Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World I Sesión


Martes, 6 febrero 2024
Primera sesión
14.30 h | Lotes 1 -1227

Miércoles, 7 febrero 2024
Segunda sesión
15 h | Lotes 1501 - 1767


1-5 febrero 2024
9.30 – 13.30 / 14.30 – 17.30
Sábados y domingos cerrados

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 9 de febrero

Lote 1106

PUERTO RICO. Ed. 116 (2), 117. 1897. S. JUAN a BUENOS AIRES. 1 mils. castaño (2) y 2 mils. verde amarillo, mat. lineal FRANCO. Rara tarifa de IMPRESOS y rara destinación.

Precio salida: 125 €

Lote 1107

PUERTO RICO. 1905. Entero Postal de 5 mils. carmín circulada en BARBADOS con sello adicional de 1/2 p. verde, al dorso llegada. MUY INTERESANTE.

Lote 1108

PUERTO RICO. 1905-09. 2 covers US Occupation.

Precio salida: 75 €

Lote 1109

RUSIA. 1866. MOSCU to ENGLAND. 1k. (3), 3k., 5k. (2) and 10k. Fine four-colour franking, light file fold affecting one stamp.

Lote 1110

RUSIA. 1870. BERDIANSK to GENOVA. Via Odessa, taxed on arrival with two italian stamps of 50 cts.

Lote 1111

RUSIA. Sc. 19, 20, 28. 1876. Cover from ROSTOV to MEERUT (India) franked on front and back of cover with 1866-70 1k. black & deep yellow (3), 3k. black & green and 1875-82 8k. grey & red (2) all tied by ROSTOV cds in black. Reverse with nine datestamps including ´Sea Post Office-F´ (Sept 22) and Meerut arrival cds (Oct 8). A charming and rare cover to a most unusual destination.

Lote 1112

RUSIA. 1888 (Aug 25). Cover to Berlin franked by 1880 20 pf. blue tied by SARATOV (Russia) cds. Repeated strike below and arrival on reverse of an unusual cover. Slight toning around perfs. of stamp, nevertheless rare. Scott 40.

Lote 1113

RUSIA. Sg. 38, 41. 1923 (June 26). GEORGIA. Registered cover to BERLIN franked on reverse with 1923 hand-surcharged in violet 15´000 on 2´000r. bluish slate (2) and 80´000 on 3´000r. brown (4) all tied by TIFLIS 5 cds´s. Minor opening tears but a SCARCE cover in correct period of usage.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 1114

LEVANTE: CORREO RUSO. Mi. 19, 21. 1874 (Dec. 30). Small envelope to FRANCE franked by Russian Levant 1872 3k. green (Mi. 7) and Russia 3k. black & green and 10k. blue & brown all cancelled by CONSTANTINOPLE  datestamps in blue and by light Odessa transit. ERQUELINES-PARIS entry marking in blue (Jan 18, 1875 gregorian) and Lyon cds on reverse. A dramatic and extremely rare mixed franking.

Lote 1115

LEVANTE: CORREO RUSO. 1874. Cover to CHIOS, franked with pair 3 kop green (Mi 7), tied by blue KONSTANTINOPOL datestamp, with additional strike alongside. A very fine and colorful cover.

Precio salida: 100 €

Lote 1116

SALVADOR. (1800 ca.). Envuelta circulada a GUATEMALA. Marca FRANQUEADO/EN SANTA ANA. MUY RARA.

Lote 1117

SALVADOR. (1800 ca.). Sobre circulado a COJUTEPEQUE. Marca SAN SALVADOR (Tizón nº 2). RARÍSIMA.

Lote 1118

SALVADOR. 1806 (13 febrero). SONSONATE a GUATEMALA. Marca SON/SONATE en negro. Rara en carta completa con texto.

Lote 1119

SALVADOR. 1809. AHUACHAPAN a NUEVA GUATEMALA. Marca AHUACHAPA en negro. Rarísima en carta completa.

Lote 1120

SALVADOR. (1811 ca.). Envuelta circulada a GUATEMALA. Marca S. SALVADOR (Tizón nº 3).

Lote 1121

SALVADOR. 1862. SAN MIGUEL (Salvador) a NICE. Circulada via Panamá y Londres, marca de intercambio GB/2F87 5/10c. Al dorso indicación manuscrita ´decacheteé pour fausse indicación´ y firma del cartero. RARA marca de intercambio en carta procedente del Salvador.

Lote 1122

SALVADOR. 1863-65. 2 covers to USA with FRANCO mark red and black.

Lote 1123

SALVADOR. 1874 (Feb 25). Entire letter from SUCITOTO to NEW YORK (Lanman & Kemp correspondence) franked by handstamped ´Contrasello-1874´ in black on 1r. red of 1867, cancelled by BLUE DOTTED obliterator with SAN SALVADOR cds alongside. Fine strike of New York/Due 10/U.S. Currency in black of arrival (April 2). A very rare stamp on letter. Scott 10.

Precio salida: 500 €

Lote 1124

SALVADOR. 1876. LA UNIÓN a BORDEAUX. Carta enviada por el PRESIDENTE DEL SALVADOR y circulada sin sellos por disponer al Presidente de Franquicia Postal. Al dorso etiqueta de cierre EL PRESIDENTE DE LA REPÚBLICA DEL SALVADOR, al lado fechador LA UNIÓN / SALVADOR. Circulada vía Panamá a Inglaterra, tasada a la llegada T 1-70 y 29 décimas.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 1125

SALVADOR. 1883. ACAJUTLA a LONDRES. 1 ctvo. verde y 5 ctvos. azul (2). Carta circulada por MENSAJERIA PRIVADA y depositada directamente al barco, sellos matasellados en tránsito en NEW YORK. Probablemente UNICA CONOCIDA.

Lote 1126

SALVADOR. Sc. 13,15(2). 1886. LA UNION a FRANCIA. 1 ctvo. verde y 5 ctvos azul (2). MAGNIFICA.

Lote 1127

SERBIA. 1844 (30 Oct.). Entire letter from ALEKSINAC with cyrillic straight line handstamp on black and NAPLACEN (Post Paid) handstamp below; mailed to SEBENICO (Dalmatia) via Austrian P.O. with fine 27 NOV/BELGRAD handstamp on black (manuscript 12 kreuzer charge). Thence via Quarantine Station at SEMLIN with NETTO DI FUORA E DI DENTRO handstamp on reverse and red wax seals of disinfection. AN EXTREMELY RARE and fine entire. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1128

° SERBIA. Mi. 8. 1866. 2 pa. reddish copper brown on lilac blue, plate position 8, cancelled by boxed NAPLACENO. One of the very few examples known with original cancellation. Ex. P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1129

SERBIA. Mi. 2. 1866 (31-8). BEOGRAD to SMEDEREVO. 20 pa. rose Wien printing. VERY FINE.

Lote 1130

SERBIA. Mi. 5x. 1868. NERESNICA. Folded letter franked by 20 pa. rose tied by manuscript PLACENO from NERESNICA. Fine and very rare. Ex P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 1131

SERBIA. Mi. 5x, 6x (3). 1868 (17-May). SABAC. Entire letter franked by 20 pa. rose and 40 pa. ultramarine strip of three. Cancelled by oval NAPLACENO in blue. Very rare and outstanding 140 paras franking. Cert. V. KARDOSCH and J. VELICKOVIC.

Precio salida: 2.500 €
VENDIDO POR: 2.500 €

Lote 1132

° SERBIA. Mi. 10Bb. 1868. 2 pa. red brown, tied by BEOGRAD cds. Light paper transparency at upper right, scissor cut in top margin outside design. Fresh colour and good appearance. A major rarity. Less than ten used stamps are recorded. Ex P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1133

* SERBIA. Mi. 6y (4). 1868. 40 pa. ultramarine ordinary paper, block of four with some hinge re-inforcements. Usual gum crease.Michel 1,28.

Lote 1134

SERBIA. Mi. 10Aa var. 1867. 2 pa. yellow brown, variety ´F´ inverted instead of ´E´ (plate pops. 36). Fine and VERY RARE. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1135

SERBIA. Mi. 1 (2). 1867 (3 March). OBRENOVACKE to BEOGRAD. Entire letter franked with two singles 10 pa. ochre tied by boxed NAPLACENO. On reverse BEOGRAD arrival cds. Outstanding and very rare. No more of four covers known with this stamp. Ex P. Bordtbeck.

Precio salida: 4.000 €
VENDIDO POR: 4.200 €

Lote 1136

SERBIA. Mi. 3, 4x (2). 1867 (3 July). ALEKSINAK to GRAGUJEVAC. Entire letter franked with two single BELGRADE PRINTING 10 pa. ochre and VIENNA PRINTING 40 pa. blue, cancelled by boxed NAPLACENO and PREPORUCENO. An outstanding mixed franking Vienna and Belgrade printings. UNIQUE KNOWN. Cert. V. KARDOSCH and J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1137

SERBIA. Mi. 4x (2), 6x (2). 1868 (II-X). NEGOTIN to BELGRADE. Entire letter franked with a pair of 10 pa. deep orange and two singles 40 pa. ultramarine, tied by straight line NAPLACENO and adjacent NEGOTIN cds on registered letter with delivery notification. BEOGRAD arrival cds on reverse. Outstanding letter, one of the most important entires of Serbian Philately. Ex collection P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1138

SERBIA. Mi. 37/I, 38/I. 1868 (6 Feb.). Outer letter sheet from BELGRADE to VIENNA, sent registered, franked by Austria 1867 5 kr. red and 10 kr. blue tied by very fine strike of BELGRAD cds in black with straight line RECOM alongside. A magnificent and rare cover. Cert. FERCHENBAUER.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 1139

SERBIA. Mi. 17IB var., 12IC, 16IC (2). (1869 CA.). FRONT ONLY. POZEGA to UZICE. 40 pa. purple bisected, perf. 9 1/2 with 10 pa. brown and two 35 pa. green all with perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by boxed NAPLACENO and PROPORUCENO with POZEGA departure cds. An outstanding tricolour franking. UNIQUE combination known of 100 para rate. Ex collection P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1140

SERBIA. Mi. 13IC, 14IC. 1870 (18 Feb.). BELGRADE to WIEN. 15 pa. yellow and 20 pa. blue all perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by BEOGRAD cds. WIEN arrival cancel on reverse. Ex Sir John Wilson and P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Precio salida: 250 €

Lote 1141

SERBIA. Mi. 12IA, 15IC. 1870 (25 Oct.). BELGRADE to WIEN. 10 pa. brown perf. 12 and 25 pa. rose perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by BEOGRAD. WIEN arrival cds. on reverse. Ex Sir John Wilson and P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1142

SERBIA. Mi. 17IB var. 1870 (15 March). IVANJILA to CACAK. 40 pa. purple perf. 9 1/2 x 12 vertical right half bisected, tied by boxed NAPLACENO and IVANJICA departure cds. RARE. Ex P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1143

SERBIA. Mi. 12IB, 13IB. 1870 (19 April). BELGRADE to PEST (Hungary). 10 pa. brown perf. 9 1/2 and 15 pa. yellow perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by BEOGRAD cds. PEST arrival cds. on reverse. Very rare franking, only a very few known. Ex P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Precio salida: 200 €

Lote 1144

SERBIA. Mi. 12ID. 1871 (4 June). ARANDJELOVAL to KRAGUJEVAL. Two stamps of 10 pa. brown perf. 12 x 9 1/2. VERY RARE. One of the two multiple frankings recorded with this rare perforation. Ex John Wilson and P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Precio salida: 300 €

Lote 1145

SERBIA. Mi. 12IB. 1871. BELGRADE to OSIJEK (Essex, Hungary). Newspaper franked by 10 pa. brown perf. 9 1/2, tied by BEOGRAD cds. RARE. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1146

SERBIA. Mi. 18Ic. 1872 (Jan 28). Registered cover from KARANOVATZ bearing fine usage of 1869 50 pa. green pair (perf. 9 1/2 x 12) cancelled by fine strikes of framed Paid handstamps in blue (Preporucen) with cds of despatch alongside. Reverse with arrival cds in black. A scarce franking and very fine. Scott 24.

Lote 1147

SERBIA. Mi. 12ID, 15IC, 14IIA (2). 1872 (27 Aug.). BELGRADE to VIENA. 10 pa. brown perf, 12 x 9 1/2 (rare), 25 pa. rose perf. 9 1/2 x 12 and second printing 20 pa. blue perf. 12, tied by BEOGRAD cds. UNIQUE FRANKING COMBINATION adding up to 75 para rate for Registered letter to Austria. OUTSTANDING. Ex P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Precio salida: 1.500 €
VENDIDO POR: 1.900 €

Lote 1148

SERBIA. Mi. 12ID, 15IC. 1872 (20 Aug.). BELGRADE to WIEN. 10 pa. brown perf 12 x 9 1/2 (very rare) and 25 pa. rose perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by BEOGRAD cds. WIEN arrival cds. on reverse. Ex Sir John Wilson. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1149

SERBIA. Mi. 17IC (2), 14IIA (2). 1873 (26 Oct.). KNJAZEVAC to IVANOVAL. Two second printing 20 pa. blue stamps perf. 12 and two 40 pa. purple stamps perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by KNJAZEVAC cds. in blue. Very rare franking for a 120 para rate. Ex Sir John Wilson and P. Brodtbeck. Cert. K. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1150

Δ SERBIA. Mi. 14IIIA (7). (1874 CA.). Third printing 20 pa. blue, pair and strip of five, perf. 12 on piece, tied by CACAK cds. and straight line NAPACENO. A very rare franking for a 140 para rate.

Precio salida: 150 €

Lote 1151

SERBIA. Mi. 13IA. 1875 (10 Nov.). BELGRADE to PRAG. 15 pa. yellow perf. 12 vertical pair. NICE and RARE FRANKING. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Lote 1152

SERBIA. 1875 (20 Aug.). DANUBE STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Official printed cover from the DDSG Offices in BELGRADE with endorsement ´Porofrei´ at lower left corner, via Zimony (22/8) and addressed to NAGY BECSKEREK (24/8) with black cds´s of each and superb strike of DDSG Roman dated BELGRAD/21/VIII cds. in blue on reverse (Tchilinghirian fig. 670). An outstanding strike of this rare marking in excellent quality. Cert. PUSCHMANN.

Lote 1153

SERBIA. Mi. 15IID (4), 14IIIA. 1877 (28 May). BELGRADE to POZAREVAC. Third printing 20 pa. blue perf. 12 and four singles second printing 25 pa. rose perf. 12 x 9 1/2, tied by KNJAZ. SPR. POSTA V. BEOGRADU. Rare mixed franking. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC.

Precio salida: 250 €
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