Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World I Sesión


Martes, 6 febrero 2024
Primera sesión
14.30 h | Lotes 1 -1227

Miércoles, 7 febrero 2024
Segunda sesión
15 h | Lotes 1501 - 1767


1-5 febrero 2024
9.30 – 13.30 / 14.30 – 17.30
Sábados y domingos cerrados

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 9 de febrero

Lote 578

GIBRALTAR. 1830. LISBON to MALTA. Forwarded letter to GIBRALTAR with unrecorded Gibraltar ´Samuel Tassis´ Forwarding Agent endorsement. Red GIBRALTAR arc struck and charged ´6´ on arrival.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 579

GIBRALTAR. 1834. GIBRALTAR to MALTA. Entire letter with black GIBRALTAR/PAID struck in error and so with ´PAID´ crossed through. Charged ´6´ on arrival. VERY RARE, this is the sole recorded erroneous used of the PAID mark in this period.

Lote 580

GIBRALTAR. 1838. GIBRALTAR to ATHENS. Wrapper (side flap removed) to ´Captain Sir Edmund Lyons...´ (the name has been crossed through but has been cleverly restored), with GIBRALTAR/PAID mark and ´8´ manuscript rate. Endorsed ´To the care of the British Consul, Patras´. A VERY RARE destination at this time.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 581

GIBRALTAR. 1848 (July 2). Entire letter to Chudleigh, Devon carried on the ´Euxine´ under Captain Wilson, with Gibraltar despatch cds in black and fine strike of two line ´GIBRALTAR/ SHIP LETTER´ in black. Charged ´8d´. due on receipt with Chudleigh arrival (July 11) on front and London transit on reverse.

Precio salida: 125 €

Lote 582

GIBRALTAR. 1849 (9 mayo). OFICINA POSTAL BRITÁNICA. Envuelta (wrapper) de GIBRALTAR a MARSELLA. Marca arqueada en rojo GIBRALTAR (23 mm) (PE 5) y fechador de llegada OUTRE-MER. PRECIOSA y de gran rareza. Según Geoffry Osborn, no más de 6 conocidas. Cert. BRANDON.

Precio salida: 1.300 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.300 €

Lote 583

GIBRALTAR. 1851 (June 9). Outer letter sheet to Alnwick, Northumberland with fine strike of three line dated ´GIBRALTAR/9 JU 9 1851/ SHIP LETTER´ struck in blue (Day, Month, Day, Year, Type III). Red manuscript ´8´ denoting single rate of 8d. prepaid, reverse with framed ´Liverpool/Ship´ (June 17) and arrival cds. Displays well.

Lote 584

GIBRALTAR. Ed. 48 (4). 1857. GIBRALTAR a CÁDIZ por vía marítima. 4 cuartos rojo tira de cuatro. Mat. a la llegada a Cádiz, fechador GIBRALTAR de doble círculo y ´8´ peniques pagados en metálico en origen para el pago del porte Británico de SHIP LETTER ´Algerie´. MUY RARA combinación de franqueo.

Lote 585

GIBRALTAR. 1859. GIBRALTAR to CADIZ. Endorsed ´Por Vapor Pensamiento´, manuscript ´2´ pence ship letter rate paying in cash and spanish 4 cuartos red paying the local internal rate. Blue GIBRALTAR cds, fine mixed franking cover.

Lote 586

GIBRALTAR. 1861 (March 6). Mixed franking. Entire letter from Gibraltar to Jerez la Frontera endorsed ´por Adriano´ with manuscript ´2´ (pence) Ship Letter charge in red prepaid on departure and franked by Spain 4c. orange on green tied by circular ´3´ numeral of Cadiz. A fine and scarce entire.

Lote 587

GIBRALTAR. 1856-64. SPANISH OVERLAND MAIN. 5 covers franked by 4 cuartos stamps diverse S. ROQUE cds.

Lote 588

GIBRALTAR. 1861. GIBRALTAR to LISBON. Entire letter franked with two GB 2 d. blue stamp, cancelled with A26, endorsed ´pr. Ville de Paris´ (french ship letter). Oval C. EST de N. and 160 reis marks on arrival.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 589

GIBRALTAR. Ed. 96 (3). 1867. GIBRALTAR a FRANCIA. 50 mils castaño tira de tres. Mat. ROMBO DE PUNTOS 1 de Madrid. Carta excepcionalmente no matasellada en San Roque. Al dorso llegada. MUY RARA.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 590

GIBRALTAR. Ed. 96 (3). 1868. GIBRALTAR a CÁDIZ. Circulada con sellos Británicos de 2d. azul. Mat. A26 y fechador GIBRALTAR más tres sellos de 50 mils. castaño matasellados a la llegada con la PARRILLA con la cifra 3 de Cádiz. La vía marítima de Gibraltar a España debía pagar el franqueo Británico (2d. para los Ship Letters y 4d. para los Packet Letters) y el franqueo español de 50 mils. (en este caso triple porte) que era matasellado a la llegada a Cádiz. El porte Británico normalmente era pagado en metálico y las cartas llevaban la indicación del porte manuscrito en el frente. Pieza excepcional y de máxima RAREZA con franqueo mixto ESPAÑOL+BRITÁNICO. ÚNICA CONOCIDA con este sello de 50 mils. Ex Stirrups y Cert. COMEX.

Lote 591

GIBRALTAR. Ed. 98 (2). 1869. Entire letter from GIBRALTAR to CADIZ endorsed ´p. Steamer´ franked by Great Britain 1d. red (2) tied by ´A26´ obliterator in black for Ship Letter fee, with Gibraltar despatch cds (Aug 14) above and Spain 1868 50m. brown lilac vertical pair double rate tied by ´3´ numeral of Cadiz on arrival used in lieu of the normal cash payment for this service. An EXTRAORDINARILY RARE combination usage and only known cover with the 1d. red stamp. Ex collection Prof. Stirrups. Cert. COMEX.

Lote 592

GIBRALTAR. Ed. 107 (4). 1871. GIBRALTAR a GÉNOVA (Italia). 50 mils. azul tira de cuatro. Mat. parrilla 1 de Madrid. Sellos excepcionalmente no matasellados en San Roque. MUY RARO franqueo en carta procedente de Gibraltar. Cert. GRAUS.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 593

GIBRALTAR. 1879 (Dec 5). Cover to ´HMS Alaska´ in Panama, franked by Great Britain 1875 2½d. rosy mauve pl. 16 tied by Gibraltar /A26 duplex. Framed red ´Returned / Deficient Postage´ and franked (over-paid?) by Great Britain 1s. green pl. 13 tied by heavy obliterator cancel in black applied in London. Red London transit (Dec 12) and British P.O. ´Panama´ arrival cds (Jan 23, 1880) in black. A rare and most unusual cover. SG Z26,Z64.

Lote 594

GIBRALTAR. 1886 (Feb. 28). 2 d. G size registered envelope to HAMBURG, bearing 1/2d dull green 1d. red (2) and 2 1/2d. blue cancelled by two strikes of REGISTERED oval ds. The reverse with San Fernando, Madrid and Hamburg cds. A fine and attractive three colour franking.

Precio salida: 700 €

Lote 595

GIBRALTAR. Sg. 22, 27. 1892. GIBRALTAR to GERMANY. 5 cts. green and bisected 40 cts. orange brown, 25 cts. rate to Germany, with A26 duplex cancel. Rare franking but never authorized by the Gibraltar Post Office (SG. + 500£).

Precio salida: 125 €

Lote 596

GIBRALTAR. 1860-1890. Lot of 20 covers.

Precio salida: 400 €

Lote 597

GIBRALTAR. 1897-1902. 5 covers with diverse frankings, two of them with postage due stamps.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 598

COSTA DE ORO. 1855 (July 10). Entire letter written from ´Keta´ (Kwitta) addressed to Bremen ´care of Charles Young Esq., 8 High Street, Islington, London´ with long letter in German carried privately to London. Forwarded Sept 19 in London and endorsed by the Agent ´Via Ostend´, charged 10½d. in sterling to pay and 48gr. in red on receipt. Only 3 entire letters have been recorded by Sacher, this letter listed on page 87. Extremely rare and fine entire of great rarity to both Gold Coast and Bremen philately.

Lote 599

COSTA DE ORO. 1871 (Nov 5). Envelope, embossed seal ´Spero´ on reverse addressed from D. Patrick Chalmers to Edinburgh with superb ´CAPE COAST CASTLE´ code A (Macrae 7), datestamp in black of despatch. Rated ´5´ pence in red manuscript due to G.P.O. for ½ ounce rate. ´Paid / Liverpool / Br. Packet´ cds in red of transit (Nov 29) and reverse with Edinburgh arrival cds. Very scarce: the datestamp in black was used on prepaid letters until Nov. 1871 only; thereafter on unpaid letters. Biro marks at left, nevertheless rare and attractive cover, unlisted by Sacher.

Lote 600

COSTA DE ORO. 1872 (Nov 10). Envelope, crested ´Spero´ on reverse, addressed from Cape Coast Castle to Edinburgh by D. Patrick Chalmers, with superb ´PAID AT CAPE COAST CASTLE´ double ring cds in red (Macrae 8). Rated ´5´ pence in red manuscript due to G.P.O. for ½ ounce rate and ´1´ penny inland. ´Paid / Liverpool / Br. Packet´ cds in red of transit (Dec 2) and reverse with Edinburgh arrival cds. Very scarce: the datestamp was issued to the Colony in October 1871. Biro marks at left, nevertheless rare and attractive cover.

Lote 601

COSTA DE ORO. 1885 (Nov 21). Cover with printed reverse ´Basel Mission Factory, Addah´ to Beilstein, Germany franked by March 1885 4d. deep mauve tied by heavy strike of ´Addah Seal´ handstamp in black (ink has left traces of tropicalisation), Addah cds, code C, at left in black and Accra transit Nov 22. ´3´ (pence to G.P.O.) and ´1´ accountancy marks in red crayon. Red ´Paid / Liverpool / Br. Packet´ cds at left (Dec 15) and arrival on reverse. Late usage of this cancel, the only known on a Crown CA 4d. cover. SG 16.

Precio salida: 1.200 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.200 €

Lote 602

COSTA DE ORO. Sc. 39. 1887 (Nov. 10). Cover to REILSTEIN (Germany) from the ´Basel Mission Factory´ in ADDAH (Gold Coast), with cachet on reverse and manuscript ´Addah Nov 10, 1887´ at upper left, struck with framed AUS / WESTAFRIKA in black and franked by 1880 Germany 10pf. rose red strip of four all tied by transit datestamps of Hamburg (Dec 8). A rare and appealing cover.

Lote 603

COSTA DE ORO. 1890 (April 27). Woerman Line cover endorsed from Accra to Hamburg with Germany 1885 20pf. ultramarine tied by bold ´Aus West-Africa / mit / Hamburger Dampfer´ in black. Ottensen arrival cds on reverse of fine cover.

Lote 604

COSTA DE ORO. 1894 (1 Feb.). ACCRA to HAMBURG (Germany) blue linen-backed envelope from ACCRA to HAMBURG, Germany, marked ´Accra 1/2 94´ and ´33Gr.´ in red ink and bearing 1880-87, 5 pf. purple vertical pair and 1899-1900 10 pf. rose-carmine (5) cancelled with several framed AUS/WESTAFRIKA h.s. (G4) with a further superb strike alongside, arrival c.d.s. (27.2) on reverse; a scarce and attractive franking. Ex. J. L. Castillejo y J. Sacher.

Lote 605

COSTA DE ORO. 1897 (Dec 6). ASHANTI EXPEDITION 1897-1900 CAMPAIGN. Cover addressed to Captain de Salis at Lagos, franked at Officer´s rate by 1884 ½d. dull green (5) all tied by ´KUMASI / GOLD COAST´ cds´s. Reverse with Cape Coast transit Dec 13 cds and ´Lagos / W. Africa´ cds (Dec 23). Readdressed to Portsmouth with eventual arrival cds Jan 29, 1898. A fine and scarce cover.

Lote 606

COSTA DE ORO. Sc. 48. 1900 (July 13). Cover endorsed ´Per S.S. Maria Woermann´ to DRESDEN (Germany) endorsed at upper left ´Winnebah 13/7 1900, 7gr.´ franked by 1888 Germany 10pf. carmine pair tied by framed AUS / WESTAFRIKA handstamp in black. Reverse with arrival cds (11/8) and sender´s purple cachet. Rare.

Lote 607

GRANADA. 1858 (Sept 25). Entire letter to LONDON franked by Great Britain 1856 6 d. lilac tied by bold strike of A15 Grenada obliterator in black with LONDON red arrival cds (Oct 15) on reverse. Scarce entire. SG Z4.

Lote 608

GRANADA. 1905-40. 3 postage due cards.

Lote 609

HONG KONG. 1850 (Jan 30). Entire letter from HONG KONG to PARIS via Marseille, reverse with HONG KONG cds in black and obverse with good strike of PAID AT HONG KONG Crown Circle in red. Prepaid 1sh. in manuscript and charged 10 decimes due on receipt (March 21).

Lote 610

HONG KONG. 1863. Cover with manuscript endorsement on front from HONG KONG, struck on reverse with HONG KONG single ring datestamp (July 11) in black. Framed GB/1F 62 4/10 Anglo-French accountancy handstamp in black with Marseille entry mark (Aug 26) in red. Bolsuard arrival cds in red on reverse of a fine cover.

Lote 611

HONG KONG. 1906-48. Lot of 7 covers with diverse frankings.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 612

INDIA. 1857. HYDERABAD to ANNAN (Scotland). An open out envelope franked with block of twelve of 1/2 anna blue tied by numeral ´96´ of Bombay and redirected with Great Britain 1d. red. Espectacular and RARE redirected franking.

Lote 613

INDIA. 1881. SIALKOT to PARIS. 1/2 anna blue and 4 annas grey green, on back local stamp of KASHMIR 1 anna red. Rare combination franking on cover to overseas.

Lote 614

INDIA. 1886. KASHMIR to AMRITSAR. 1 anna brown and 2 annas orange with three local stamps of KASHMIR on REGISTERED cover. RARE mixed franking.

Lote 615

INDIA. 1861-1930. Lot of 30 covers.

Precio salida: 800 €
VENDIDO POR: 2.200 €

Lote 616

INDIA. HYDERABAD. Lot of 13 covers.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 617

KENIA. 1910-30. KENYA, UGANDA, TANGANIKA. Lot of 15 covers with diverse frankings.

Lote 618

JAMAICA. 1845 (May 20). Long entire letter written from MT. HERMAN (Jamaica) to FERNANDO POO, struck on reverse with RODNEY HALL / JAMAICA datestamp (May 22) in black. Obverse with superb JAMAICA / PAID datestamp in red (May 23) and endorsed ´1/2d.´ in red manuscript. Framed London tombstone arrival in red (June 20) and the entire forwarded outside the Mails to Reverend John Clarke in Fernando Poo. RARE and very fine entire.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 619

JAMAICA. 1867. Cover to PARIS sent unpaid struck on reverse with KINGSTON / JAMAICA cds of despatch; sent via London where cds (Dec 18) in red applied with framed GB / 2F accountancy markings in black. Charged 10 decimes in black on arrival.

Lote 620

JAMAICA. 1874 (Aug 8). Entire letter at double rate from Kingston to Jacmel, Haiti on Steamer Elbe, with manuscript ´8´ in red (double Inter-island rate) bearing 1870-83 4d. brown-orange and 6d. mauve tied by ´AO1´ obliterators. Kingston cds of despatch on reverse. A rare entire. SG 11,12.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 621

JAMAICA. 1868-1917. Lot of 4 covers with diverse frankings.

Lote 622

**/* LABUAN. Sg. 34. 1891-92. 6 cents. on 8 cents. deep violet, sheet of Ten. Light toned gum and minor surface age stains. Cert. R.P.S.Stanley Gibbons +2.000£.

Lote 623

LABUAN. 1894-98. 2 postal stationary cards.

Lote 624

LAGOS. 1874 (7-Dec.). Envelope ex de ´BAILEY´ correspondence registered to WOLVERHAMPTON, bearing 4 d. carmine and 6 d. blue-green both centrally cancelled by LAGOS/B. cds., showing red crayon ´5´ over ´2/7´, PAID/LIVERPOOL/BR. PACKET/5A cds. (8.1), REGISTERED/LIVERPOOL double-ring d.s. and, on reverse, straight-line REGISTERED LETTER h.s., all struck in red; the envelope with central vertical fold and scissor-cut alongside the 6 d. A neat and attractive franking. Ex. J. R. DANSON.

Lote 625

LEVANTE: CORREO INGLES. 1876-1910. Lot of 4 covers with diverse frankings.

Precio salida: 150 €
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