Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World I Sesión


Martes, 6 febrero 2024
Primera sesión
14.30 h | Lotes 1 -1227

Miércoles, 7 febrero 2024
Segunda sesión
15 h | Lotes 1501 - 1767


1-5 febrero 2024
9.30 – 13.30 / 14.30 – 17.30
Sábados y domingos cerrados

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 9 de febrero

Lote 530

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1878 (March 16). Cover from Portsmouth (with full original contents) addressed care of the British Consul in Callao, Peru franked by 1s. green pl. 12 tied by Portsmouth duplex. Reverse with Liverpool transit, and cover re-addressed on arrival in Callao to a Barque working at Eten in the Guano Islands with Peru Postage Due 1874 10c. orange applied as full payment could not be effected from the UK until Peru joined the UPU (1 April 1879). A rare and fine cover. Certificate Karl Albert Louis. SG 150.

Precio salida: 400 €

Lote 530.1

GRAN BRETAÑA. GREAT BRITAIN. 1840-1960. Complete collection, mostly used until 1924, and rest mint, mostly unmounted. In general, good quality. Very high value in catalogue (+ 60.000Ђ in Yvert). See photos in web (ex 14).

Precio salida: 5.000 €
VENDIDO POR: 5.500 €

Lote 531

ADEN. Sg. 43+94. 1868. Cover endorsed ´via Marseilles´ to LONDON franked by Great Britain 1858 1d. red and pair of 4d. vermilion pl. 8 tied on arrival in London by Foreign Branch ´50´ obliterators in black. Reverse with London arrival cds´s (April 26) in black and in red. Docketed over address with ´Rec´d April 26, 1869 April 1 3 months cruise expect to arrive at Aden about the end of May´.

Lote 532

AFRICA ORIENTAL BRITANICA. 1895. Registered cover bearing 1895 locally surcharged 1 r. carmine, SG 43, tied by MOMBASA squared circle datestamp with ZANZIBAR arrival cds on reverse of attractive and scarce cover.

Lote 533

AFRICA ORIENTAL BRITANICA. 1902. NAIROBI to LONDON. 1 anna red and redirected to Egypt with GB 1 1/2 d. Unusual combination franking.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 534

AFRICA DEL SUR. Sg. 30, 37. 1881 (July 30). Registered cover to LONDON franked by extraordinary usage of twelve ´3´ on 3d. pale dull rose provisionals and single 4d. blue all tied in black with GRAAFF REINERT cds below. REGISTERED LETTER OFFICE-CAPE TOWN cds in black and London arrival in red on front (Aug 22). Minor trim to envelope but rare.

Lote 535

AFRICA DEL SUR. 1900 (July 5). Cover bearing GREAT BRITAIN pair of 1887 1/2 d. vermilion tied by violet ARMY POST OFFICE-3MB-SOUTH AFRICA cds, rare locally made rubber datestamp for the 3rd Mounted Brigade, at this time located between Standerton and LYDENBURG in the TRANSVAAL; to LONDON whence forwarded to SWITZERLAND. 1900 172 d. blue green and 1881 1 d. lilac tied LONDON cds´s. AROLLA arrival cds on reverse of rare and unusual combination cover. (See Proud BAPO Vol 1, page 228).

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 536

AFRICA DEL SUR. 1901. Registered cover addressed from JOHANNESBURG to the British Cosulate in MESEHD (Persia) franked by 1900 VRI 2 1/2d. dull blue & green (2) and ERI 1d. carmine & green with ERI Half Penny on 2d. brown & green all tied in black. Reverse with Durban cds. (Nov. 15), Tabriz cds. (23/12) and Meched arrival cds. Re-addressed to LONDON with Teheran and Ispahan cds. (30/1), Russian BAKU cds. (29/1, j) and eventual London arrivals (Feb. 19, 1902). A fine and most unusual cover.

Lote 537

AFRICA DEL SUR. 1894-1950. Lot of 13 covers with diverse frankings, some of them with Postage Due stamps.

Lote 538

ANTIGUA. 1871 (April 27). Illustrated cover (return address) from Antigua via Halifax, Nova Scotia to Bangor, USA with 1867 1d. vermilion tied by ´AO2´ obliterator in black, red manuscript ´1´ in crayon. Struck with straight line ´Due 2 cts.´ in black on arrival. SG 7. BPA certificate (1963).

Lote 539

ASCENSION. 1923-32. 2 covers.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 540

AUSTRALIA. Sg. 63 (2), 79 (2). 1853 (Dec.). NEW SOUTH WALES. ORANGE to LONDON. 8 d. dull yellow pair, with mainly good to large margins, scissor-cut between at top and small nick at foot, used with 2d. Prussian blue pair on 1853 (6 Dec.) and readdressed to Devonport, both cancelled by unclear BARRED NUMERAL; upon redirection GB 1841 2d. blue (2, both cut into) applied and cancelled, variously rated and showing, on reverse, Orange, Bathurst (6.12), Sydney (8.12), London (20.3) and arrival (21.3) datestamps; the face panel a little soiled. An extraordinary mixed franking. B.P.A. Certificate (1961).

Lote 541

AUSTRALIA. 1878 (May 28). Small envelope to Bendigo (Victoria Mining District) franked by 1867 25c. green and 50c. maroon tied by Lucerne cds´s. On arrival the addressee was not found, cover struck with ´Unclaimed At-Golden Square´ and ´Rifiuto´ in black. Reverse with seven cancels including ´Down Train-Victoria´ (July 16), ´Golden Square´ cds and Dead Letter Branch Melbourne (Feb 4, 1879) in green. Somewhat grubby due to immense journey but rare. Scott 55,59.

Lote 542

AUSTRALIA. 1888. SYDNEY a BRISTON y reexpedida a LONDON circulada con sellos de 2 p. azul (3) de N.S.W. hasta Briston y sello de GB de 1 p. lila para su reexpedición a London. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.

Lote 543

AUSTRALIA. 1860-1930. Lot of 21 covers and cards.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 544

AUSTRALIA. 1934-35. Lot of 3 AIR MAIL covers.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 545

BAHAMAS. 1849 (March 29). Entire letter being a report on Hamilton District made out to Wesleyan Mission House in London, fine BAHAMAS cds on reverse in black and London arrival cds [April 24] in red. Very scarce as well struck as this and a fine entire.

Lote 546

BAHAMAS. 1880. Cover to NEW YORK bearing perf 14 4 d. dull rose (SG 36) cancelled ´A05´ obliterator with BAHAMAS cds on reverse and NEW YORK PAID ALL duplex arrival. Scarce on letter.

Lote 547

BAHAMAS. 1893-1930. Lot of 7 covers, diverse frankings, one with US postage due stamps.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 548

BARBADOS. (1780 CA.). Outer letter sheet to LONDON endorsed ´pr. Capr. Dubber´ with fine strike of BARBA-DOES two line despatch handstamp in black and Bishop Mark ´28/IX´ well struck alongside, rated ´IN4´ on arrival in manuscript. A fine and scarce cover.

Lote 549

BARBADOS. Sg. 29. 1863. 6 d. rose-red, fresh colour, slightly attached over edge on cover, oblit. with oval barred canc. cds BARBADOS 9/FE 1863 alongside, to ST. LUCIA with arrival mark 11/FE 1863 on reverse, inside pre-pinted BARBADOS PRICES CURRENT (not complete), entire some marks, otherwise very fine.

Lote 550

BARBADOS. 1890-1945. Lot of 2 covers.

Lote 551

BERMUDAS. 1879 (Oct 16). Registered cover to LONDON franked by 1865-74 6d. dull mauve and horizontal pair of 1sh. green tied by HAMILTON-BERMUDA/1 duplexes and by London oval arrival (Oct 31) in red. Rare straight line REGISTERED in black at left. A very rare first issue franking. SG 7,8.

Lote 552

BERMUDAS. 1880. Registered cover to SOUTHAMPTON with Bermuda 6 d. mauve canc. duplex ´2´ and cds ST. GEORGES DE 22 80 along side in combination with Great Britain 6 d. grey (pl. 17) paying the registration fee canc. oblit. ´723´ in arrival. Single line REGISTERED and oval REGISTERED LONDON 8 JA 1881. Backstamped SOUTHAMPTON JA 8 81. The cover is roughly opened with a small tear on Bermuda stamp. A very spectacular and only recorded Great Britain-Bermuda mixed franking. Ex. E. Proud collection. Cert. B.P.A.

Lote 553

BERMUDAS. 1898 (1 June). OHMS envelope (a little trauncated at left) registered to MEXICO, bearing 1/2 d. dull green and 3 d. grey in combination with 1874 6 d. dull mauve, all clearly tied by HAMILTON/BERMUDA double ring, d.s., showing New York Exchange and Mexico registration labels with, on reverse, PUEBLA arrival datestamp. A most unusual destination.

Lote 554

OCEANO INDICO. 1848 (July 8). BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY. BODDAM (Salomon islands, Chagos Archipelago). Large entire letter (5 pages) writting in french (with interesting historical contents). The letter was addressed to the care Mr. Jean Rabin in Mauritius who then forwarded the letter in another cover from Mauritius. The letter would had been hand carried to Mauritius by schoocer and then posted to Bordeaux in the accompaying lovely cover, with excellent strike of fancy crowned MAURITIUS/4.1849/G.P.O. black handstamp, clear strik of red COLONIES/ART. 13 handstamp, transit of London and BORDEAUX arrival cds. An extraordinary cover, the earliest known letter from B.I.O.T ilustrated in Proud´s book and a complete chapter is devote to this fantastic letter.

Lote 555

BIRMANIA. 1858-62. 2 covers to Great Britain.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 556

BIRMANIA. 1897-1906. COLLECTION of 35 covers/card (one fault) all with INDIA QV frankings tied by fine ´Bridge-type´. Ex. col. D. FILBY (see web).

Precio salida: 250 €

Lote 557

BIRMANIA. Lot of 7 covers with diverse frankings.

Lote 558

CANADA. 1812 (June 3). Entire letter written from QUEBEC to OPORTO, originally endorsed ´p. Vine´ and changed to ´p. John´; struck in transit with straight line LISBOA in black and handstruck ´40´ (reis) charge mark. Extremely rare and fine entire.

Precio salida: 175 €

Lote 559

CANADA. 1833. Transatlantic mail from MONTREAL (text on emigrants in 1752) charged ´8´ and forwarded from New York with boxed French entry PAYS D´OUTREMER PAR LE HAVRE in black. Manuscript ´Il n´y a pour l´ecrivain aucune moyen d´affrachir la lettre plus loin que jusqu´a New York´. Interesting item.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 560

CANADA. 1844. Pre-stamp envelope to FRANCE cancelled by ORILLIA U.C. double ring in blue with date in manuscript routed via Quebec with manuscript ´Paid´, handstruck P.D. in oval sent via London with TOMBSTONE PAID with French entry cachet and arrival. A rare trans-Atlantic item.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 561

CANADA. 1862 (May 22). Registered cover to SHARON via Toronto, bearing perf 1859 1 c. rose pair and Beaver 5 c. vermilion vertical pair tied by MONTREAL duplexes. Straight line REGISTERED handstamp above and reverse with SHARON arrival cds. Faults on the 1 c. adhesives but a scarce franking. Scott 14, 15.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 562

CANADA. 1867. ´A93´ S.S. JAVA (Cunard). Partly clear numeral in oval on Great Britain 1 p. red tied by gum staining on pink cover to BRIGHTON, England, concessionary rate with proper endorsement ´From William Lintott, Steward, HMS Phoebe, Halifax´ Brighton backstamp (Oct. 19,1867), edges frayed and torn, backflap removed - modest restoration could significantly improve appearance- Fine and extremely rare ´A93´ mail boat numeral on a seaman´s concessionary rate cover, carried on the S.S. Java on her 16th. transatlantic round trip.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 563

CANADA. 1881 (Sept 3). Cover from HAMILTON to LONDON franked by Small Queen 5c. slate grey-green tied by HAMILTON despatch duplex; readdressed on arrival in London to France with 1881 2½d. ultramarine pl. 22 tied by LONDON duplex (Sept 19). A fresh and fine cover. SG 157.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 564

CANADA. 1894 (Dec 11). Cover from TORONTO to MADRAS, India franked by Small Queens 1 c. yellow pair and single 3 c. rose red tied by TORONTO despatch cds´s, endorsed ´Via Brindisi´ with ´Sea Post Office-A´ cds and COCONADA arrival cds (Jan 23) on reverse. Scarce destination. Scott 35,37.

Lote 565

CANADA. 1900-1940. Lot of 15 covers redirected mail and postage due.

Precio salida: 125 €

Lote 566

CEILAN. Sg. 55(3),63. 1869. COLOMBO a GRAN BRETAÑA. 1 p. azul y 6 p. marrón (2), fechador COLOMBO/PAID y TOO LATE.

Lote 567

CEILAN. Yv. 54+57. 1876 (Feb. 16). Cover to a Ship´s Captain care of the French Consul in POINTE DE GALLES (Galle, Ceylon), franked by Ceres 1871/74 10c. brown on rose pair and single 80c. carmine tied by Nantes 2602 gros chiffres. Circular cachet AGENCE CONSULAIRE DE FRANCE / POINTE DE GALLES in blue and sent on to CALCUTTA. Reverse with Galle cds (March 16) and Calcutta arrival (March 25).

Lote 568

CHIPRE. 1690. Entire letter datalined ´Ca. (Candia) 11 Marzo 1690´ to LIVORNO (Italy). Enclosed ´via di Marseille´. Early cover from the Venturi correspondence.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 569

CHIPRE. 1896-1915. 2 covers.

Precio salida: 75 €

Lote 570

DOMINICA. 1867 (29 Oct.). DOMINICA a ESCOCIA. Marca PAID/AT/DOMINICA y tarifa manuscrita ´1/-´.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 572

FALKLAND. 1923. DECEPTION ISLAND (South Shetlands) to PORT STANLEY (Falkland Islands). Large O.H.M.S. envelope franked with 1sh. ocre and 3sh. green tied by oval DECEPTION ISLANDS/SOUTH SHETLANDS. Arrival PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS cds. A VERY RARE high franking from the remote island in the Atlantic South.

Precio salida: 700 €

Lote 573

FIJI. Sg. 76, 77, 78. 1895 (Oct. 15th). Small, attractive envelope registered from SUVA to LIVERPOOL bearing 1/2d. slate-grey, 1d. black and 2d. pale green perf. 10 (3), with fine D3 cancellations, ms. registration markings and Nov. 28th arrival on reverse.

Precio salida: 250 €

Lote 574

FIJI. 1899-1930. 3 covers with diverse frankings.

Lote 575

GAMBIA. Sg. 21/35. 1896. BATHURST to ENGLAND. Complete set on registered cover. Fine and RARE. Arrival on back.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 576

GIBRALTAR. 1734. GIBRALTAR to WOOLWICH. Entire letter with London BISHOP mark, charged ´7´. A very early Ship Letter.

Precio salida: 75 €

Lote 577

GIBRALTAR. 1811 (Jan 24). Entire letter to London addressed to General Alex Hoper in London, mailed on ´H.M.S. Topaz´ and landed at Portsmouth with very fine strike of oval framed ´SHIP-LETTER-Crown-PORTSMOUTH´ in black on front panel. Charged 2/8d. to London + 2d. to Ship´s Captain.

Precio salida: 100 €
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