI. 1871-1920. Lot of 12 covers and cards.

Precio salida: 400 €

Lote 469

TUNEZ. 1862. Entire letter to MARSEILLE franked by imperf 20 c. blue Empire tied by dotted TUNIS cds in black for ´Port to Port´ rate only. A scarce entire with arrival on reverse. Sc 15. Calves and Roumet.

Lote 470

TUNEZ. 1870. TUNEZ a MANCHESTER (Gran Bretaña). Circulada con sellos franceses de 20 cts. azul y 40 cts. naranja, mat. ROMBO DE PUNTOS 5121 y fechador de LA GOULETTE/TUNISIE ambas en azul.

Precio salida: 250 €

Lote 471

TUNEZ. 1858-1950. Lot of 12 covers.

Lote 472

ZANZIBAR. Ce. 31. 1900 (Nov 25). Registered cover commercially used to NEUILLY SUR SEINE (France) franked by 1896 50a. on 5fr. lilac tied by ZANZIBAR cds in black. Framed ´R´ at left and repeated cds. Reverse with LA REUNION A MARSEILLE/L.U.NO.3 transit (Nov 27) with arrival (Dec 14) alongside. A very rare single franking.

Lote 473

ZANZIBAR. Ce. 30. 1900 (Aug 28). Registered cover to REIMS franked by 1896 20a. on 2fr. blistre on azure tied by ZANZIBAR cds in black. Framed ´R´ and repeated datestamp at left and reverse with arrival cds. A fine and scarce cover.

Lote 474

ECUADOR. 1855. MANNHEIM to HEITERSHEIM. 3 kr. black on green and 6 kr. black on green (Mi. 3b, 6). Very nice combination franking two stamps with the same colour. Cert. F. STEGMÜLLER.

Lote 475

ECUADOR. Mi. 22, 23, 24. AUGSBURG to PALERMO. 1 kr. green, 3 kr. red and 6 kr. bister with blue AUGSBURG cds. Very fine tricolour franking. F. PFENNINGER.

Lote 476

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: BAVIERA. Mi. 3Ia, 4II2, 5dIII. 1857. Registered cover from MUNICH to ROME franked by 1kr. rose-red (2), 6kr. brown and 9kr. green, margins from touched to large, tied by ´325´ numeral obliterators with MUNCHEN despatch cds below (Aug 13). Crossed through to denote prepayment with italic ´Charge´ at right in black. An unusual usage and destination. Most attractive cover. Cert. P. SEM.MUNCHEN a ROMA (Italia). 1 kr. rosa (2), 6 kr. marrón y 9 kr. verde, carta certificada, marca CHARGE, márgenes algo cortos pero muy bonito franqueo tricolor. Cert. P. SEM.

Precio salida: 700 €

Lote 477

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: BAVIERA. 1897. Cover to BOGOTA franked by single 1888 5 pf. green tied by MUNICH cds in black, with fine blue french Paquebot COLON A BORDEAUX-L.D.Nº 3. On arrival the cover was readdressed back to Munich and COLOMBIA 1892 1 c. red on yellow applied & tied Bogota. Unusual cover.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 478

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: HAMBURGO. 1864. HAMBURG to LONDON. 7 sh. orange. Very fine cover.

Precio salida: 125 €

Lote 479


Lote 480

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: HANNOVER. 1754. Entire letter from HANNOVER to BOURGES via Paris with good strike of A.DU.B.RHIN in red, interesting and readable content. A scarce letter from this Campaign against the British & Prussian forces.

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